Make a more efficient use of higher education data. The ETER Techblog and documentation
Do you want to produce directly charts and visualizations of higher education data data in real-time? Are you importing data regularly into statistical software to analyze higher education and you would like to automatize the process as much as possible?
The ETER technical documentation now provides explanations and resources, including ready-made code, in order to perform these steps ( Automatizing will spare time and allow you to use always the most recent version of the database, as ETER data are constantly being improved and checked over time.
The technical documentation currently provides following utilities (see figure 1):
  • Detailed explanations on how to import the ETER data into the most used statistical software, i.e. Stata, SPSS and R, and to perform some basic preliminary operations like correctly coding numerical variables and missing values. The instructions are accompanied by a ready-made syntax for import and data handling that you can execute in the statistical software of your choice.
  • Instructions on how to recall data from the ETER database through an Advanced Programming Interface (API). API allows you to extract data from the database without visiting the web interface; retrieved data can be directly imported into your application or website, for example to display charts based on ETER.
The advantage of this procedure is that you are able to retrieve the latest version of the ETER data, which are constantly updated and extended. This approach is for example used by the Higher Education Institutions Knowledge Hub hosted by the Joint research Center of the European Commission (
Figure 1. The ETER Techblog

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