
April 2019

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Welcome to the April issue of our Helping Parents Heal Newsletter!  Hello, beautiful Shining Light Parents!  We are glad you have found us.  This newsletter is a space that allows us to share our amazing children. We are all in this together.  We understand and we walk the same path. Thank you for your compassion and for the constant support you provide.  Together, we will help each other heal!

Please be sure that you have entered your child's information and photo onto the tributes page of our website,  We celebrate Birthdays and Angel Dates on our Facebook page, Helping Parents Heal.  Our password is Everest.

Our Second Helping Parents Heal Conference, April 16-19, 2020, in Charleston, SC!
Our 2020 HPH Banner

Our wonderful Conference Director, Irene Vouvalides, is hard at work on our Second Helping Parents Heal Conference in Charleston, SC, which will be from April 16-19, 2020329 parents have already signed up.  We hope that you can join us! 

The registration price of $279 includes a Welcome Cocktail Reception on Thursday evening with appetizers and unlimited beer and wine, three breakfasts (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and two lunches (Friday and Saturday). The room rate for the Charleston Marriott will be $212 per night and registration will open on April 16, 2019. 

Suzanne Giesemann, Susanne Wilson, Dr. Eben Alexander, Jeffery Olsen, Dr. Jeffrey O'Driscoll, Drs. Gloria and Heidi Horsley, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Mark Pitstick, Dr. Mary Neal, Mark Anthony, Jake Samoyedny, Tina Powers, Christine Salter, Maureen Hancock, Jamie Clark, Rick and Beth Olsen, David Router, Mark Ireland, Ernie Jackson, Nicole Reilly, Melinda Kushner, Kim Griffin, Kat Baillie, Michelle Clare, and Fara Gibson will all be presenting at our conference. 
David Kessler will also be joining us and we are very grateful!  He i
s an author, public speaker, and death and grieving expert.  Please visit his website by clicking here.  We are thrilled that many of the esteemed presenters from our first conference will be returning to this conference! You can register for the conference by clicking here

The Caring ListenersLinda McCarthy, Ernie Jackson, Glenda Pearson, Suzi Smith, Tracy Soussi, Lisa Laniewski, Tywana Smith, Brian Smith, David Alison, Jeff Hollahan, Lynn Hollahan and Suzanne Klokkenga of the Caring Listeners

Twelve wonderful Caring Listeners, led by Linda McCarthy, are willing to talk in person, by phone, or on a video-conference call like Skype or Zoom.  They each are bereaved parents who are now shining brightly – most of the time – and want to help others.  Please click here to learn more!

Susanne Wilson and her book 'Soul Smart'

Susanne is a huge supporter of Helping Parents Heal, she was a keynote speaker at our last conference and will be at our next conference as well.  She organized a raffle with 14 other talented Psychic Mediums to raise scholarship money for our 2020 Second Helping Parents Heal Conference.  $13,025 was raised and we held a live Facebook drawing on St Patrick's Day!  Please click here to view.  Please also view her wonderful talk to our parents that same day here.  

13 Tips to Heal Your Energy, by Susanne Wilson, MA

1. Say out loud every day: “I declare that I am healthy in body, mind and spirit.”

You create your present and future through your thoughts, words and actions. Starting with your thoughts.

2. Talk to The Source. Then listen.

Prayer is talking to The Source. Meditation is listening to your "spiritual GPS."

3. Be a WARRIOR not a worrier.

Expect the best but prepare for the worst with no obsessing on "what-if." Trust that your antagonists are your teachers. You stand to learn the most, about yourself, from dealing with personalities and situations that challenge you.

4. When it comes to your time and energy, give until it feels good, not until it hurts.

Good acts will come back to you in time. But if you feel taken advantage of, figure out why you feel that way and how you will act differently next time.

5. Unclutter. Everywhere.

Home clutter: Get rid of stuff you no longer need. Have a garage sale or donate it to charity.

Head clutter: Limit your news intake to 20 minutes a day. Don’t watch TV programs that bring you down: shows about serial killers, autopsies, and demons. Switch to uplifting entertainments. 

Always fill your "energy tank" before it’s half empty. 

Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to reach your destination.

Gut clutter: Choose water as your default beverage. If you drink alcohol daily, figure out why. No one's body needs alcohol. 

