
Weekly Newsletter

In this Edition. . . From the Pastor's Desk:  Fear, it’s a four-letter word!; Wednesday Revive!!Chris' Corner (Children & Family Ministry)Sunday School CalendarYouth Group info and CalendarWestminster AnnouncementsPrayer ConcernsStewardship Update and more!

From The Pastor's Desk. . . 

My community has one of those "Nextdoor" web-based chat groups. Since joining I have really enjoyed what it creates in building the community and helping us to know our neighbors, but there is a downside. There seems to be a stream that our community is under attack from a criminal element that is uncontrollable. Many post about the crime, burglaries, and "suspicious people" and tend to go to extremes that would make one think that our community was being taken over. Even to the point that there are complaints about people picking through recyclables. Interestingly, one of the neighbors made a post which essentially stated that statistically our community is one of the safest (in fact, among cities over 500k, San Jose is often ranked number 1), not to discount the actions of the citizen's patrols which help to make it so safe. When fear enters in, we know that logic, reason, and hope are often the first casualties.

It is basic human nature to fear. Fear is controlled by one of the most primal areas of our brain. Fear can be a good thing, because it protects us, and often fear can keep us from doing stupid things like getting in a cage with a lion. Nevertheless, when unchecked, fear can be debilitating and keep us from living.

Like the real presence of evil in this world, we can never fully escape fear. I often see fear as a fundamental form of evil, since fear separates us from God. Once we conquer fears, new ones always seem to pop up, but when we name our fears, like other evils, we can begin to make them less powerful and when we talk about our fears and open our hearts and minds to a new reality, though a portion of our fear may remain, much will fall to the side.

Interestingly, God did not stop the development of our brains in the primal area. He  gave us the ability to be logical, reason and have hope, which allows us to face fears. When we overcome our fears to let logic, reason, hope, and faith guide our decisions, we allow ourselves to live in a powerful and fulfilled way. I love the way The Message translates the passage from Luke about how we fear others:
 4–5 “I’m speaking to you as dear friends. Don’t be bluffed into silence or insincerity by the threats of religious bullies. True, they can kill you, but then what can they do? There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands.
The reality the bible tells us over and over again is that where God is working God will work. I know that seems like a silly polly-annish remark, but both biblically and in life we can witness to the incredible things that can happen when we give ourselves over to God. Moreover, when we set aside our fears and worries, we are better able to find a real sense of wholeness, peace, and most of all the fullness of life.

Having had a brief time in the south, I remember a story from a discussion around the Lynching tree (the location where slaves were routinely hung) on the outskirts of Plymouth. On that day, in the midst of a service of reconciliation, two preachers had a dialogue. A white preacher was confessing the fear, which he was taught about black people as a child. As he held the hands of the black preacher (both were in their late 60’s at the time), the black preacher began to weep and confessed the same fears. Together they turned to the rest gathered and said “fear allows us to forget that we are all children of God. Fear also allows us to be blinded to the ways in which God is working.”

Yours in Christ,

Our Website


Lent is a time of self reflection when we give things up to God, making space for the Lord to work more directly in our lives. This year, with the help of Frank Fisher, we are starting a new tradition. We have a cross covered in chicken wire in the front of the sanctuary. Each week there will be papers for you to write your sins, burdens, and prayers on and "nail" them to the cross by slipping them into the chicken wire. This is the beginning of of a lenten discipline, first in being honest about what separates you from God, but then freeing as you gives those over to God so that you can be freed from them. By the end of lent the cross will be filled. On Good Friday the sins, burdens, and prayers will be removed and the cross will be bare, until easter morning where we will see a resurrection.

Westminster Youth Group!

Every Sunday 5-6:30 pm

All Youth grades 6-12 Welcome

Play Games, Learn About Life, and Have Fun!

Contact our Youth Director, Oliver Page for any questions about Youth Events:

Wednesday Revive!!!

Come, all you who are thirsty,
    come to the waters...

Come drink of the Lord during Revive, March 20th at 7:00 PM. We will study Isaiah 55:1-9, with sermon "Thirsting for God."


