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St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
Kenwood, CA

From our Bishop-Elect 
Dear Friends in Christ,
Our relationship together in Christ has begun, and I rejoice in it. 
It is as if we are walking two parts of a converging road. We can recognize the same landmarks as we move forward, Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and fun, Ash Wednesday with repentance and ashes, and the long prayerful walk of Lent. Our paths will converge after Easter, starting in mid-May.
At that time I will start in the Diocesan office, and the following six weeks will be a time of intense learning. With Bishop Beisner sharing his wisdom and the skilled staff, I will become acquainted with the workings of the Diocese. All the while the preparation for the consecration will be ongoing - indeed it has already begun.
I look forward to joining our large Diocesan family, where I can hear your struggles and your joys - and you can hear some of mine as well! Our first two years together will be an intensive time of relationship building. We will discover how God is building us up in Christ together.
I am currently working hard to make sure that my current Bishop concludes his time with joy and that my new Bishop makes a strong beginning. Philip and I are working on our own steps of transition as well. At this time I cannot be responsive to you by email or phone calls. I want to be connected with you - but we have to let the transition process move through its various stages. For projects that really do need the input from the Bishop-Elect, Jacqi Seppi in the Bishop’s office will be the conduit, and she will forward urgent matters to me directly.
Meanwhile we both have good work to accomplish until our paths draw close in May and truly converge on June 29. Thank you for your warm welcome to me, and thanks for the good care you are taking of Bishop Beisner, his excellent staff, and each other.
“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, 
just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” - Colossians 2:6
Faithfully in Christ,
The Rev. Canon Megan Traquair
Diocese of Northern California 
Yesterday the St. Patrick's walking group hiked the nature trail and visited the waterfall at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park.  It was a joy-filled time together in nature.  One walker had this to say, "It is a wonderfully gentle time of bringing this beautiful place into our hearts while enjoying companionship.  It is a gift--a grace filled time."
We hope you will join us next month on the 9th when we will walk a trail to enjoy spring wildflowers.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Miriam Casey at (650) 380-2747.
Our pre-Lenten Mardi Gras party Tuesday evening was a great success!  
We ate delicious food prepared by many hands, engaged in stimulating conversation, listened and danced to the lively music of the Love Choir, and sang and laughed a lot.  
A huge thank-you to our party planners Kate Aldrich and Sandy Keith and to all those who made our party happen.  Thanks to Hutch Gibb, Bob Wohlson, Ron Keith, and Alex Bautista for setting up tables and chairs; to Barbara Klingbeil, Mary Field, Laurie Boone Hogen, and Eleanor Albon for decorating and setting tables; to Margaret Merchat, Kate Aldrich, and Mother Karen King, supreme kitchen chefs and directors; to Nicole Walton, Sandy Keith, Betsy Randolph, Judith Kesot,
and Minerva Haddad for volunteering to help in the kitchen; to the jambalaya maker Kate Aldrich and gumbo makers Mother Karen King and Sandy Keith and to all the other wonderful St. Patrick’s cooks who contributed to our feast; and to Margaret Merchat, Kate Aldrich, Eleanor Albon, Marcia Tyriver, Minerva Haddad, Chuck and Sallie Wood, Sandy Keith, and the many others who helped clean up after our festivities.  Thanks to all who came and enjoyed the food and fun.  This event truly touched Priest Doyle as everyone had an amazing time and danced the night away. What a wonderful way to celebrate our community of faith before we begin our Lenten spiritual journey to the Cross and Resurrection!

Vestry Retreat

The St Patrick's Vestry convened, a couple weeks ago, to organize and plan it's ministry for 2019.  On Thursday, February 21, Vestry members met and conducted their 1st regular monthly meeting for the year.  Friday evening, Miriam Casey and Bob Wohlsen, hosted the Vestry and their spouses for dinner at their home in Oakmont.  The launch activities concluded with a workshop Saturday morning at which the Vestry focused on the best ways to work together and major goals for the year.  The 3 days were topped off with a delicious lunch in Stevenson Hall.  Vestry members for 2019 are Charlie Buff, Clerk, Stephanie Chapralis-McCaffrey, Hutch Gibb, Jr. Warden, Margaret Merchat, Pam Moore, Betsy Randolph, Bob Wohlsen, Sr, Warden, Wendy Wood, and Alicia Wray.

