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Today Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu about another kind of Korban that the Yidden should bring, called a Korban Chatas. If a person does an aveira by mistake, he needs to bring a Korban Chatas. There are 4 groups of people who the Torah says bring a Chatas: 1) A regular person (like if someone does a melacha on Shabbos by mistake) In today’s Chumash, we learn about the Korban Chatas of the Kohen Gadol, the Korban Chatas of the Sanhedrin, and the Korban Chatas of a king. In tomorrow’s Chitas, we learn about the Korban Chatas of a regular person! The Torah tells us the details of how each one of these korbanos should be brought, and also the differences between them. |
In today’s Tehillim there is a posuk that says, “Ach Betzelem Yis’halech Ish. “A person walks in the dark (because only Hashem knows the way things really are). In a maamar ,the Rebbe Rashab explains this posuk in another way! “Ach BeTzelem Yis’halech Ish” — a person goes with Tzelem, with a koach called “tzelem” that helps a Yid in his Avodas Hashem. Every morning, when we wake up, Hashem puts a special koach in the air! It makes us excited about starting the day right and acting the way Hashem wants. We all sometimes need a push to get us started in doing the right thing! A thought can come into our mind and get us excited to do something good. This could be from a Bas Kol, a voice from Hashem that the neshama hears, that makes it really want to act the way Hashem wants. Even though we can’t hear it, our neshama does, and it puts thoughts into our head that can make us do Teshuvah! All this is part of the Tzelem that the posuk is talking about, the hidden koach that goes with a Yid and inspires him to do what’s right! |
In the last perek, the Alter Rebbe started to explain the end of the posuk that the Tanya is based on, the posuk of Ki Karov. The posuk says that it is Karov Me’od, very much within your reach, in your mouth and heart to DO it — Laasoso. The Alter Rebbe started to explain that the purpose of everything is to DO mitzvos using Gashmius’dike things, Mitzvos Maasios. By doing these mitzvos, the Shechinah is able to shine in the body and the Nefesh Habehamis. But why is it so important for the Shechinah to shine on the body? Shouldn’t it be enough for the Shechinah to shine on the neshama? We will see in this perek that Hashem created the world to have a place for the Shechinah to shine, and davka a place Betachtonim, in the lowest place, this Gashmius’dike world. That’s why the main goal is to do mitzvos with Gashmius, so that we can make the Gashmius into a Dira Betachtonim, a place for Hashem’s Shechinah to shine. The Chachomim tell us that “Hashem wants a place to live in the lowest place that He created” (Dira Betachtonim). The Alter Rebbe tells us that it means that Hashem wants a place to live right here in this Gashmius’dike world! Why is this called “Tachtonim” (the lowest)? Because here is where Hashem is hiding the MOST. |
“Bulach! Vos trets du oif mir? Mit vos bistu hecher fun mir?” “Golem! Why are you walking on me? Why are you better than me?” That’s what the ground says when we walk on it without saying or thinking about Torah! What Torah do you know by heart so you can say it or think it when you are walking? |
Today (and for the next week!) we will be learning the same mitzvah: (Mitzvas Asei #107) If someone gets Tomei with Tumas Meis (the tumah from a body after the neshama leaves it), he needs to follow the halachos about what he is not allowed to do, and how to become Tahor again. |
In today’s Rambam, Perakim Gimmel, Daled and Hey of Hilchos Tumas Meis, we learn many halachos about Tumas Meis, and also important rules about passing on Tumah. A person can get some kinds of Tumah only if he touches or carries it, and he can get other kinds if he is even just in the same house! Becoming Tomei from Tumas Meis makes a person Tomei for 7 days, and only afterwards can he become Tahor. |
We learn what happens if someone makes a shliach to use the thing that is hekdesh, or has someone else watch it without telling him that it is hekdesh and can’t be used. The Rambam gives many cases and says who would need to do this teshuva of paying and bringing a korban in each example. |
Today is Zayin Adar, the birthday and Yartzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu! In a sicha of Zayin Adar 5752, the Rebbe spoke about whether Zayin Adar is connected to Adar Rishon or Adar Sheini, and said that we should use BOTH months of Adar for the special inyan of the day! The Rebbe said that even though usually Chassidim never had a minhag to do anything special for this day, since the Golus is so dark, we need to use every opportunity to add a chayus in Kedushah! So when Zayin Adar comes, we should make a farbrengen! At the farbrengen, we should talk about Moshe Rabbeinu’s inyan — Torah, about our learning Torah, and about teaching Torah and Chassidus to others. (The Rebbeim would not say Tachanun on Zayin Adar, however Chassidim do.) ~ The Rebbe told the following story at a farbrengen: One time, a chossid came to the Tzemach Tzedek in Yechidus. He complained that he doesn’t like to learn! What should he do? He just doesn’t have any chayus in learning Torah. The Tzemach Tzedek replied, “I have a different problem. What should I do that I DO have a chayus in learning?” The Tzemach Tzedek was telling the chossid that the main part of learning Torah is to know that it’s the chochmah of Hashem, and that Hashem wants us to learn it! The best way to learn is with Kabolas Ol — to do it just because Hashem wants. If we enjoy learning, we might do it for ourselves (because we like it) and not for Hashem! The Tzemach Tzedek showed the chossid the special opportunity that he has, to learn Torah in the best way. |
