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Kotlin Weekly Newsletter #135

Hello from 🇪🇸Kotliners! March has already started, and we are looking forward to more learning during this month.

This newsletter is sponsored by Pusher. If you want to learn about how to build products with Realtime features, this is the link you want to check. Now grab your coffee or tea, and start learning more Kotlin.

Adopting Kotlin and Functional Programming with Shelby Cohen (
Hadi Hariri talks in this new episode with Shelby Cohen about adoption of Kotlin on the server-side, combined with functional programming. Shelby talks about some of the challenges faced and how they learn and pace their adoption.

Dealing with absence of value (
As a follow up to his previous article on Nullability, Roman Elizarov has written about different approaches to dealing with an absence of value in programming languages, a topic where Kotlin helped to solve the billion dollar mistake.

Marathon, Chapter 1 ( 
Anton Malinskiy has published Marathon, a cross-platform test runner written for Android and iOS projects. Absolutely stunning job. 

Kotlin : When if-else is too mainstream (
Garima Jain has been playing with extension functions and infix keyword to move if-else to the next level, the if-elze. Check out the article to learn how to achieve it.

Moshi Polymorphic Adapter & Sealed Classes (
Britt Barak shares with us how to use Moshi Polymorphic Adapter with Retrofit to convert Kotlin sealed classes to and from JSON.

Migrating to new Places SDK: Rx & Coroutines world (
Take some lessons on how migrating to the newest Places SDK forced a few changes in the code base, that were actually solved using RxJava and Coroutines.

How to create a REST API client and its integration tests in Kotlin Multiplatform (
In this post, you will learn how to create a multiplatform library that contains a REST API client and also how to create tests that allow to validate the integration with the remote service and run them over JVM and the iOS emulator.

Simpler Kotlin class hierarchies using class delegation (
Composition > inheritance. But sometimes a class hierarchy can be useful to model the data in an application, if used with attention it can simplify the code and avoid duplication without increasing the complexity. Learn how to achieve simpler Kotlin class hierarchies using class delegation.


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If you want to submit an article for the next issue, please do also drop us an email.

Thanks to JetBrains for their support!

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