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Parshas Tzav - Revi'i with Rashi

We already learned about the week before Rosh Chodesh Nissan, where Moshe will get the kohanim ready to serve in the Mishkan. Now it’s happening! It is Chof-Gimmel Adar, and Hashem tells Moshe to get together all the things he needs — Aharon and his sons, the kohanim’s clothing, the Shemen Hamish’cha (“anointing oil”), the bull for the Chatas, two rams, and a basket of 30 matzos!

Moshe should have all of the Yidden come stand near the Mishkan so they can see. Moshe will act as the Kohen Gadol, wearing the white clothing the Kohen Gadol would wear on Yom Kippur. He will bring the special korbanos (a Korban Olah, a Korban Chatas, the special “Miluimkorban, and three Korban Minchas).

Moshe told all of the Yidden that he is doing this because Hashem said so, not because he likes the kavod or because he wants his brother to have kavod!

Moshe dressed Aharon in the special clothes of the Kohen Gadol, and put the tzitz on his head.

Moshe put or sprinkled Shemen Hamish’cha on each part of the Mishkan, so they will be ready to be used.



69 - 71

Kapitel Ayin-Alef was the Rebbe’s kapitel in Shnas Hashivim, the year of the Rebbe’s seventieth birthday. Chassidim were very excited, and they put together many niggunim for the Rebbe’s kapitel!

Here are the four niggunim that were composed on this kapitel:

1) Becha Hashem Chasisi

2) Kemofes Hayisi Lerabim

3) Avo Bigvuros

4) Teraneina Sefasai

That year, on Purim, the Rebbe spoke about those who would like to do something special and give a present to the Rebbe in honor of Yud-Alef Nissan. The Rebbe said that usually we don’t tell people what type of present to give us, but since the Chassidim are trying to make the Rebbe happy, the Rebbe is telling them what kind of things make the Rebbe happy: The Rebbe gets a special nachas ruach from when Chassidim add in their Torah learning — Niglah or Chassidus.

We are also less than one month away from Yud-Alef Nissan. We can all think about what we will add in Torah to bring a nachas ruach to the Rebbe on this special day!



Likutei Amarim Perek Lamed-Zayin

Our Avodah in Golus is what makes the Geulah happen! When Moshiach comes, we will be able to see Hashem in this Gashmius’dike world. When we use Gashmius to do a mitzvah, the light of Hashem shines in that thing, and it becomes part of kedusha. That’s the light of Hashem we’ll be able to see in the Gashmius’dike world when Moshiach comes!

In fact, this doesn’t only work with Gashmius’dike things that we use for a mitzvah. It also works with our own Nefesh Habehamis! When we use the koach of our body to do a mitzvah, our Nefesh Habehamis is helping us. Since we used it to do a mitzvah, the light of Hashem also shines in it! This way, even our Nefesh Habehamis becomes part of Kedusha!

This helps us understand something that it says in the Gemara:

The Gemara says that if a person uses all of his energy to say words of Torah, he won’t forget it. If not, he will forget it.

Why is this? Forgetting comes from the kelipah of the guf. But when we make the kelipah of the guf weaker by using all of our koach in the words of Torah and Tefillah, then the kelipah can’t make us forget! That kelipah has become part of kedusha too!



Yud-Gimmel Adar Sheini

Chassidus explains the deeper meaning of mitzvos and halachos, both in Ruchnius and in Avodah.

Today we see how Chassidus explains what the mitzvah of fighting Amalek means in Avodah!

In Parshas Zachor, it says that Amalek fought with the Yidden when they were in Refidim. Refidim can be split into two words “Rafu Yedeihem,” which means “their hands were weak.” The Chachomim tell us that the reason Amalek was able to fight the Yidden was that their hands were weak from Torah.

This means that the Yidden forgot the kedusha of Torah, and that we need to live the way the Torah teaches. That was the way Amalek was able to come fight with the Yidden.

How did the Yidden win over Amalek?

Yehoshua chose Yidden who were connected to Moshe Rabbeinu, “Anshei Moshe.” They were able to win over Amalek.

The same is true in the fight against Amalek in our Avodas Hashem! Our “Amalek” is when we don’t see the Kedusha of Torah, and forget that the Torah is teaching us how to be better Yidden.

The way to win over this kelipah of Amalek is to be from the Anshei Moshe, to be connected to Moshe Rabbeinu. In every generation there is a Moshe to connect to, which is the Rebbe of that time. The Rebbe teaches us and gives us koach and chayus to feel the holiness of the Torah and that it should bring us to be Yidden the way we should be.

Then the posuk says, “Tzei Hilachem B’Amalek” — “Go fight Amalek!” The Torah doesn’t say it the way we speak to a group of people (plural), but the way we say it to just one person (singular)! The Torah is telling EACH of us individually, in every time and in every place, to fight against our Amalek and learn Torah and do mitzvos with a chayus!



Shiur #201 - Mitzvas Asei #107

Today’s mitzvah is the same one as yesterday:

(Mitzvas Asei #107) When a neshama leaves a body, the body becomes Tomei. Someone who touches or is in the same house as the body gets some of this Tumah too, called Tumas Meis. Today’s mitzvah is to follow all of the halachos about this tumah!



Hilchos Tumas Meis

In today’s Rambam (Perakim Chof-Alef, Chof-Beis, and Chof-Gimmel) we learn more about how a keili can keep things inside of it from becoming tamei from Tumas Meis.

Only a keili that isn’t tomei itself can keep things inside of it from becoming tamei.

