Find out what we have been up to in the UK and Ethiopia
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For-ethiopia: The Bristol, UK based charity for Ethiopia
Providing water, health and education projects to Ethiopia
News from Ethiopia
Spring is in the air, and a lot has been happening in Addis Alem. Two sites have been chosen for water projects - springs are to be capped at Besso in the North and Liti Gulit. Refurbishing is taking place in the Maternity suites at the health centres Gorba and Amero, and aprons, delivery gowns and waterproof sheeting are being stitched in our own workshop. At the High School, the girls' results are good, and attention is being given to students with disabilities. We have also been given more land in order to expand the hostel project. With twice the area, we can begin to raise money for a second house and think about other facilities that we might be able to introduce, such as horticultural opportunities, and space for sports.
This aerial photograph shows Toby's house and the existing compound. The land to the right is being transferred to us, and will be the site of the new building - and our next big fund raising drive!  Watch this space!

And watch this space for a whole new look, as we launch our new website very shortly.
What is going on in Bristol
After a very successful Christmas event, where Nick Hunt accompanied by Hannah Berhanu told the story of the Two Brothers, True and Untrue. It is a story that Nick had encountered both in Ethiopia, and, in a slightly different form in Eastern Europe. The Untrue brother robs and blinds True, but True survives many hardships and magical adventures and in the end thrives and prospers. The story was exceedingly atmospheric and enjoyed by all ages.

The story was followed by delicious food provided by the Karam Kitchen, and then traditional Ethiopian music and dance. It was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all - and it raised over £500!


Celebrate Mothers Day - Sunday 31st March at Gilou's, Bradford-on-Avon.


This will be the third year running that Gilles and Katharine Defrance have opened their beautiful café on a Sunday for our benefit, 10.30-4.00. There will be Ethiopian coffee, snacks and, of course popcorn!
- Breaking News!

Remember the Great Ethiopian Run 2017?


After a break in 2018, one of our Trustees, Mandy Risso, is considering taking a group this year. The run itself is on November 17th, but Mandy is planning to visit the historic sites of Ethiopia first - Lalibela and Gonder, and combine this with a three day trek into the Simian Mountains. Of course a visit to our projects will be included. If you are interested to know more, please contact us through the website for more details.

Also for your diary:
Cotham Hill Street Party on Sunday 19th May - we will be there!

Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank Him for not giving it wings.
 Ethiopian Proverb
Are your details up to date?

Please do help us to keep in touch by ensuring that your contact details are up to date. This can be done through the link at bottom of this email.  
We rely on regular donations to pay essential ongoing costs for FDAE salaries and running the hostel and, if you donate and pay tax in the UK, do complete and send us a Gift Aid form as 25% is added to your donation and really does make a difference.

Thank you!
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