Nicaragua Presentation
by Rich Randolph & Javier Fonseca

Thank you to Rich Randolph and Javier Fonseca for their presentations on Nicaragua last Sunday.  Rich talked about how the Rotary medical vision and dental mission was an expression of his Christian beliefs and Javier gave information on the serious political unrest that has affected his country of origin.  As he had been part of the Rotary missions, he decided  he and his family should come here where they would be safe.  They have been warmly welcomed by everyone at St. Patrick's and are deeply grateful.
On Wednesdays during Lent through May 1st, St. Patrick’s is having a Lenten Series. (No Class on April 17th during Holy Week.) The following will be our scheduled for this series.
   5:00 p.m.           Evening Prayer
   5:30- 6:00 p.m.  Potluck Soup/Salad/Bread & Butter Dinner
   6:00 p.m.           Clean-up  
   6:15-7:30 p.m.   Lenten & Easter Study
Please join us for Lenten & Easter Wednesdays!
Last Sunday we said farewell to our lovely friends Carla Bryant and Brian Shinoda. We will miss them dearly and thank them for all their ministry services at St. Patrick's. We spent a short time together but we are so thankful to have Brain and Carla in our lives. Blessings on your next adventure in life!
March 30, Saturday, St. Patrick’s will host the Nomadic Shelter, a program from Redwood Gospel Mission, to house homeless people.  We will cook and serve dinner and provide a place to sleep in Stevenson Hall for one night. 
Redwood Gospel Mission provides supervision throughout the night and transportation to and from their Mission in downtown Santa Rosa. Our guests will have breakfast at the Mission.  The guests are at St. Patrick’s from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. There are handouts in Stevenson Hall and sign-up sheets.  We need volunteers for this ministry, before the actual day and on the 30th. Please contact Betsy Randolph for more information at or (707)981-2024.
Do you have a guitar or banjo or ukulele or another stringed instrument?
Are you interested in becoming more proficient?  If so, we need your talents!  We are putting together a music group with FREE lessons, taught by John Waltz.
Our goal is to “grow our own” group to add joyful worship to our services and to help the congregation learn to sing with us, particularly at the earlier service.  We’ll be learning worship songs from a variety of sources.
Lessons will be every 2-3 weeks, with practices in between as schedules allow. Time & place to be determined, depending on the interest and where people live.
For more information, and to sign up please contact Kate Aldrich at or call 539-9603.

I will incline my ear to a proverb; and set forth my riddle upon the harp.
Psalm 49:3, BCP, p. 652
The Women's Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Common Room at the church.  Pam Hamel and Miriam Casey are leading this ministry.
The study will be based on the Revised Common Lectionary Calendar with sessions focusing on the readings for each Sunday. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the Bible in general, as well as getting a preview of what will be happening on Sunday mornings.  Lectionary study guides are still available for $10.00 and coffee and pastries will be served.
Call Miriam Casey at 707-843-7096 for more details or to reserve a place at the table.
  Spring Lake Dinner Group 

Hey St. Patrick's, have you found a Dinner Group to be with yet?

For those who live in the Spring Lake area and would like more information, or to join us, email Donna Ross at (preferred) or call 579-6871. 

For those who don't live in the Spring Lake area, you may contact Eleanor Albon:  281-610-8043 or
For this coming Sunday, St. Patrick’s is thankful for Hutch Gibb for hosting coffee hour after the 8:30 a.m. service and we also are thankful for Gretchen Jackson for hosting the coffee hour after the 10:30 a.m. service. Dorothy Mills is our new Coffee Hour Coordinator so if you would like to host a coffee hour, you may talk with her or sign up in Stevenson Hall.
The Parish enjoys this time after each service on Sunday mornings and it means so much for each volunteer to be a part of it. Thanks so much!
Our Men’s Bible Study meet's on Friday mornings at 8:30 AM for 90 minutes in the Common Room at the church. 

Call Tom Allen at 214-766-7209 for more details or to reserve a place at the table. We are looking for more men to join us as we learn about Christ in the world today.
Learn how to support The Episcopal Church’s plea to 
aid the 6000 immigrants seeking asylum, and help the immigrants connect with medical and legal aid. 

Link to the letter of 6 bishops of CA dioceses, including our Bp. Beisner:
Here’s a link directly to Al Otro Lado:

Back row:  Gordon Freeman, Marcia Tyriver, Sallie Wood, Denis McCaffrey, Ann Peters, Catherine Jefferson
Front row: Beth Brannock, Eleanor Albon, Carla Bryant
February 2019

Tuesday, March 4, Denise Morgan, Denise Paup (both Rotarians), Dennis McCaffrey and Sallie Wood helped REFB distribute food to 17 families, including 6 seniors, 32 adults and 23 children.  We also got to greet St Patrick's folks going to, and then joined them, at the Mardi Gras dinner.  Two "Big Wins!"
Redwood Empire Food Bank volunteers meet every 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 5PM- 6PM.
Consider joining our wonderful ministry. It doesn't take very long, and it's a great way to meet our Community. 
You can contact Eleanor Albon at (281) 610-8043 or by email at

Monthly Food Donation for F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa

Thank you for your continued donations St. Patrick's, you are truly making a difference in your community!
Also, continue to bring in your sock donations for the Open Table Ministry, the blue barrel is in Stevenson Hall.

Thank you St. Pat’s Parish!

                                              Kaarin Lee                                         Jeanne-Marie Jones
                                              Executive Director of F.I.S.H.          Former Executive Director of F.I.S.H.


Diapers are always needed!      


Open Table Ministry
                       Ron Keith who delivered about 100 pairs of socks to Incarnation with his wife Sandy Keith!

St. Patrick’s donations have made a significant difference since we began partnering with Incarnation in autumn 2015!
Please continue to place men’s white athletic socks in the collection barrel in Stevenson Hall.
Thank you St. Patrick's!

Get Connected with Us!

Sign up for the Bishops E-News!!
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Check the Diocesan e-News Box.
Priest Doyle Dietz Allen Contact Information   
Phone: 707-494-0671
Holy Eucharist Service Times
Sundays - 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist with Unction
Wednesdays - 9:00 a.m.
2018  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

Our physical address is:
9000 Sonoma Highway
Kenwood, CA 95452

Office Phone:

Priest Doyle Dietz Allen, Rector:
The Rev. Karen King, Associate Priest:
The Rev. Donna Ross, Associate Priest:
The Rev. Marcia Tyriver,
Susan Hill,
Bobbiejo Maggard, Office Administrator:

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