Unincorporated Association Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup
Minutes of the Inaugural Annual General Meeting
2pm 31st March 2019
Nerang Uniting Church, 5 Nerang River Drive, Nerang
All members present gave their various reasons for wishing to be involved and what outcome they were hoping for - including:-
Working out best options for the children
Keeping options open including home-schooling
At present 1 hour from Steiner school – option of home school or local Waldorf
Information about new venture, Waldorf popular in Hungary
Teacher including drama
Support Mums, Steiner background, share knowledge
Looking for holistic approach
Currently studying Waldorf Early Childhood – more study options
Currently sharing the running of Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup
To become involved in creating a community - part of the Waldorf community on the Gold Coast
Accredited teacher training in NZ. Now wish to become a Waldorf teacher
Passion for Steiner education. Looking for schooling option for children.
To bring Anthroposophy into the home
Currently running a playgroup after attending NSW Waldorf playgroups
Helping the Association to become Incorporated
Time frame
The importance of the time lags was mentioned.
Therefore the need to get forms and searches underway now.
The Legal Status of an Association
This was read to highlight the powers of an Association and that “individuals on the committee aren’t personally liable (as long as they acted in good faith).
Discussion about the Ltd company status versus Incorporation lead to an agreement that a not for profit Association was preferred.
Vote on becoming an Association
The vote to form an Incorporated Association was unanimous.
Name (s) of Association
As the Office of Fair trading requires 3 options a vote was taken and the 3 most popular were
Hummingbird, Sophia and The Bridge.
The Association name will therefore be requested in that order.
Board Members
The elected board members are:-
Zuzana Buckley - Chairperson
Sara Carrigan
Katie Alini - Secretary
Marianna Bela - Treasurer
Zsuzsanne Nemeth
Nancy Finch
Alf Finch
Susie Kuciak
Nominate person to fill in Application for Incorporation as an Association
Alf Finch was nominated to complete and forward the Application to become an Incorporated Association
Adopt Rules
Board Principles and Constitution
Conflict of Interest Policy
And Privacy Policy
were tabled and discussed and passed unanimously
Blue cards
Four board members already have blue cards and the others given applications to fill out to be returned to Alf as soon as possible.
Site evaluation and Accreditation Sub Committees to be formed as soon as possible.
Volunteers are still required for immediate action continuing over the next few weeks
Meeting closed at 3.50pm