Rocking Ruby! Last week we were visited by a gorgeous Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever called Ruby. She presented with a whole set of symptoms and signs that the vet had to decipher. Read all about her case below.
The parody of trying to give a cat a tablet was written for very good reason! (Click here if you haven't read it) It can be incredibly difficult, not to mention stressful, to medicate your dog, cat or pocket pet on a daily basis. Click below to read about some success stories from creative solutions!
Does your pet have Arthritis?
Most of the signs of arthritis in pets are far more subtle than most people think. Your furry friend could be feeling the cold and not telling you! Click the link below to watch a video featuring one of our vets about some common signs, and treatments of osteoarthritis in pets!
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This email contains comments of a general nature only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. It should not be relied on as the basis for whether you do or don't do anything.