Growing Strong
Abukloi School started its 6th school year in February. We have over 375 students, 30% of whom are women. Increasingly, our students and graduates are taking on leadership roles in the community through debates, sports, arts, community service, and local businesses.
Thank you for believing in the people of South Sudan and helping their dreams grow.
Abukloi Awarded Kitchen Grant

Our deepest appreciation goes to Raliegh Court Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA for awarding us a $16,000 grant to construct a kitchen and storage area.

There are over 375 students at Abukloi Secondary, most of whom eat only one meal a day late at night. At this time, Abukloi has no means to provide even a snack in the middle of the school day.  Poor nutrition and hunger results in low school attendance, illness, inattentiveness, and reduced cognitive ability.

The grant will be used to buy building materials and cover the cost of transportation of those materials. The students will provide the labor to build the kitchen and storehouse at the school.  Our objective is to have the kitchen and storehouse completed in the next 2 to 3 months
Then we will apply to the World Food Program and other NGOs provide food to our students so that access to education and human capital development will increase.

Our new school librarians (from left): Amat de Paul (former deputy academic prefect), Deng Joseph (former general secretary of Peace and Human Rights Club; Chairperson of debate), Mariah Akur Moses (former deputy head girl), Akolde Vivian (former head girl). All are recent graduates employed by the school.
Empowering the Community
Learning doesn't happen in a fix the location. Its effects spread throughout the community empowering all it reaches. Alual Malual Kodi lives in one of the homes next to Abukloi. She learned about planting crops alongside the students last year. She asked if she could try out some of the things she learned on acreage behind the school while the students were on year-end break. Her results have been so successful the students are helping her maintain the garden throughout the school year. 
If you, your organization, or group would like to make a tangible impact on the success of the Abukloi community, please consider becoming a
Student or Teacher Sponsor or recognize
a special event with a Day Sponsorship
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The Paint on Slate to Educate FUNraiser was a great success. Our thanks to Richmond artist Nan Johnson for leading the eventful night.  In addition to going home with a fun painting, a lucky artist left with a purse designed and handmade by a former Abukloi student. Her business was funded by Abukloi's small-business loan.
Abukloi is giving a big Thank You to board member Ellen Wicker Cummings and Jim Lavender for hosting a wonderful event for the missions of Abukloi and Costa Rica at Baylake UMC in Virginia Beach. Jim Lavender is a master storyteller who takes the experiences of his life and weaves them into poignant and hilarious tales.
Meet Our Students
Daniel Deng Joseph is an Abukloi success story. He graduated in the top of his class last November and is much admired by his peers and community. Starting in his first year he worked hard to create a cooperative atmosphere at Abukloi School by befriending students from minority tribes and engaging in the debate club. By his third year, he became General Secretary of the Peace and Human Rights Club and hosted a radio show to promote thoughtful debate in the community. 
In addition to his academic and community accomplishments, Deng is a writer and an artist. In fact, he is already working on his second book.  We are looking forward to seeing the direction God takes Deng's life. 
“Peace education is significant because it helps educators prepare students like me to be the next generation of leaders in creating a more equitable society.
Create peace in your heart and spread it to the people." - Deng
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