Stop eating before you feel full, at least six days a week, because it takes about 30 minutes after you stop eating to realize that you are full. Eat what you want on the 7th day; you have earned it.

6. Realize that nothing is permanent.

Youth, career, beauty, money, reputation, lovers, and friends are transitory phenomena. Don’t become so attached to people and stuff that you neglect your inner truth. Drastic life changes need not rock your world completely, forever. There are two things you can count on forever and always: (1) The Source, which is never apart from you; (2) Your loved ones in spirit, who are still with you.

7. Stop trying to change people.

If people in your life drain your energy, try to make yourself as unavailable as humanly possible. If you are partnered with a toxic person, love yourself enough to change the situation, because you cannot change the person.

8. Show up.

Focus on the person who is talking to you. Don’t think about what you are going to say next, until it is your turn to talk. Choose your words with compassion. 

If your loved one is having a hard time in life, don’t assume you know what that loved one needs. Instead, ask them, “How do you feel I can best help you?” Perhaps listening is all that they require. Jumping in to "fix it," without being asked, makes it all about you.

9. Speak up.

Don’t tolerate abuse or neglect of a person or pet. Pay attention to what’s going on. If you see something, say something or do something. The universe has made you aware so that you can help. What you do (or don’t do) in response will become part of the tapestry of your life.

10. Appreciate nature.

Nature wants to help you heal. Go sit outside. Take walks, if you can. Pay attention to sounds, sights, smells, feelings, and details. Not only will this relax you, but it will also help you to develop your intuitive gifts.

11. Stay connected to the arts.

Artists bring a bit of heaven to earth. If you know how to play an instrument, paint or sing a song – Do it. You don’t have to be good at it. You will benefit from doing. Dance when the mood strikes. Take advantage of free and low-cost community venues. Visit a museum or attend a play.

12. Cleanse the energy in your home.

Your home is your sanctuary. Clear out the spiritual dust bunnies by cleansing your home on occasion. If you don’t know how, hire a caring professional who will not only clear your home but will teach you how to do it yourself next time.

13. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Often.

If you always say “I love you”, then you won’t have to doubt later whether you said it. Loved ones, who now reside in the Spirit World, are thrilled whenever you say, "I know that you are here, and I love you!"

-With love, Susanne

Link to Bridging Heaven and Earth, May 4-5, 2019, Scottsdale, HPH Discount Code: HPH_BHE, Link to Touching Heaven, June 15, 2019, Nashville.  HPH Discount Code: HPH25

Why I Test Mediums, by Mark Ireland
Mark Ireland, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of Helping Parents Heal 

Why I Test Mediums

After the release of my first book, Soul Shift in 2008, I was swamped with requests for the names of good Mediums. Through my story, people came to understand that a high-quality reading with a credible Medium can serve as a healing balm for those grieving the passing of a loved one.

I always stress that Mediumship readings are just one (optional) component of an overall healing process and should never be viewed as the end all be all. Further, I discourage people from consulting Mediums more than 2x per year as they may become addicted and ignore other important healing practices or therapy. Some people choose not to consult Mediums at all and prefer to pursue other pathways to healing.

I encourage people to invest the time and energy to learn how to form their own direct connection with their loved one. But it’s not always easy for people in a fragile emotional state to accomplish this — hence the value of a Mediumship reading.

To address the requests I was receiving, I initially compiled a list of the top Mediums that I knew and began sharing it. But it soon became apparent that many of those on the list were overbooked, meaning that people in need had to wait months to a year for a reading appointment. Additionally, a few of the Mediums on my list charged more than some people could afford. I understood this from the Medium’s perspective since many of them left good-paying careers to do readings full time, yet still had bills to pay.

In December 2013, my second book,
Messages from the Afterlife was released and included information about my intention to start a Medium Certification program. At the time, I had a sneaking suspicion that there were probably many talented, yet undiscovered Mediums. If I was correct about this, I also deduced that these individuals would have short wait lists and most likely charge less than the well-known Mediums.

In the spring of 2014, I launched my program, intent on providing a valuable resource to people in need. As I say on my Certified Mediums
Website, “It has been established that evidential readings, or sittings as they are also called, can provide a therapeutic benefit to bereaved persons. Conversely, poor-quality readings with lesser mediums or fraudulent persons can derail the healing process for the bereaved.”

