Murmur Rhd Australia
Welcome to Murmur - April 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of Murmur. In this issue you will find news, stories and updates from across Australia regarding acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. As always we welcome feedback and contributions for future editions of Murmur.   

If you would like to contribute or have any feedback please contact us at
Champions4change - Sharing, Caring and Inspiring
RHDAustralia is proud to announce the launch of the official RHDAustralia Champions4change program.

The Champions4change program was designed and developed by community members affected by acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). Learn more about the program by reading the full story.
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RHD Champion of Wadeye - William Parmbuk
Four hundred kilometres southwest of Darwin, in the Aboriginal community of Wadeye, there are signs of a community-led movement to stop rheumatic heart disease (RHD); thanks to one grandfather who doesn’t want to see any more young people experience what his grandson went through.
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NSW Ambulance's Aboriginal Cardiac Care Awareness Program
A representative of the NSW Ambulance Aboriginal Cardiac Care Awareness program, Mark travels right across NSW delivering education and training to communities and health professionals. The Aboriginal Cardiac Care Awareness program was set up to address the high number of cardiovascular incidences taking place across NSW for Aboriginal people.
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Historic Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement Announced 
“The historic Partnership Agreement means that for the first time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, through their peak bodies, will share decision making with governments on Closing the Gap.

Closing the gap is not just about targets and programs. It is about making sure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can share in the decision making about policies and programs that impact on them and have a real say over their own lives.

The Partnership Agreement is a significant step forward in this direction and the Coalition of Peaks is looking forward to working closely with the Council of Australian Governments to honour our shared commitment to closing the gap.”

Read more....
Take Action! Sign the Charter to END RHD
Menzies is proud to be a founding member of END RHD - an alliance of health, research and community organisations advocating for comprehensive, collective action to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia - and invites all interested individuals and organisations to add their voice to calls for change by signing the Charter to END RHD.

By signing the Charter to END RHD, you’re demonstrating to decision-makers not only that ending rheumatic disease is a cause that people care about, but that the approach of END RHD and its collaborators has endorsement from a wide-range of organisations and individuals.

If you'd like to go a step further by sharing your story and motivation for joining END RHD, please email
RHDAustralia Cadet Shines in New Video

RHDAustralia was lucky enough to have Serena Dunbar on board for 12 weeks as part of the Northern Territory Governments’ Aboriginal Cadetship Support Program.

The program is a career development program, which enables Aboriginal students undertaking an undergraduate degree to gain the professional qualifications and work experience needed for a range of jobs.

The Cadetship offers a great opportunity for Cadets, Menzies and RHDAustralia to gain considerable value from the secondment opportunity. Serena was engaged in a number of specific projects with us and was a tremendous addition to our team.

Hear more about the program by following the link below.

Watch Video....

Popular Resources
Guide to administering penicillin (BPG/Bicillin/LAB)
This poster contains a brief summary of things to think about when administering secondary prophylaxis.

Download now
What is acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease? An explainer video and poster for school staff
This brief overview of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is aimed at school staff, who are well placed to assist children aged 5-14 years, their families and communities to prevent and manage these conditions.

Download now

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