Finn's Finest Dress UP Event
Thank you to our Lutz Preparatory Community for donating to PTA's Community Service Project Dress UP for Finn Event to support our LP family. Our school raised approximately $3264 of our $4000 goal - THANK YOU!
It's not to late to show your support!Another option to donate to Finn's Dream is on the donation page of the Children's Dream Fund Organization. If you donate online via this link, please notate "Finn" in the comments field of payment screen so your donation will be earmarked for Finn.
Monday, April 1:
Wear Your Pay It Forward Shirt
Tuesday, April 2:
4th grade: FSA ELA Writing (Paper)
3rd grade: FSA ELA Reading (Paper)
5th grade: FSA ELA Writing (Paper)
6th grade: FSA ELA Writing (Paper)
8th grade: FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)
Closed Campus Due to Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
Wednesday, April 3:
3rd grade: FSA ELA Reading (Paper)
7th grade: FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)
Closed Campus Due to Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
Thursday, April 4:
Tentative Closed Campus Due to Make-Up Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
Friday, April 5:
Tentative Closed Campus Due to Make-Up Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
LP Golf Outing
Habit of the Month April: Find Your Voice
When you align your passions and strengths, and find a specific need you’re driven to fill, you’ve found your voice.
Parent Tip of the Week: Your voice could encourage others to find their own voice.
Important Reminder:
Students attending Lutz Preparatory School or our After-School Program must be signed out by an adult who is 18 years of age or over.
Important Dates
4/7: Board of Director Interviews
4/9: Elementary Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks
4/10: Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon
4/10: Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day
4/10: PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Breakfast
4/10: Middle School Report Cards Available Online Only
4/17: Volunteer Breakfast
4/18: 6th Grade Field Trip
4/18: Lightning Leader Ceremony
4/18: LP Field Day (Weather Back Up Date 4/26)
4/19: No School: Non-Student Day
4/22-5/28: Tentative Closed Campus Due to Testing
4/23: Kindergarten Field Trip
4/25: Board of Director Meeting
5/3: Community Outreach Opportunity: Finn's Fight Benefit
Volunteer Corner
Track Meet Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help facilitate three upcoming Track Meets at Rushe Middle School on April 3rd and April 23rd.
Volunteer Awards Breakfast and Luau Party ALOHA!!! It is time to celebrate our Amazing Volunteers with the Annual Awards Breakfast & Luau Party at Lutz Prep on Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
There will be lots of food and fun as always! Wear your favorite Hawaiin shirt or dress if you have one!
Find out who the top winners are with the most volunteer hours and the #1 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR! You won't want to miss this one!
Our goal is to have the Lutz Prep Golf Outing the highlight of the season! Every dollar we raise will help support the future of Lutz Preparatory School.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED! Friday, March 29th or until sold out. - Register Today!
Questions? Contact Bobby Fox @ - (813) 528-0904
FSA & EOC Parent Notification Letters
Please click on the respective grade level links below for FSA Informational Letters that will be sent home with students on Monday, March 11, 2019. For future reference regarding FSA please continue to monitor the NEWSFLASH or visit the Assessmentsection of our website.
3rd-6th Grades:LP Spring 2019 FSA Grades 3-6 WRM PBT Parent Guardian Notification Letter
7th & 8th Grades: LP Spring 2019 FSA Grades 7-10 Retake WRM EOC Parent Guardian Notification Letter CBT
5th & 8th Grades:LP Spring 2019 Statewide Science Parent Guardian Notification Letter
7th Grade: LP Spring 2019 NGSSS EOC Parent Guardian Notification Letter CBT
Florida Standards Assessment Portal
The FSA portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments.
Florida’s K-12 assessment system measures students’ achievement of Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life. Assessment supports instruction and student learning, and test results help Florida’s educational leadership and stakeholders determine whether the goals of the education system are being met. Please click HEREto visit the Florida Department of Education FSA Portal.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we have begun the second part of the school year, we want to inform you of some key information regarding the upcoming spring assessments. Below you will find tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments. Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors. State and district changes, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep all can play a factor in altering testing dates and times. While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available on campus.
