Free Improv Drop In Workshop
Sunday, March 31st from 2:30-4:30pm

Interested in taking an improv class but not sure you are ready to commit?
Second Beat is now offering a free intro to improv drop in workshop.
Instructed by: Laurie Shellenbarger
No registration needed

Invite your friends to our event!

2x2x2 Log Roll Improv Jam
2 randomly selected improvisers
2 teams go head to head
2 minutes each
Play multiple times with multiple people. 
Free to play.
Free to watch.
Free to have fun.

Every Second Saturday at 8:30pm
Net Show Saturday, April 13th 
Improv Triple Play

3 Teams improvise with a suggestion from the audience

Saturdays at 7pm
Tickets: $10 

Reserve your tickets
Intro to the Vertical Harold

Instructor: Laurie Shellenbarger and Camille Hartmetz
Date: Sunday, March 24th
Time: 2:30-5:30pm
Price: $25
Class size: 10

Check the website for more details and to register

Register today!
Register for a class in 2019
Wednesday, April  10th from 6:30-9:30pm

In this class students will learn the fundamental tools necessary for improv. They will learn the benefits of working as an ensemble by building skills in collaboration, support, listening and saying yes to the possibilities of anything.

Register today!

Improv Drop In
Mondays in April at 6:30pm

Cost: $10 each week
No registration needed just show up 
Work with different instructors each week.

Finished classes and looking for some extra improv reps without the commitment? These weekly workshops will run scenes and exercises to improve your improv skills. 

April 1st - Liz Hutchman
April 8th - Stacey Hanlon
April 15th - Jennifer Lynn Giralo
April 22nd - Jacque Arend
April 29th - Amy Carpenter

Reserve a spot!

Solo workshop with Kim Porter
Every Sunday from 6:30-9:30pm
$15 per session

Do you need something meaningful to do between acting gigs? Do you have a story you are itching to tell? Let award-winning writer/performer Kim Porter help you make that happen at the Solo Workshop.

This workshop is designed to help participants generate new material, support projects already in development, and offer accountability in a relaxed and generous small group environment.

The Solo Workshop is designed to meet the participant where they are and is therefore ideal for both beginners and established writer-performers.

Because the Solo Workshop is employing an on-going, drop-in model for participation, artists can work at their own pace and budget.

For more information about the Solo Workshop contact Kim Porter at

Featured Performer: Raphael Robbins
Raphael registered for his first improv work after a celebrity responded to him on Twitter and he couldn't think of a good comeback. Since then he has been regularly performing for the last five years. A few national influences of his Harold Ramis, Andy Kaufman, John Belushi and Gene Wilder to name a few. Locally he has been inspired by Jacque, Sam, Stacey, Liz and Mack along with his teams Plunk! and Adult Bakery.
Raphael prefers grounded , patient scenes that organically shifts into absurdity. He also enjoys the Deconstruction. He feels everything creative starts with improv and loves that the performers are discovering themselves and their world at the same time as the audience. An interesting fact about Raphael is that he owns an accordian. 

Favorite quote/advice from a coach/instructor: 
 Raphael didn't have any specific quote or advice.

You can see Raphael perform with:
Plunk! every 1st Saturday
Featured team every third Saturday



Cast: Chris Hooper, Eric Storie, Rick Grove, Sam Haldiman, and Sara Palmer, with accompanist Chad Michael Lawson

The Displacers have been performing the long-form signature format the Harold for five years. They perform with a high energy and create a rich cast of characters that will keep you talking about their show for days. It's no use trying to explain the show to a friend. Tell them they just need to be there.

Slack Jam

3 randomly selected improvisers
3 minutes each

Enjoy this fast paced jam.
Don't get comfortable sitting down. You'll be up again before you know it.

Every fourth Saturday at 8:30pm
Next Show Saturday. March 23rd

Skewed News Hour!

You pick the news we pick it apart

Every 3rd Friday at 7pm
Tickets: $7

Reserve your tickets
Deconstruction Workshop
Using the Deconstruction form we will explore position play and how the different types of scenes can increase your improv tools for scene work and performance. We will explore; grounded, realistic scenes, peas in a pod, character driven thematic scenes, straight/absurd, commentary scenes, creating a run of fast callbacks and connections, as well as heightening relationships to fulfill an arc of your show. You will walk away from this class with insight to understanding what kind of scene you are in so you can work with your partners to build on the most interesting and dynamic material. You will exercise your muscles for fun, playful ensemble work while seeing the bigger picture to create more cohesive performances overall. This class is for skill building and does not include a performance. Class size is limited. 

Date: Sunday, April 14th 1-5pm
Saturday, April 20th 2:30-5:30pm
Saturday, April 27th 2:30-5:30pm
Sunday, April 28th 1-5pm
Price: $140

Register today!
Students who have taken deconstruction with Jacque should email 
to go on standby for a spot. 
Have a show idea you want to produce?

Friday nights are open for your programming desires. These shows are not limited to improv and can be anything ranging from stand up, music, sketch or whatever you would like to put up. 

If you have a show proposal put it together and submit it.
All submissions will be considered.

Submit your show idea
Be a part of the experience.
Submit your team for the April schedule.

Submission form
Register your team for the Pigtails Tournament

Have a team and want a chance for some extra stage time or a group you have been wanting to play with and want to see if you have the chemistry to be the next big thing? 

Submit your team for the next round of Pigtails Tournament.

Thursday, April 4th three teams will compete for the audience vote. The winning team will be invited back to defend their title the following month. To submit enter your team information through our team availability form..

Submit your team
Shortform Speakeasy 
Featured Performer: Rachel Tullio
Rachel started taking classes in 2011 but feels improv has always been in her life, especially with her dad growing up. Comedy has always been a big factor in her life watchs anything from sitcoms, sketch, variety and more. Performers like Lucille Ball, Gilda Radner, Carol Burnett to name a few shaped her concept of comedy at a young age.
Rachel doesn't feel she has a specific style or format that she plays because improv is a journey that by nature will change itself. She enjoys playing with absurdity and emotion and enjoys finding a theme that subtly threads it way through the show. She f eels an improv performance can be therapeutic and freeing and loves that it''s an environment that supports listening. Did you know she also drove a pea viner as a summer job in high school? 

Favorite quote/advice from a coach/instructor:
Stop wasting time on stupid boys - Jill Bernard

You can see Rachel perform with:
New Heart every 4th Saturday
Featured team every third Saturday

Birds and Broads


Cast: Jacque Arend and Liz Hutchman

Starting as a one-night-only performance, Birds & Broads have now been performing together for four years. They focus on a single location scene, creating a strong relationship at the top after which they may or may not explore the other rich characters who inhabit that space. Their shows bounce from being utterly hilarious to edge-of-your-seat engaging.

Copyright © 2019 Second Beat Improv Theater, All rights reserved.

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