While other sites list mediums, some of these sources do not test the mediums they endorse — instead, they are just recommended on the basis of testimonials. There are also lists provided by research organizations, but they tend to include very few mediums — many of whom are over-booked or no longer conduct private readings. So while no Medium can guarantee a good reading, my program was launched with the intention of providing people with the best chance at a helpful and healing experience with a credible resource.

Mediums certified through my program are required to conduct at least five (5) blinded test readings for five (5) different sitters unbeknownst to them, with passing results based on statistical accuracy.

This method of testing has proven successful and now, roughly five years into the process, I have certified twenty Mediums. And while I’d already built a solid group of Mediums, an entirely new group has recently come through the program and performed at a very high level. People like Michelle Clare, Isabella Johannson, Kat Baillie, Lauren Startt, Freya Dunne, Shelby Mae, Ann Van Orsdell, and Danielle Wolfe are great additions to the program. Those Mediums already on the site do a great job too, but I wanted to acknowledge those who recently earned certification.
If you are contemplating booking a reading, don’t hesitate to check into the people on my site,  I built this program with no external funding and no profit motive. I made this investment to create a trustworthy resource for people in need.

-Written by Mark Ireland, Author, Public Speaker and Co-Founder/Chairman of the Board of Helping Parents Heal 

Dr. Mark Pitstick and his book 'SoulProof'

Evolved Souls Don’t Need Long Earthly Lives
April 2019
by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC 

To all parents, I am very sorry about the physical death of your child.  However, I am glad you are open to learning how to heal and transform.  Six key understandings to making that shift are:

1. Your child is alive and well in another phase of forever.

2. Only his physical body died.  Everything else continues eternally: all the love, light, energy, humor, personality, memory, energetic and subtle bodies, and much more.  Really knowing this allows you to journey from seeing yourself as a bereaved to a shining light parent

3. She is happy, peaceful, and enthusiastic – and wants you to be that way now.

4. You will see her when you pass on and can enjoy relationships with her now.
5. You can choose to transmute your grief into a spiritually transformative experience that powerfully improves your life and blesses others.

6. You can heal and increase the gifts from his life by lovingly serving others 
Many parents have realized this great news and are living happy and fulfilling lives again.  You can do the same.  It’s not easy and doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible with small steps day by day.  Here are five action steps . . .

  1. Attend local and online Helping Parents Heal (HPH) meetings
  2. Call The Caring Listeners to talk at no charge.
  3. Read relevant Foundational Articles for Healing & Transforming on and take action steps
  4. Listen to my free Radio Shows and our answers to life’s toughest questions including why children die. 
  5. Lean on others then later, when you are doing better, pay it forward.

Q: Even though it’s been three years since our son passed, I’m still having anxiety and depression.  Some days it is really bad, but I’d rather not take drugs.  What can I do? - Mary 
A: Dear Mary, I am sorry for all the hardship you’ve gone through and your continuing symptoms.  The passing of a child, even when you know you will see him again, can be devastating to the body and mind.  After such a huge shock, it’s important to reset your system so you can re-enter the flow of life when it’s time.  By the way, three years is not that long so be gentle and patient with yourself. 
Each person is different so there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution.  I agree with you about using natural healing methods whenever possible instead of drugs that don’t address the underlying imbalances and have serious potential side-effects.  You can learn much more about how to heal and transform yourself by with articles # 2, 5, 12, 26, and 32 at
Here are my top three recommendations:

  1. Breathe.  In some ancient cultures, the word for ‘breath’ also meant ‘spirit and life-force’.  Normal breathing patterns can get stuck after severe emotional and/or physical trauma.  I suggest these three breathing techniques to reset:
  1. Four times a day, or whenever you find yourself feeling quite sad and hopeless, take five slow deep breaths.  With each one, mentally repeat to yourself phrases that are personally meaningful to you.  For example, you might say: ‘Relax.  I will get through this.  I know my child is helping me right now.  I will make her proud.  I am looking for the silver linings and sharing them with others.’
  2. Sit quietly for 15 minutes daily with eyes closed and breathing slowly and deeply.  See my book Radiant Wellness for several simple meditation techniques you can use. 
  3. Use the Holistic Breathing Technique as directed.  This is the best way I know to release old negative emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness, blame, fear, etc. 
  1. Help your body/mind heal itself.  Again, different people need different solutions to become whole and balanced.  Holistic solutions are discussed in Radiant Wellness.  I especially recommend Nutrition Response Testing (see article # 32 at 
  1. Ask Your Inner Wisdom.  It’s great to get counseling from a minister and/or therapist, but don’t forget to ask your self.  I’ve created the Ask Your Soul audio product that uses deep relaxation and visual imagery.  You can check in with the part of you that sees more of the greater reality than you can with your human brain-induced myopia.   
Apply these techniques and information for 90 days and let me know how you are doing.  Becoming a shining light parent is like climbing mountains: when you get to the top of the one you’re on, you look around and see where you want to go next.    

