
The Green New Deal: A Conversation with Penny Newman 

Join us in discussing the Green New Deal with long-time environmental activist and founder of the Center for Community Action Environmental Justice Penny Newman. 

Where: La Casa Ortega, 1690 Spruce St., Riverside
When: Thursday, April 18th

6pm - 7pm - Write postcards in support of Erin Edwards, Ward 1 City Council candidate

7pm - 8:30pm: Meeting

1. Introductions and Determination of Quorum
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes from March 21, 2019 meeting
4. Officer Reports
5. Candidate Statements - 1 minute each
6. Program: The Green New Deal: A Conversation with Penny Newman
7. Chairperson Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Announcements and Adjournment 


7th Annual Tamale Festival 
Voter Registration Booth
April 13th from 3:30pm to 7:30pm
3 - 4 volunteers needed

Remembering Columbine: Remember. Respect. reform.  
DGR and candidate information table
Riverside Main Library Plaza
3581 Mission Inn Ave, Riverside
9:30am - 12:30pm
1 - 2 volunteers needed

Please reply to this email if you would like to volunteer at, or have questions about, any of the above events.

This venue is ADA accessible. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for persons with disabilities.  Please call 951-394-1357 at least 48 hours in advance to make your request or for any questions, including but not limited to the program, parking, restroom facilities, American Sign Language requirements, or alternate format materials.

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