News and Reflections of and about Northwest Yearly Meeting
NWYM is a Christ-centered, discerning, inter-generational community of Friends, committed to discipleship and outreach to impact society locally and globally.
Spring Break Service Trips

 Melba Friends 
From March 19th to 28th, Melba Friends embarked on our 12th trip to Mexico to work with Genesis Diez at Rancho Genesis and the Puerta Hermosa special needs orphanage.  Two students arrived earlier at Puerta Hermosa to work with the orphanage as a part of their senior projects for high school.  They spent their time loving on the children, as well as applying learned CNA duties of caring for each of the 8 children. 

The rest of the team arrived on the 22nd and joined immediately in continuing our annual work with the children and families of two impoverished communities, El Pipila and Zorrilo.  Our church has worked with these children and families over spring break for the past 13 years.  We gather the children to show them the love of God through our time together having fun, sharing the Bible's story of God's love and faithfulness (through the story of Joseph this year), and by sharing our own testimonies. 

Trampolines, new shoes, Chinese food, a trip to the ocean, skits, games, songs, worship, food for the families and care packs for the kids were all a part of the full and blessed week in working with the children and families.  Each member of our 15 (all but 3 were returners) person team was paired with 1-3 kids to work with and love on. The connection to the children and their families continues to grow over the years so that when the word is spread that "Melba is coming," we are greeted with so much joy and love that we feel deeply bonded to the people of Mexico. 

Working with Genesis is a profound blessing as they not only help facilitate our trip, but enable us to see the building of God's Kingdom in an area and amongst a people of great need.  In addition to working with the people, we contribute hours working for the new and beautiful Rancho Genesis.  We helped by building dorms, a culvert to aid in road stability, planting trees and flowers, as well as installing solar street lights around the camp.  It was a joy to know that our efforts will be a part of blessing the work of many more churches that will connect with orphanages throughout the coming years (1,000 ninos and 600 amigos this summer alone).  I long for everyone to connect with and support Genesis Diez and their powerful ministries to the people of Mexico.  

- Chris Hinderliter, Pastor


Why did you choose to go this year? 
What are tangible ways that you have seen God work in your life because of this trip?

I went because every year has been so great and an amazing experience.  I also went as a part of my senior project for school where I spent time working with the children at Puerta Hermosa, the special needs orphanage Genesis runs.
Working the special needs orphans and being able to help the children and their families helped me in countless ways, but especially to grow in experiencing and sharing God’s love.

- Hannah Hinderliter

This was our family’s 7th year going to Rancho Genesis. Reid and I have felt called to missions and camping ministry since before we got married 12 years ago. Our church’s trip was always a youth trip with a few chaperones, but we started bringing our young family when our boys were 3 and 1. We also now have a daughter and our children have all grown up going to Genesis each spring break. They are ages 10, 7 and 4 now and they are already talking about next year’s trip. Actually, they’ve all asked if we can go back sooner. They love the ranch and the people there. We continue to feel called to take our family each year, even after moving last May to Quaker Hill to live and work. We are so thankful God calls us to Mexico and we can experience this type of service with our kids.

We have seen our children grow up knowing what service, hard work and sacrifice is. They have seen and felt the sacrifices we have made as a family to continue to go each year. They work hard alongside the adults and help get things done at the ranch. They have seen how other children live and how little some families have. All three of them love going, understanding it will be hard work, but knowing they will get to see their friends again. We have been blessed to work with the same family each year and we have pictures of them in our home. They are an extension of our family and we love them very much. I love that we can all love on each other's children and the kids play and laugh and love together, despite the language barrier.

After each year, we continue to feel called to ministry. We always knew what we were doing, although still good, was not what God wanted for our family. We have looked into different missions and camps over the year, but it was after last year’s Mexico trip that we came home and gave everything up! Two months later we left our jobs, our home, our church, our school, our families, everything and moved to Quaker Hill Camp! The service and sacrifice we experienced in Mexico showed us what God’s plan was for us as a family!

Reid and I have felt God working in our hearts after each trip, but the feelings we have of watching God work through our children’s hearts is indescribable. We are so thankful that God still called us to Rancho Genesis this year, even after moving to Quaker Hill. We hope and pray He continues to do that and that our kids can continue to grow up serving and building relationships in Mexico!

- Kimberly Fitch
The 2019 EFM Easter Offering, “To Rwanda and Beyond,” is now available at This year’s offering features Evangelical Friends Rwanda and the materials give show whole-life discipleship in action. Proceeds will go to support EFM’s ministries in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ecuador, India, Ireland, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines, and Rwanda. Your generous giving helps the ministries of discipleship and church planting move forward in these countries. We invite you to participate as congregations or individuals as you feel led.
Youth Volleyball Tournament Just 2 Weeks Away!
For more information about the weekend, click here.
Southern Oregon Area Spring Fellowship and Missions Rally

Sponsored by Friends Women Fellowship but intended for the whole congregation
Date:  May 18, 2019

Time:  10:00 am

Place:  Talent Friends Church

Keynote Presenter:  Dan Cammack, Executive Director of Evangelical Friends Mission

We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Todd, serving with STEP International in Palestine, will present an update report.

Visitors welcome.
Calendar of Events

April 10-25 | Bolivia Centennial Celebration | Bolivia

April 26 & 27 | NWYM Volleyball Tournament | Nampa, ID
May 18 | Southern Oregon Area Fellowship and Missions Rally | Talent Friends Church | 10:00 am

May 24-27 | Samuel School I & II | Tilikum, OR

May 24-27 | Family Camp | Quaker Cove, WA
June & July
June 5 | So. Oregon Area Meeting | Medford Friends | 6 pm

June 10 | Day Camps and Junior High Camps begin | Tilikum

June 15 | Inland Area Meeting | River of Life Friends| 1 pm

June 24-28 | Children and Youth Culinary Camps | Quaker Cove

July 21-24 | Yearly Meeting Sessions | George Fox University
Online Giving
You can donate to the General Fund or any project funded through Northwest Yearly Meeting using this link.  

Pastoral Openings

Boise Friends Church seeks a Worship Pastor. Email them here.

Medford Friends Church is seeking a Worship Arts Team Leader. Find a job description here and an application form here.

Coming of Friends

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Joining of Friends

Notify us of a marriage

Passing of Friends

Yvonne Carr, of Newberg Friends Church, passed away on March 22nd.
Notify us of a passing friend
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