University-based scientific research has definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.  How might this news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?

-That life continues after bodily death has now been scientifically demonstrated. 
Shall we live accordingly?

Note: I mention my products so you know all the information/strategies needed for healing and transformation.  Let me know if you truly cannot afford them and we’ll send digital copies.
Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s recommendations are based on forty-five years of training and experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and holistic health practice.  Some of his statements are supported by clinical and scientific data while others are based on empirical evidence and his best current understandings.  

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, masters clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and workshop/webinar teacher.  He also trained in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention.  Mark directs the
SoulPhone Foundation, co-founded Greater Reality Living groups, and is a board member of Helping Parents Heal.  His mission is to help you know and show that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.

Fellowship and Coincidences 
Kristine and Ernie Jackson

What Next?

Quinton’s ten-year angleversary is nearly here; maybe that is why I have gone inward, reflecting and reaching deeper.  I remember it like it was yesterday, the accident, the signs, and the epiphanies; and I remember the reading of oh so many books.  All together, they were a splash of bright and vibrant color on the blank canvas of my soul, in my absolute darkest hour.  While the signs and epiphanies lifted my spirits, the reading helped me begin to focus my attention and to make sense of how it all was possible.

Down the rabbit hole I leaped, just like many of you.  My journey was fueled by the sensation of Quinton holding my hand thirty hours after he transitioned and his coming to a Medicine Man five days after the accident to get a message to us.  We didn’t have Helping Parents Heal, so I went to a well-known bookstore, the Tattered Cover on Colfax in Denver, selecting books that spoke to me.  While reading the first book, I came across a passage that compared death to coming home from a long day, going into your closet and stripping off your dirty clothes and getting into something more comfortable; only with death we go home and peel off our physical bodies.  This profoundly impacted me since it spoke of death as only a transition, a crossing a threshold, a peeling off of our ‘earth suit’ and then a continuation in a different form.  For me, somehow afraid of even the concept of death at the time, this thought was completely incredible.  And so the journey began in earnest, as does yours.

Over the years, I have noticed truth can be found anywhere, in non-fiction and fiction alike, in books such as Celestine Prophecy.  Again, understand the mindset.  I was looking for information, for answers and for a deeper understanding of how Quinton was still alive and able to send me signs. My hunger for this knowledge was insatiable; I read what I was called to read and what was given to me in most cases.  Celestine Prophecy falls in the latter category.  It was this book, by James Redfield that identified the significance of coincidences.  It explains that they most typically indicate a connection to something or a message of some kind.  As an example of how this works, when you think of your loved one on the other side, suddenly a butterfly, a hummingbird or a dragonfly, or anything that seems unusual, suddenly appears. For many, the thought is, “What a coincidence!”, but we know better now, don’t we?

The reading was vital to me for a season, a season lasting possibly five years.  During that time, there was another key element to my processing the information and pain.  Physical exercise helped me immeasurably because even though an amazing community wrapped both Kristine and me in its arms, we still were not connected to Helping Parents Heal.  The physical exertion helped me purge some of the grief as I grunted, groaned and felt the high from the endorphins.  We talk of Light and Love, of Knowledge and Peace, but still, we must cry or do something to process the heaviness of grief.  The fellowship of speaking with others on this path was equally beneficial.

Ten years later, the quiet returns.  Having grown tired of the sound of my voice, being outside with nature, sitting in silence and listening, feeling, enjoying and noticing all that is going on around me – is a welcoming Peace.  You see, we already KNOW, and in that knowing, now I endeavor to just BE.  We know that Quinton is but a thought away; we know how to hear him when that faint whisper or sign arrives. We have a greater sense of why we remain and recognition that sometimes Quinton is on the keyboard or quietly in my head with ideas about how to help others or what must be shared. 

