Ed Moss is a change expert that works with organisations that want to make important changes happen. You are receiving this email because we have either emailed each other before, or have signed up via my website -  If you don't want to receive any more of these updates, just click unsubscribe at the bottom. 
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Following on from my email earlier in March, I got some great feedback and interest around facilitating sessions for organisations. I often have people say after my workshops that they'd love to be more confident to deliver their own workshops to help others understand something they are passionate about, run meetings in a more engaging way or generally facilitate conversations with their team better.

Launching a new facilitation and training course 

I have spent most of March, pulling a course together utilising some of the successes I have had in blending online and face to face experiential learning for a course that lasted for a longer period of time. In a recent project where participants took part over a 6 month period, I designed a blended online and face to face experience; over 90% of participants completed the programme and took actions to implement after the programme, compared to 60% for the year before (which was already above the target) 

I'm pleased to share that the course starts flexibly during April featuring a full days skill development workshop including lunch on:
9th May 10am - 4pm, Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester 

After the workshop participants will be able to get feedback on their delivery by video observation, which will be based on the goals individuals set with me in their initial consultation session which forms the start of the programme.

Why this blended face to face and online programme? 


  • Flexible and mobile optimised, so you can start your development when it's convenient and work through up to 4 months after the face to face workshop
  • You can put things in to practice, not just have a good day but put the resources in a draw to forget about them
  • Small cohort so you get a high-quality learning experience. 
  • Bite-sized so you can easily refer back to things while you put things into practice later
  • Personal support from me throughout the programme. 
  • There's no substitute for face to face when it comes to practising skills live with others to accelerate your confidence. 
  • Build a network of peers who you get to meet who can all support each other after the programme. 

Early Bird Discount 

In 2018 I ran more than 30 sessions, including team facilitation, training, conference events and workshops but they were always for organisations who came to me with a brief. Since 2016 I have worked with over 650 people across all those sessions, but this is the first course I have run independently. 

So I am offering you as a subscriber (and anyone you wanted to share this with) an Early Bird Discount of 15% if you sign up before midnight on the 11th April. 

Just use the code EBMY19MCR when offered to redeem a code - there are only 12 uses available, once they are gone, they are gone. 
Find out more about the course
Interesting but not for me right now? No problem, perhaps you know someone who might be interested or looking for a programme like this - take something off their todo list and forward this on to them to consider

Who has Ed facilitated workshops for previously to gain this experience? 

More of me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram (boat life) my website and more
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