Below are some good tips to help your child during testing:
Get a good night’s sleep
Eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school
Arrive to school ON TIME! Tardiness will affect your child’s testing schedule
Avoid scheduling appointments during the school day; limiting tardies and early sign outs
Remember to notify immediately if your child is ill
Reminder: Absolutely NO electronics allowed during testing (cell phones, smart watch/wrist phones, etc.)
Help reinforce academic integrity and that this is a snapshot of your child’s progress
Encourage them to do their best and not stress
**TENTATIVE** Testing Plan Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year, with testing potentially ending the last week of school **Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
1st & 2nd grade:
i-Ready Reading Diagnostic (Computer Based Test)- weeks of April 29 – May 10
3rd grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- April 2 & 3
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
i-Ready Reading Diagnostic (Computer Based Test)- week of April 22 - 26
4th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 2
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
5th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 2
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 9 & 10
6th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 2
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
7th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)- April 2 OR 3 …testing window is 4/1 to 4/12
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 1 - 10…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Civics EOC (Computer Based Test -NGSSS)- May 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
8th grade: (Students will take ONE math assessment, based on course enrollment)
FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)- April 2 OR 3 …testing window is 4/1 to 4/12
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 1 - 10…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA 8th gr Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Algebra 1 EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Geometry EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 9
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time** Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year, with testing potentially ending the last week of school
PDQ Gift Cards for Sale
Lutz Prep has partnered with PDQ to enhance the education of our LP students. PDQ has allotted Lutz Prep a limited number of $10 gift cards that are available for purchase for only $7. We are pleased to sell these cards at a 30% discount to our Lutz Prep families & friends as a perk. These cards are good at all PDQ locations and do not expire!
Sales begin February 25th and will last until the inventory of cards is depleted. All proceeds raised from the sale of these gift cards will go directly back to our school for programs that benefit our children.
It's simple:
Complete the form below detailing the amount of cards requested and amount paid. The limit of 10 per family has been lifted, you may purchase as many as you like; first come first serve.
Attach payment to this form.
Return to your homeroom teacher.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our business manager,Diana Jenkins, at
Oh the Memories!
Thank you again to PTA for hosting these wonderful events for our families. Click on the links below to view and download these photos from the events.
Click HERE to view photos from the Mother Son Evening of Fun
Click HERE to view photos from the Father Daughter Dance
Box Top Campaign New Contest Runs Through April 30th We are recruiting you, your family & friends to participate in our first ever Box Tops Across America Contest.
Please ask friends and family to mail Box Tops to Lutz Prep! If you are heading out of town for Spring Break, take your stash with you and mail them from your destination. Don’t forget your family overseas and on military bases.
This contest will run until April 30, 2019. All envelopes must be postmarked by that date to be counted as an entry.
Click HERE for full details and sample envelope requirements for contest.
DID YOU KNOW? Box Tops expire 4 times a year: March, June, November and December, the 2 big expiration dates are March and November!The school gets 10 cents for every little unexpired rectangle that is turned in!
Announcing Red's Team Sports Spring Uniform Sale This is for only items in stock in the store - no special order items.
Will be sent home in backpacks on Tuesday, April 9th
Middle School Report Cards:
Available ONLINE ONLY on Wednesday, April 10th
Parents, click HERE to visit the Hillsborough County Schools Online Report Card and Assessment Score web page.
If you do not know your student PIN you can click on the "Request a PIN" link on that page and your student's PIN will be sent to either the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian as provided on the Student Emergency Information Card.
Gently Used Athletic Equipment Drive Pay It Forward - Play It Forward!
Beginning the Tuesday after Spring Break, Tuesday, March 26th, Lutz Prep will be collecting gently used sporting equipment to give to the children in various programs around Tampa Bay. There will be collection bins in the front lobby and in the Media Center.
For example, we will be taking baseball bats, helmets, gloves, tennis rackets, skates, frisbees, shin guards, balls, etc. All items must be in good condition. This Play It Forward drive will run through April 26th.
Time to clean out those outgrown items and put a smile on the faces of children who would love to have the equipment.
New After School Sessions Starting Soon
Have You Signed Up For Summer Camps Yet - Slots Are Filling Up Fast!
Click HERE to view our Summer Camp Information and Registration