What comes next?  An even greater sense of peace and of just being, while being present to hear from our son; and this I wish for you as well.  Our children are but a focused thought away, and with their encouragement, may your Knowing and Inner Peace be multiplied untold times.

I wish you all the best and feel free to contact me if you have questions.  Dialogue is good.  We are both teacher and student, each of us. 

God Bless and Namaste, Ernie and Kristine, Quinton’s Dad and Mom

-Please click 
here to listen to Karl Fink's interview with Ernie.

-Ernie Jackson is a Board Member of Helping Parents Heal, a Caring Listener and the proud father of Quinton. His two books, 'Quinton's Messages' and 'Quinton's Legacy,' are available at  

Suzanne Giesemann's W-Holy You! Retreat at Unity of Kansas
Suzanne Giesemann and some of her many fans!

Suzanne Giesemann's 4-day Retreat at Unity Village in Kansas City in April started by honoring Shining Light Parent in spirit Brenda Bollman Baker with multicolored feather boas! Suzanne will be presenting to Lynn Hollahan's new Scottsdale Book Club on May 5th from 1-3 pm at Unity of Phoenix and to Janine Quigley's Flagstaff Affiliate on May 12th at 2 pm!  

Recommended Reading
Proof of Miracles, Debra Martin
Proof of Miracles; Profound True Stories of Hope and Healing

Debra Martin is a strong supporter of Helping Parents Heal and she will be presenting at our 2020 Second Helping Parents Heal Conference in Charleston.  She has spoken to our group in Phoenix/Scottsdale twice.  

From Amazon: 

World-renowned healer and medium Debra Martin takes people to places that most people think are unattainable. Her inspirational life story demonstrates how experiences such as suicide, the loss of loved ones, divorce, and near death experiences transformed her into the healer and medium she is today. After being called on by God to a life of healing and giving much-needed hope to others, Debra accepted her divine mission and has helped thousands worldwide heal spiritually, emotionally, and physically. These are true stories that go beyond our dimension and understanding, showing us that our greatest challenges and apparent failures can lead to incredible accomplishments and triumphs.

Debra Martin is a lab-certified research medium. Her skills have been meticulously documented by the scientific community, most notably by Dr. Gary Schwartz (author of The Afterlife Experiments) and Dr. Julie Beischel (director of the Windbridge Research Center). Her abilities have been featured in numerous media outlets. Visit her at

“This wonderful compilation of true stories of healing will open your mind to the miracles that your heart already knows are possible. Debra is a gifted healer, as evidenced by these stunning personal accounts. Read them and experience the wonder and awe at how very loved we are by a very personal God-Source,” Suzanne Giesemann, evidential medium and author of Messages of Hope. "Debra Martin is a truly gifted Evidential Medium and Healer who has endured the rigors of extensive scientific testing and flourished in the process. More importantly, Debra is a kind, caring, and sincere person who strives to help others every day."Mark Ireland, Author of Soul Shift and Messages from the Afterlife.

To learn more, please click here.

Upcoming Events:

Bridging Heaven and Earth 

Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, and Psychic Medium Tina Powers

Please join Susanne Wilson and Tina Powers in Scottsdale for Bridging Heaven and Earth from May 4-5, 2019.  A discount code has been set up for Helping Parents Heal members to save $50 off the full price. At registration, when prompted, enter this code: HPH_BHE Please find out more about the event by clicking here.  

Soul Summit Scottsdale
Please join Susanne Wilson as she welcomes John Holland, George Noory, Suzanne Giesemann and Howard Martin from September 12 - 15 in Scottsdale.  Click here to register.

