Community in the Era of Trump
Selflessness and Giving

6 Mar 2019
It would be wrong to blame Trump for our state of cultural selfishness. He is certainly the epitome of this decades-old trend and has elevated selfishness to new dizzying heights. But selfishness is nothing new to American culture. The reality is that this new world selfishness is eroding any sense of community and selflessness that we may have left.
Hippie communes of the 60s and so-called intentional communities that have followed should have set a tone for greater community and helping our neighbors without needing anything in return. But what has happened – and it started 50+ years ago – is that we’ve so deeply embraced the myth of the great American Independent that the “Me” generation’s attitude of the 70s is laughable in comparison to today’s “fuck you, me first” attitude that pervades America.
We all need to make a living, there’s no doubt about that. And we should be fairly compensated for our efforts – especially those that live and work in realms that are normally not well compensated. Yet compensation can come in many different forms, not just financial. And this is where community and selflessness comes in. We need to rediscover the strength and compassion that comes from living  in a way where we are paid for the work the work that we do but also find ways to give back and contribute to the greater good of the planet.
Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Physics states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” And in the Age of Trump, the selfishness and self-centeredness he promotes so viscerally every day needs to be countered with selflessness and giving of an equal or greater energy. Bhakti yoga is the yoga path of devotion and giving and has been called “love for love's sake.” In other words, through devotion to community anyone should give without expecting something back. And through the selflessness of devotion, you get everything.
For some this can be volunteering at a homeless shelter or providing free community medical assistance. For others, it can be providing leadership and direction to those in the midst of massive life changes. For those in the food business, it may be donating excess crops or food to those in need. For farmers it can be helping in a barn raising or sharing in the cost of expensive equipment. Selfless giving can come in many forms. Regardless of the form, we must all find a way to give back and counteract the vicious attitudes comes from many in America’s culture. We don’t necessarily need to resurrect the communes of the 60s, but we do need to resurrect the impetus for those communities and live and act for each other selflessly and with love for all beings (even our enemies). What are you doing to promote community and selfless giving?
6 April - The Promise of Biodynamics (Warwick, NY)

25-26 May - The Promise of Biodynamics (Trumansburg, NY)

15 June - 9th Annual Herbal Hoedown (Trumansburg, NY)

10 August - Biodynamic Workshop: Focus on the Preps (HJ Wiemer)

Look here for other upcoming
Know Your Roots 
orchards and herbs events and workshops. 
The Promise of Biodynamics - 2019
25-26 May 2019, 9am-3pm 
Know Your Roots, 6031 Brook Road, Trumansburg, NY
* Last year we discussed the Promise of Biodynamics broadly as it applies to orchards and vineyards. This year we’ll delve deeper into specific practices and aspects, including the planetary influences on plant and preps, the nature of a closed system farm, and energy systems. Of course, we will cover the basics on Day 1 to give everyone a background on the history and practices of biodynamics. However, we will quickly move to a detailed discussion of specific concepts and practices. This year’s course will be divided into two days and lunch will NOT be provided as part of the cost.

COST: $100 for both days, includes cost of all materials.
For more information: or call 845-674-5124

The Promise of Biodynamics – 2019
6 Apr 2019, 9am-3pm
Midsummer Farm, 156 Ridge Rd E, Warwick, NY 10990
* Last year we discussed the Promise of Biodynamics broadly as it applies to orchards and vineyards. This year we’ll delve deeper into specific practices and aspects, including the planetary influences on plant and preps, the nature of a closed system farm, and energy systems. Of course, we will cover the basics to give everyone a background on the history and practices of biodynamics. However, we will quickly move to a detailed discussion of specific concepts and practices.

For more information or to register: or call (845) 986-9699
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