After Ein Keilokeinu and the Ketores, there are two paragraphs before Aleinu. 1) The first paragraph speaks about how special it is to learn halachos every day. 2) The second paragraph explains the maalos of a Talmid Chochom. Why do we say these here? The Chachomim tell us that when a person gets up in the morning, he should right away get ready to daven. And then, as soon as he finishes davening, he should go learn Torah. These paragraphs come from different parts of Torah, so they encourage us to go learn as soon as we are finished davening, and they even help us get started! During davening, we connected to Hashem. We bring this connection into our Torah learning right away. And then, we will have the koach of Tefillah and Torah to give us hatzlacha in all the work we need to do during the day! |
We know that there are 613 mitzvos from the Torah. The Chachomim also added another 7 mitzvos for Yidden to keep. One of these seven mitzvos is reading the Megillah on Purim! After the neis of Purim, Mordechai wrote the Megillah, and Esther asked that it should become one of the 24 books of Tanach. Her request was accepted, and it became the sefer called Megillas Esther. The year after the neis, Mordechai and Esther sent out a letter to the Yidden, asking them to keep Purim as a permanent Yom Tov. They should keep it by celebrating with their families and the people of their cities, giving presents to each other and eating a seudah together, and remembering the story by reading the Megillah. The best way to do this mitzvah is to hear the Megillah in a shul with many people (“Berov Am Hadras Melech,” “the beauty of the King is when there are many people”), or at least a minyan. But the mitzvah can be kept by hearing it from a kosher Megillah anywhere. Men and women both have to keep this mitzvah, and children should also be taught to listen. (Very little children who will make noise so other people can’t hear should not be brought to shul.) The Baal Korei has everybody else in mind, and everyone listening should also have in mind to be yotzei the mitzvah. You need to listen to every word. If you missed hearing a word, you can read it right away (even from a Chumash) and catch up to the Baal Korei. There are four pesukim we say out loud, before the Baal Korei, to bring more simcha: The ten sons of Haman are supposed to be said in one breath. Since the Baal Korei can’t be yotzei everyone for holding their breath, only that they should hear the Megillah, everyone should read the 10 sons of Haman in one breath themselves! (We shake our graggers after we say the name of Haman this time, NOT after the Baal Korei reads it again after saying the 10 sons.) Minhag Chabad is only to make noise by the name of Haman if we also describe him, like “Ho’agagi” or “HaRa.” It’s our minhag that the Baal Korei raises his voice when he says “Balayla Hahu,” because that’s the main part of the neis. You will see that we fold the Megillah like a letter (since it is called an Igeres), and don’t read while it is rolled up. The Baal Korei also shakes the Megillah when we say “this letter” (“Ha’igeres Hazos”) that Mordechai and Esther sent out, to show that this is what they sent out! |
לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ |
The Chachomim tell us that all of the Yomim Tovim will become botul when Moshiach comes, but the Yom Tov of Purim will NEVER become botul: “Kol Hamoadim Asidim Libotel L’asid Lavo, Viyemei Hapurim Einam Beteilim Le’olam.” The word “botul” means that something doesn’t seem as important. Why won’t the Yomim Tovim feel so important when Moshiach comes, and why will Purim be different? Chassidus explains that during the week, it’s harder to feel our neshama. Hashem wants us to be busy with our weekday avodah, so the light of our neshama is more hidden. On Yom Tov, we can feel and see the light of our neshama more! When Moshiach comes, we will feel this way all of the time, so it won’t be as special to feel it on Yom Tov. But Purim is not like a regular Yom Tov! In the times of Purim, Mordechai Hatzadik, who was the Nasi of the Yidden, woke up the koach of Mesiras Nefesh in every Yid. This koach comes from the deepest part of the neshama, the Etzem Haneshama. Even when Moshiach comes, that will be something very special, and Purim won’t ever become botul! See Maamar Layehudim Haysa Orah, Purim 5712 |
לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק |
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