Affiliate Updates

Please check our 'event' schedule for all upcoming affiliate meetings.
Helping Parents Heal - Hilton Head/BlufftonJean Marie Randall with artist Tiffani Taylor / David and Jenni Lyle, Irene Vouvalides, Jean Marie Randall, Tiffani Taylor, and Sue Zetteler of Helping Parents Heal - Hilton Head/Bluffton

Jean Marie Randall, a participant and proponent of Helping Parents Heal - Hilton Head/Bluffton, was spiritually led to commission a painting from Tiffani Taylor of Savannah, GA.  The painting is meant to show that your child is right there with you eagerly waiting for you to acknowledge the signs of their love.  Open your heart and say thank you when you receive a beautiful hello from heaven.  That gratitude will keep you in the moment where you get to experience your child's love as it is right now, not just a memory of the past. You are not alone.  It is not always easy to express one's condolences for someone's loss.  Jean Marie was spiritually led to having the painting contain symbolic beauty with nature.  Butterflies, rainbows, feathers, the light and so much more than spiritually touches one's heart. We are "Shining Light Parents".  If you have lost a child or know someone who has lost a child or loved one this may be the perfect gift for them or yourself.  Prints may be purchased by following this link.  

-Written by Jean Marie Randall

Jean Marie Randall commissioned artist Tiffani Taylor to create a work entitled Shining Light Parent.  It was unveiled on April 11th at Tiffani's Gallery.  Prints are available for purchase (see above link) and a portion of the proceeds will be given to Helping Parents Heal.
It was a wonderful night! (Tony was taking the pic!)

-Written by Irene Vouvalides, our Hilton Head/Bluffton Affiliate Leader

NEW GROUP - Helping Parents Heal - Minneapolis/St Paul Twin Cities
Lynn Argetsinger and her son Seth, Pam Demars and her son Brandon

Lynn Argetsinger:

My name is Lynn, and my husband and I are the parents of two beloved children. Seth was stationed with the Air Force in Louisiana where he contracted severe Lyme disease and became very ill; he took his own life and transitioned on September 20, 2017, at age 24. Throughout this winding and excruciating journey, I always felt that Seth continued to be right here with us. But it took my attending the Afterlife Conference in Orlando in November 2018 to finally be open to doing a reading with an evidential medium here in Minneapolis. From that day forward, both my husband and I have unequivocally known that Seth is still here, having only shed his earthly shell. His beautiful soul continues to shine brightly. We wanted to start a chapter in Minneapolis-St. Paul to offer other grieving parents a place where they can find support, hope, and kindness.

Pam Demars:

Christmas Day of 2017 my middle child and only son, Brandon, 35, died suddenly and unexpectedly right next to me of a massive heart attack. Wanting to know why this happened to my family and me, where did he go, and what he is doing now, I stumbled on this HPH group; with Brandon’s help of course. I had watched a video of Irene Vouvalides explaining what has helped her with her grief and reached out to her. She lovingly and so caring recommended a compassionate and evidential medium that changed the course of my grief journey. Now I would like to give back and spread the love for helping parents in my area to become shining light parents.

NEW  GROUP - Helping Parents Heal - Mississippi Gulf Coast
Donna Tasker and her beautiful grandkids

Born in New Orleans, I grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  Earning undergraduate and master’s degrees, I found my dream job providing educational and vocational services to Veterans at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs for 41 years. In 2007, I joined VA Central Office to develop national policy and provide training to field vocational staffs.

I am blessed with amazing children, Dustin (1983) and Danielle (1986) who excelled academically and in life-being kind, compassionate, standing-up against injustices.  During college summers, Dustin cared for children of migrant farm workers. After earning a master’s his employment was to protect and improve the rights of hotel workers and servers.  My darkest day (4/28/15) was finding Dustin, not sleeping but having transitioned.  Without a doubt, Dustin unled me to HPH which has provided me hope and light beyond measure.  I aim to walk with bereaved parents on their journey to Shining Light parents.

Helping Parents Heal - New Hampshire
Susan Lynch

Hello everyone! Last month the Southern NH group had a great meeting of 8. I had made a small deck of cards for parents to look through. I passed them around the table and each parent picked a card which had an unfinished sentence. For example: I have made progress with_____, I am having a hard time with________, I wanted to share a story about______. The parents really liked it and was a good segue to subject-matter they wanted to talk about. This idea came about as an attempt to help the more quiet members in the group get equal time to talk. Everyone was very supportive of one another and it was requested that we do the 'cards' again at another meeting.