Most keilim can be used as an Ohel, a tent, to keep things underneath from becoming tamei. But a keili made of clay can’t be used as an Ohel. If it is turned upside down and not sealed closed, things underneath or inside of it DO become tamei.



Hilchos Korban Pesach - Perek Hey

In this perek, we learn what to do if a person becomes tomei and can’t bring the korban, and when he needs to bring it on Pesach Sheini.



Megillas Esther

During the time of the gezeirah of Haman (which was for about a year), the Yidden — and especially the Yiddishe kinderlach — had so much Mesiras Nefesh to be connected to Hashem! The gezeira was only for Jews, and anyone who converted wouldn’t be in danger, but no Jews even considered doing that!

But what happened AFTER Purim? Did the Yidden go back to normal, regular Yiddishkeit, or did they stay with that kind of Mesiras Nefesh to learn Torah and do mitzvos in the same way?

The Rebbe tells us in a maamar that the Yidden went to an even HIGHER level of Mesiras Nefesh!

Afterwards, the Gashmius and the Ruchnius of Yidden were much better — Mordechai became great, and got all of Haman’s things, and Esther was the queen… But the Yidden were still able to stay as strong in their Yiddishkeit, when things were good!

The Rebbe tells us that we have the same thing today: In the past generation, when Yidden were in places like Russia, it was very hard to do mitzvos! Many Yidden had amazing Mesiras Nefesh, even though it was so dangerous.

Nowadays we don’t have that dangerous government, things aren’t as bad in Gashmius as they were then, and we have so much more opportunity for Torah and ruchnius. Still, deep inside our neshama we need to be ready to have as much Mesiras Nefesh as they did, that nothing should stop us from doing Hashem’s Ratzon!

How can we do this?

The Yidden in the time of Purim had Mordechai as their leader, who made sure their Emunah was strong so they would have koach for Mesiras Nefesh. Nowadays too, we have a Rebbe who helps bring out the deepest part of OUR neshama so we can act this way too!

The Rebbe told all of us that Moshiach is about to come, and that we will soon be able to see Hashem in the world! But right now we don’t see it, and that hurts a Yid very much. This pain brings out the deepest part of our neshama, to cry out “Ad Mosai” to Hashem, and be ready to do whatever we can to bring Moshiach. That’s how we can have the feeling of Mesiras Nefesh, even today, so the deepest part of our neshama will be felt in everything we do.

Based on the maaamar “Ve’Ata Tetzaveh,” the last maamar gave out to Chassidim. The Rebbe gave it as a present to every Chossid who was in 770!


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The Tefillah of Ad Mosai

In the Megillah we say, “Hayomim Ha’eileh Nizkarim Venaasim” — we remember what happened in those days, and we learn from there how to live today. Everything we read in the story of Purim has a message for us. In farbrengens, the Rebbe would point out lessons we can learn from even the smallest details of the Megillah!

One of the easiest things to learn from the Purim story is about the koach of tefillah and bitachon in Hashem. The gezeira at the time of Purim was the worst gezeira possible, because ALL of the Yidden were in danger at the same time! The Yidden knew to reach out to Hashem at such a time. They came closer to Hashem by doing teshuvah and cried out for Hashem to save them. This tefillah, together with their mitzvos, had the koach to overturn the gezeira and make it the happiest Yom Tov that has ever been!

This reminds us to also call out to Hashem to help us whenever we are in a hard situation.

Right now, ALL Yidden are in a hard situation, Golus. When we cry out “Ad Mosai” with an emes, Hashem will surely hear our tefillos and give us everything we need, and bring Moshiach now!

See Purim 5732 (and other sources)



Purim Night

Today is Taanis Esther! We learned the halachos about the fast over the last few days. Don’t forget to say Selichos and Avinu Malkeinu in davening!

It is best to hear the Megillah being read as soon as the fast is over! Because of this, we aren’t allowed to get busy with anything from a half hour before the fast ends, like eating (if someone didn’t fast), taking a nap, or working.

If we won’t be able to hear the Megillah right away, and we are very hungry or thirsty, we can eat a little bit.

We should wear our costumes on Purim, or else we should wear Shabbos clothes!

Even at night, we should set the table with a tablecloth and candles! We don’t need to eat a seudah, but we should still eat something special in honor of Purim.

For more halachos see also Halacha Day by Day by the Badatz of Crown Heights or the Halacha Newsletter prepared by Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Melbourne Australia

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



A Day of Ratzon

The Rebbe reinstituted an old minhag from the time of the Mishnah, that on a fast day we should hear Divrei Kvushin, words that help us do teshuvah and make our connection to Hashem and Yiddishkeit stronger. Even if there isn’t somebody to say words of inspiration, at least we should think something ourselves during the taanis to keep this minhag. In the later years the Rebbe would say a sicha on all of the fast days, including Taanis Esther. We will learn something for one of these sichos:

A fast day is called a “Yom Ratzon LaHashem,” a day that is special to Hashem.

Chassidus explains that Ratzon is a feeling of being interested in another person, and caring about them.

On a fast day, not only does Hashem feel a Ratzon to Yidden, but Yidden feel a Ratzon to each other too!

This Ratzon, caring about another Yid, is Ahavas Yisroel! This is the opposite of Sinas Chinam, the feeling which caused the whole Golus. So on a fast day, we get rid of the reason for Golus! When the reason for Golus goes away, then the Golus itself goes away too, and the Geulah will come!

See Sicha of Taanis Esther 5751

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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