Sunday School at Westminster 

Kids from Preschool through 5th grade is encouraged to join us for Children's Church. Our Sunday school provides fun, Bible-based activities on Sunday mornings following the children's sermon. Preschool through kindergarten meets in room E116 and 1-5 grade in room E114. 

Our lesson this week: "Jesus Meets Zacchaeus", Luke 19:1-10.
Looking ahead to next week: "Nicodemus at Night", John 3:1-17.

Children's Choir Rehearsals for Easter

The children choir rehearsals meet Sundays at noon in the choir room. The children are preparing songs for Easter. Please contact Heather McKee for any questions at . 

One Great Hour of Sharing

Throughout the Lenten Season our church is participating in the "One Great Hour of Sharing" offering. The kids, youth, and adults are invited to collect money in their fish banks throughout Lent and bring them on Easter as their offering. "One Great Hour of Sharing" supports the following Presbyterian efforts:
  • Self-Development of People - to loosen the bonds of injustice.
  • Presbyterian Hunger Program - to share bread with the hungry.
  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - to provide disaster relief around the globe. 

Family Movie Night

The next Family Movie Night is Saturday, April 20 at 5:00 p.m. Our fun evening includes crafts and a movie. We will be showing "The Incredibles 2" (PG). 

Easter Egg Donations for Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday will soon be here, which means it is time to start collecting small wrapped Easter candy and small toys for the Easter Egg Hunt. Please place your donations in the blue donation bin by Palm Sunday, April 14. We are looking for volunteers to help assemble Easter Eggs on April 14 at 12:15 p.m. in The Hiding Place. 

VBS 2019

The VBS countdown launch has started as we head "To Mars and Beyond". Join us July 8-12, 6:00-8:00 p.m. to explore where God's power can take you. Early registration is on the church website. 

If you have questions regarding our Children and Family Ministry please contact Chris McKee, 

Music Matters

Sing for Easter.

Now is the time to join Sanctuary Choir if you would like to sing for Lent and Easter this year. There is much meaningful and beautiful music sung at this season.  Anthems on Palm Sunday and Easter are often particularly inspiring.  In addition to Sundays, the choir participates in the Maundy Thursday Service.
Rehearsals are Thursdays 7-8:30 pm in the Choir Room.
If you are interested, please contact Mary Anne James or 650-969-2341.


Maundy Thursday Drama 

On Maundy Thursday, April 18, we will commemorate the Last Supper, betrayal, and arrest of Jesus with a drama.  There will be hymns, and the choir will sing, but most of all, we need a number of readers and also some silent participants who will all help dramatize the events of the story.

There will be a practice on Palm Sunday, April 14, after worship. 

If you are willing to help, please contact Mary Anne James at, or look for the sign-up sheet at coffee or in the church office.

Women's Bible Study - Monday 1 April, 2019

There will be Women's Bible Study in the Choir Room from 5p.m. to 6p.m. The study is on selected Psalms.

New Prayer Request Forms Available in the Narthex 

To help better care for members we have a new prayer request form to fill out, regular and large print forms are available in the Narthex.  Just return them to the basket at the sound booth.  

Start the New Year Singing!!

Revive Worship Team is looking for singers and instrumentalists for our Wednesday night service! Come join us! Rehearsals take place Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 PM in the Sanctuary.

Sunday morning worship can also use your talents.  The Sanctuary Choir is always open to new singers, and if you play an instrument you are willing to share on Sunday mornings, we want to know.  Contact Mary Anne James at 650-969-2341 or

Do you work for Apple or another company that matches your pledge?

Many companies including Apple, Netflix, Google and other will match your charitable contribution, and double your donation! If you do not know if your company does match, ask your human resource department. If you are wondering how the program works, ask Laura Nana.

Help Us Promote Westminster!

Please, like us on Facebook or Twitter and Share your pics on Pinterest and Instagram!


Our youth groups prepare sack lunches that are stored at room temperature and distributed to homeless visitors to WPC in need of a meal. We especially need:
  • Tuna pouches or lunch kits  
  • Small packets of nuts or trail mix  
  • Applesauce, fruit or pudding cups  
  • Individually wrapped jerky or beef sticks  
  • Hummus or peanut butter packets and single-serving crackers  


In partnership with the food bank, WPC packs and distributes grocery bags for seniors on the 1st& 3rdTuesday each month, 6:30-9:30 a.m. Volunteer for 1-3 hours. Contact Ann Kilty for more info. 