-Written by Susan Lynch, our New Hampshire Group Affiliate Leader 

Helping Parents Heal - Online
Beth West, Tywana and Brian Smith and Tracy Soussi, our Wonderful Online Affiliate Leaders at our First Conference

Our fabulous, very beautiful upcoming Online Speakers:
From left to right:

-Christine Salter, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Healer and Teacher on May 1st
-Mitch Carmody, Author and Grief Educator on May 13th
-James Van Praagh Special Event on May 21st
-Kristin DiDomenico NDE, Holistic Health Coach and Author, June 3rd
-Debra Martin - Intuitive Healer and Author, June 12th

The Online Group welcomed Karen Noe on March 18th Karen Noe, Spiritual Counselor, Psychic Medium, Author and Healer

 -An incredible, inspiring, hopeful, loving presentation! Please click here to view. 

-Tracy Soussi, Online Co-Affiliate Leader

The Online Group welcomed Ingrid Honkala on March 27th
Ingrid Honkala, NDE Experiencer and Author

Ingrid Honkala had a near-death experience at the age of two that set her on a course for the rest of her life. A PhD in marine biology, she returned from her NDE with an incredible ability to learn (or remember) as she puts it. Guided by beings of light for her entire life, she shared with us who we all truly are- incredibly powerful beings who are never alone. You can click here to view.

-Brian Smith, Online Co-Affiliate Leader

The Online Group Welcomed Cheryl Murphy on April 3rd
Cheryl Murphy, Psychic Medium, Founder of the Prayer Circle

Cheryl Murphy's Presentation 04/03/2019 - Great Spiritual Talk & A few live readings! Please click
here to view. 
-Brian Smith

The Online Group Welcomed Michelle Clare on April 8th
Michelle Clare - Medium, Intuitive Life Coach and NDE Experiencer

Michelle told us about her three NDEs that led to the development of her mediumship ability. At the end of the meeting, she gave two mini-readings.  Please click
here to view! -Brian Smith

Please be sure to join our online group here to sign up for the upcoming Zoom conference meetings. They can be attended by anyone, anywhere in the world with Internet service! They hope to see you there.

Helping Parents Heal - Flagstaff
Janean and her son Sean, Dana and her son Cole

Thanks to all who attended Flagstaff HPH April 7th. We were small and mighty. We just shared and encouraged as we welcomed and listened to a new member share her story. We hope that our presence was comforting and reassuring that there is hope and that our kids are still right here.

Next month we will move our date to May 12 which is Mother’s day and which is the 2nd Sunday of the month instead of our usual first Sunday. Suzanne Giesemann will be our speaker. If you aren’t familiar with her, google her. She is an evidential medium, a shining light parent and a personal friend. She is a dynamic speaker and I guarantee this will be a highlight meeting that you won’t want to miss. In the meantime, if you want to read up on her, check out her website, I highly recommend her books, Messages of Hope, Wolf’s Message, and Still right here. Having Suzanne is an unusual treat as she is an author, radio show host, keynote speaker on highly regarded conference schedules, as well as a humble spiritual teacher and evidential medium. She and her husband Ty travel the US 6 months out of the year delivering Messages of Hope.

-Love and Light, Janean Quigley, Co-Affiliate Leader of Helping Parents Heal - Flagstaff

Helping Parents Heal - Madison
Mary and her son Chas, Tava and her daughter Christina

We had a great meeting April 9th with participants from all over the USA and Canada. Leader Tava Wilson presented information on dream states and how to use this to connect with our children. I think all of us left the meeting determined to try this! 😍The video is posted on our Helping Parents Heal Madison -WI affiliate site, and copies of Tava's presentation materials are under the Files link. If you would like to receive an email with attached documents, contact us at :

-Written by our Madison Co-Affiliate Leader, Mary Bertun

Helping Parents Heal - The Villages
The parents of Helping Parents Heal - The Villages

The theme of our March 18th group meeting was Sharing. Many shared memories, things/ways they have used to heal on their journey - some converted their children's clothing to pillows and bears - Tim and Suzanne brought in their collections of heart stones and glass insulators their son, James collected... Cheryl shared with us her beautiful artwork - part of her therapy of healing. The one photo is of "The Bluebell Bridge"...its her interpretation of what Amanda Ellis channeled from Archangel Metatron. We discussed books, journaling, exercise, gardening, drumming circles, meditation and writing memory books as each one shared their path of 'finding' what heals them...

