Welcome to the March Duke Urology newsletter. We have just returned from a very successful Southeastern Section AUA meeting held in Phoenix. The Duke Urology team, led by multiple resident presentations as well as extensive Duke faculty participation was outstanding. In this newsletter, we highlight the life of Saul Boyarsky, MD, previous faculty member of Duke Urology. After Saul retired from practice in St. Louis, he returned to Durham over 20 years ago. During that time, Saul actively participated in Urology Grand Rounds and established a valuable Medical Ethics program at Duke University. He will be missed.
We are also excited to welcome our four new Urology interns, Leonid, Ian, Zach and Gabrielle. We look forward to their becoming part of the Duke Urology family later this spring.
The entire Division is gearing up for the upcoming Duke Urologic Assembly meeting 28-31 of March in Orlando, Florida (https://surgery.duke.edu/education-and-training/advanced-edcuation/center-surgical-education-and-innovation/courses/urology/duke-urologic-assembly). We anticipate an excellent scientific program and look forward to spending time with colleagues and friends. Finally, please stop by and see us at the annual DYSURIA reception at the AUA meeting in Chicago which will be held on Saturday evening, 4 May from 7:30 - 9:30pm in the Prarie A Room of the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place (https://surgery.duke.edu/divisions/urology/news)
Wishing you a wonderful spring,
Saul Boyarsky, former Duke Urology resident
and faculty member, dies in Durham at age 95
Saul grew up in Burlington, VT and graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Vermont in 1943, and Cum Laude from University College of Medicine, 1946. He interned at Johns Hopkins Hospital, served in the US Army Medical Corps in Germany, and completed his Urology Residency at Duke.
Saul initially practiced Urology at New Rochelle Hospital and taught at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NY. In 1963 he returned to Duke, where he rose to the rank of Professor of Urology, Assistant Professor of Physiology, Director or Urologic Research and Director of Rehabilitation. He had a particular interest in neurourology and focused his research on urodynamics and ureteral dynamics. In 1970, he moved to St. Louis to take the position of Chief of Urology at Washington University. A physician and researcher, Saul attended Washington University School of Law and graduated with a JD from in 1981. He went on to use his law degree to lobby for tort reform, to write on malpractice and to co-author a code for relations between physicians and attorneys. He then looked at malpractice form the patient's side and became an expert witness for cases he truly believed in.
In St. Louis, Saul began teaching Lifelong Learning Classes on morals and ethics, and became interested in comparative religions while attending an interfaith dialogue breakfast group. Returning to Durham in retirement, Saul connected with the Kenan Institute foe Ethics at Duke. Through a gift to the institute, he and his wife Rose created the biannual Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics which brings to Duke Campus distinguished lectures.
Dr. Boyarsky at the retirement celebration for Dr. John Dees - 1979
The DUA takes place at the end of March this year at Walt Disney World in Orlando which has something for people of all ages – amusement parks, water slides, great golf, and warm sunshine. Michael Ferrandino MD of Duke Urology and Michael Harrison MD of Medical Oncology have put together another great collection of lectures addressing benign and malignant urologic diseases. The Victor A. Politano Lecture will be given by Herbert Lepor MD, Chair of Urology at NYU. Returning DYSURIA alums Ron Kaufman MD and Costas Lallas MD will be featured as well. We hope to see you there. There will be an annual DYSURIA dinner for all alumni of Duke Urology at the Contemporary Resort on Friday March 29. For more information, please contact robin.phillips@duke.edu or surgery.duke.edu/DUA2019
Michael Ferrandino, MD was selected to participate in the American Urological Association Leadership Program and was appointed to the AUA Education Council. His team representing the Southeastern Section won second place on the AUA Engagement of Advanced Practice Practitioners at the recent workshop. He then stayed for the AUA Advocacy Summit in Washington DC and called on the North Carolina Congressional delegation regarding policies to help our patients.
Brant Inman, MD MS was named to the study section on Cancer Immunology and Immunopathy for the National Cancer Institue.
