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The John Ross Chapter Newsletter

Hello to all my fellow Arrowmen!

This is Niko, your new Chapter Chief for the John Ross Area, and I want to take minute to introduce myself before I dive into the event announcements. I have been in Scouting since 2011 when I started in Pack 3002 as a Webelos. I earned my Arrow of Light, and crossed over into Troop 224, where I am a member of the Honey Badgers Patrol. I have held many different positions over the years, but currently serve as the ASPL of Program and the OA Unit Representative. I am active in Crew 2024, and am the Vice President of Communications in the CAC VOA. I became an Arrowman at Spring Ordeal in 2016 and was elected as your Chapter Chief in November of this past year. I am excited to bring some fresh ideas to the OA, and to the John Ross Chapter, and I hope to meet all of you soon!

Since this is my first newsletter, I have not yet collected all of the guys and leaders that should be on this list to stay informed. You can tell others that you know are in the John Ross Chapter of the Order of the Arrow about this new information mailing, and they can sign up to get it too at this link, at the bottom of the page: Newsletter Sign Up.

Upcoming Events

My brothers, we are in full swing in our busiest time of the year; there are several upcoming events that we are very excited for. So I need to make sure I encourage you all to pay your dues if you have not already! You must pay your dues if you want to attend our events. So pay your dues soon!
Here are the events for March 2019
We have our first chapter meeting at the District Roundtable on March 11th. The meeting location is at Fort Oglethorpe United Methodist Church, 1733 Battlefield Pkwy, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 at 6:30PM. The OA conducts the opening Flag Ceremony, and I make a few announcements, then we break away from the rest and go to our own meeting. Dinner will be provided.

This month we will be going over the Call Out Ceremony and ways to let the boys who are eligible for OA know that it is more than the callout and Ordeal. They will be expected to be involved, go to meetings, do cheerful service, and promote camping within the troop. We lead by example, so I hope to see you there.
Scout Service Center
March 21st
OA Social
John Ross Camporee
The Highland Games
Saturday March 23rd
(more info coming soon)
OA Beaver Day
March 30th, 2019
Skymont Scout Reservation
243 Talidandaganu Rd, Altamont, Tennessee 37301
Click the title to be taken to the Facebook Event Page

“A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.”

― Robert Baden-Powell
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