MONDAY’S, at 6:30 a.m., MISSION HALL

Open to all interested men, this casual group meets for an hour, then adjourns to Bill’s on The Alameda for breakfast.


We are always on the lookout for friendly people to help greet folks, hand out programs, and collect the offering during services. It’s a great opportunity to get to know more members of our community, and the commitment only involves coming 15 minutes early before the service, once a month. Contact Head Usher Rick Marovich at church or 408.421.2214.


Volunteer hosts are needed for the coffee hour after Sunday services. Sign up at coffee hour or in the office. 


Our fearless facilities guru Ron Schuler does most of the maintenance here at WPC, but there are many ways to help: 
  • If you’re handy, please let Ron know you could help with jobs too big for one person.
  • Check and refill the envelopes and pencils in the sanctuary each week: 15-minute job.
  • Purchase housekeeping items or basic coffee supplies at Costco: 1 hour, every other week.
  • Set-up/Clean-up for Coffee ‘N’ Conversation (can be rotated among several people): ½ hour total, weekly. 
  • Learn to run the sound board to sub for Ron, as needed.  
  • Annual Church Clean-Up Day  
Contact Ron at church or 408.398.8222.


We occasionally need last-minute substitutes for our regular child care helpers. If you could come in with about an hour's notice on either Wednesday 6:45-8:00 p.m. or Sunday 10:15 a.m.-noon, please contact Susan Hartt or Chris McKee.




Westminster needs kids to serve as acolytes for the Sunday morning service. Acolytes are needed for ALL Sundays. Please contact Jennifer Seguin at jmseguin@yahoo.comif you are interested!


This week take time to pray for the following members/ friends.

Glenna Corsen: healing
Dorothy Hedlund:comfort, peace
Melinda Schell:healing
Brenda’s brother Lem: healing
Brenda’s friend Rhoda:healing
Janet Johnson and family
Alice Carrerow: healing
Destin King:safety, strength and recovery
Neil’s father: wisdom and calm
Marguerite Young: healing
Sophia Kaphphe: healing, job & finances
Mark Dickerson: healing, peace
Tim Clouse: healing from the loss of his father and
continued healing of his mother
Kim Gupton: Job, Finances etc.
Jenna Schwartzman's Family & Friends: Comfort in Loss
Olga Smith: Safety and healing
Charles and Pam Verrey: Strength and patience in caring for Charles Mother who is dealing with cancer that was found after a fall. 
Janis Parenzen: Healing
Rev. Nancy Schell: Continued strength and healing
Ruth Yoder: Peace and comfort from the loss of Sig Yoder
Amy Arden's daughters: Safety, recovery and faith
Linda Sutton: Comfort and healing
Merryle Wiese: Comfort and Peace from Marily's loss and physical healing.
Ruth Eddlemon: Safety and comfort
Paul Griffen: Healing
Ed Jeroszko: Healing
Ed Maxwell: Healing
Sophia Kaphphe: Healing for neighbor’s son & for another neighbor's son and family involved in a car crash
The Strength Family: the Loss of Kristen’s Father
The Ross Family: the loss of Neneth’s Mother


PayPal is Here!
You asked, and our finance team listened. We have created a PayPal account, so now you have that option. Over the next few months, we will be phasing out our other credit card processing services. We will include a link to PayPal in all of our newsletters going forward!

Help support the ministries of the Westminster Presbyterian Church through your donation today!  

Click Here and donate through PayPal today.
Help me spread the word about Westminster Presbyterian Church. Together we can make a difference.

Please note that using you credit card does incur a fee, which is deducted from the donation.

This week's calendar is available online

Please click here for the detailed calendar!
Office Hours are:
Monday through Friday
9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m.

Copyright © Westminster Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1100 Shasta Ave.
San Jose CA 95126
Phone: 408-294-7447

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Westminster Presbyterian Church in San Jose · 1100 Shasta Ave · San Jose, CA 95126 · USA