Tom Polascik, MD, was on the Organising Committee of the 11th International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer in Kyoto Japan February 9-11, 2019. This symposium which has twice been held in Durham, took place for the first time outside of Europe and North America.
Glenn Preminger, MD, was inducted as the President of the Southeastern Section of the AUA for 2019-20 a the recent annual meeting in Scottsdale, AZ.
John Wiener, MD, received a $5000 grant from the Sexual Medicine Society of North America to offset costs of a symposium that he is hosted at Duke on May 18, 2019 to develop sexual health education videos for adolescents and adults living with spina bifida.
Brian Inouye, MD, won second prize in the Montague Boyd Essay Contest at the Southeastern Section of the AUA annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ this month for his paper, "Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction is Associated with Bladder Inflammation Triggered Through Hyperglycemia, not Polyuria."
Gene Cone. MD, is the Chair-Elect of the AUA Resident and Fellow Committee and serves on the AUA Core Curriculum Committee.
Duke residents who are sponsored by the US Army dominated the research awards at the Kimbrough Government Service Urologists annual meeting in Kona, HI in January:
Bradley Potts, won the first prize in Clinical Papers for his presentation: "Bladder Outlet Procedures are Effective in the Treatment of Patients with Urodynamically-Confirned Detrusor Underactivity without Bladder Outlet Obstruction." Faculty Mentor: Peterson
Bradley Potts, also won first place award, best poster for "Striking Differences in the Effects of B3-adrenoceptor Agonists and Antimuscarincs on Bladder Filling/Voiding Function in Chronic Spinal Cord Injured Rats. " Faculty Mentor: Fraser/Peterson
Stevie Sexton won second place award for basic sciences for her presentations: "Bladder Decompensation and Reduction in Nerve Density in a Rat Model of Chronic Bladder Outlet Obstruction is Attenuated with the NLRP3 Inhibitor Glyburide." Faculty Mentor: Purves/Hughes
Patrick Leidig won third place award for basic sciences for his presentation: "Inflammasome Activation Early in the Development of Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction." Faculty Mentor: Purves/Hughes
Nathan Hirschamn MS4, won the Swiss Continence Foundation Award for the best contribution of a "young neuro-urology talent' at the 7th Annual International Neuro-Urology Meeting in Zurich in January. His work in Todd Purves and Monty Hughes 'Duke Urology Urinary Dysfunction (DUUD) Lab earned him prize money of 10,000 Swiss Francs.
Shelby Harper MS3, won a 2019 AUA Summer Medical Student Fellowship to support her research in the DUUD lab.
The Match:
The following soon-to-be doctors will be joining the Duke Urology Residency Program in July. Beginning this year, the ACGME has changed the requirements, and these interns will be joining the Urology residency directly and not be General Surgery interns; however they will spend six months of their internship on General Surgery. Please join us in welcoming them to Duke Urology.
Top row left to right:
Leonid Aksenov M.D: Duke University, B.S in Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Ian Berger M.D. and M.S. in Health Policy Research: Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, B.S in Biology, University of Georgia.
Bottom row left to right:
Zachary Dionise M.D.: Duke University, B.A. in Economics and Minor in Chemistry, Davidson College.
Gabrielle McNary M.D.; Indiana University School of Medicine, M.S. in Medical Science, University of North Texas Health Science Center. B.A. in Psychology, Johns Hopkins University.
John P. Mulhall MD MSc, Director of Male Sexual Health and Reproductive Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY with Michael Ferrandino, MD. Duke Tuesday February 19, 2019.

March 28-31, 2019
See above
July 9, 2019
Morris Center of Urologic Research Lectureship
Sam S. Chang, MD MBA Professor of Urologic Surgery and Oncology Vanderbilt University
Paul Coughlin MD, High Point NC - "History of the Duke Urology Residency"
November 12, 2019
Johns Dees MD Lectureship
Barry Kogan MD Professor of Urology and Pediatrics
Albany Medical College