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This Month at Better Relating... A Living Intention

March is here, and every day, I wake up to new signs of spring here in Sweden. Although we set intentions for the new year, we might have lost sight of them. Will you join me this month in a little “spring” cleaning? Together, we can dust off our intentions, and breathe some life back into them for the rest of this still-new year.

What are the key elements of living an intention?

  1. Intention fuels your potential. Think of intention as your road map for the territory of your life. It is how you become Self driven.
  2. Intention is felt in your body. When you hit on your intentions you feel positive, excited and even passionate. It feels like a YES!
  3. Intention maps what is important. When you are living on a road of intention, you know what “landmarks” to watch out for — and you feel when you are following it.
  4. Intention deserves your full attention. Look for the possibility of the experience you are in. Focus your attention towards experiences that feel right because they align with your intention.

Intentions are our deep beliefs tied to our core values.
Whereas Goals are the action we take from these intentions and are future focused.
Our felt Intentions are the map for our Goals.

When intentions are clear, we need less energy for our goals. We feel connected and clear in ourselves that we are on our path and living out what feels true to us.
When goals are backed by Core Values and Intentions it feels like being on “cruise control” — like the Goals are driving themselves. We move towards our goals with ease.
Here are some “turn by turn” directions for how to implement this idea in your own life, today:

  1. List a Core Value or belief you hold
  2. Write down an intention you would like to have in regards to that Value
  3. Set a goal/action you will move toward to live out that intention
Values/Belief: I want to live my life in a Loving way with Connection

  • To have peace in our home
  • To meet those we live with, in care and love
  • To surround our child(ren) with love

Goal to achieve: We will speak to each other politely and in a friendly, loving way.
Specific Action: I will increase my friendly behavior and speak friendly/lovingly to my partner 3 times (more) a day for 3 weeks.

Gradually, I will increase this behavior:
How we show care and love for each other
Specific goal:
How we tend to nurturing emotional safety in our home
Specific goal:
How do we show up surrounding our child with love
Specific goal:

Enjoy the journey intentionally 

Just like the smallest journey to the corner store can be an adventure, your goals and actions do not need to be grandiose to be meaningful. Just begin with the smallest new step you feel you can complete successfully. It is important to understand exactly what you are currently doing so that you can show up doing the next step towards living your intentions.

Set your intentions, change your life!
Want a refresh on setting intentions? Download this worksheet I created to help people set their intentions! You can create lasting change for yourself in 2019 and beyond.

March Housekeeping

Think you might need some help learning to listen to your internal GPS?
I’m here to help. While I’m typically based out of Stockholm, I often work virtually with English-speaking clients across the globe. Drop me a line via my contact form.

Contact Me
Podcast: Listen to February's podcast: Kristy Arbon on Stress, Shame, and Somatic Self Compassion

Listen to my guest spot on the “Beyond Your Past” podcast with Matt Pappas here!
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