-Written by our The VIllages Affiliate Leader, Tami Clinard Brooks

Helping Parents Heal - Fort Myers
Laura Baltodano

April 3rd was our 7th meeting. There were only 4 of us total, but I’ve always felt that those present are the ones that need to be. A mom led a meditation for connecting with our children. The 2 other moms present had never even meditated before. They both were able to establish wonderful and strong connections that gave them peace. There was so much joy in the room! During my meditation I could sense all of our children were present (the mom leading the meditation said she sensed it too). While I didn’t “see” anyone in particular, I had a VERY strong light come into my awareness on my left and a sensation on my left as well (different from my son that I always sense on my right).

I should add that the lights in the room were dim and there was no light on the left of the room where I was sitting. I don’t know who it is but I’ve always had the impression that any presence I feel on my left may be my spirit guide (I could be wrong). I’ve never experienced it as strong as I did tonight! I’m not sure what it means...I’ll have to meditate more on it. 🥰 I was very grateful for our group tonight. 🙏🏼

-Written by our Fort Myers Affiliate Leader, Laura Baltodano 

Helping Parents Heal - Cave Creek
Carol Allen and the wonderful parents of her Cave Creek Affiliate Group

An absolutely amazing meeting in Cave Creek! We had a new mom who’s child passed just months ago and she said she found hope in our group. Many shining light parents who have been on this journey for a while provided her wonderful support. Lisa Wilcoxson said so many wonderful things that provided comfort to many. Lisa is a medium and a shining light parent. 

-Written by our Cave Creek Affiliate Leader, Carol Allen

Helping Parents Heal - Phoenix/ScottsdaleSusanne Wilson, The Carefree Medium, at our St Patrick's Day Meeting!

Congratulations, wonderful Parents! $13,025 raised by Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, as well as the 14 other wonderful Evidential Mediums who participated in the raffle to raise money for the Second Conference Scholarship Fund.

Thank you, Susanne and Diane Calderon, as well as Suzanne Giesemann, John Holland, Mavis Pittilla, Britta Grubin, Jake Samoyedny, Jamie Clark, Tina Powers, Christine Salter, Kat Baillie, Mark Nelson, Colleen Copeland Smith, Michelle Clare, Debra Martin and Freya Dunne. We are very grateful.

Susanne spoke about how we can connect more easily with our children in spirit and then brought through many compelling validations from our children. Lara Wolfe, Wendy Shackley, Kim Courtney and Sandra Howlett were some of the lucky recipients. As Susanne so beautifully says, "One day, all mediums will be teachers, because no one will need to 'see a medium for a reading' ever again. Everyone will learn how to direct-connect."  Please click
here to view her presentation.  

Sending love and light to all of you and to your beautiful children, and thank you again, dear Susanne!

-Written by Elizabeth Boisson, Affiliate Leader of Phoenix/Scottsdale

You can read the bios and see photos of each of the affiliate leaders on the Groups page of our website:

Board Members of Helping Parents Heal: 
Elizabeth Boisson - President and Co-F0under/
Irene Vouvalides - Vice President and Conference Chair/
Mark Ireland - Co-Founder/
Doryce Norwood /
Ernie Jackson /

Dr. Mark Pitstick /
Jason Durham - Chief Information Officer /
Brian Smith /

Treasurer: Theresa Wettstein/
Secretary: Laurie Savoie /
Admin: Celia Edwards /
Conference Chair: Irene Vouvalides /
Affiliate Directors: Dawn Richards and Mary Bertun /

Amazon Smile Program - Help us make our 2020 Conference more affordable!Please designate Helping Parents Heal Inc as your preferred charity on the Amazon Smile program. This will allow 0.5% of eligible purchases on Amazon to help fund our 2020 conference.

Just log in, type in 'Amazon Smile' into the search bar at the top of the page, and then choose 'Helping Parents Heal Inc' as your preferred charity. Then, when you log on to Amazon, remember to do so 
at: And THANK YOU! 

Note: Information in the Helping Parents Heal newsletter is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you in finding resources (information, meetings, books, etc.) to aid in the bereavement process. This newsletter is not intended to endorse, sponsor or encourage your use of any of the information or services listed, whether from members or other individuals. Rather, our intent is simply to inform you of the vast amount of resources available for your consideration. We urge you to independently research and consider the value any particular resource for yourself. Further, while we take steps to ensure the accuracy of the information posted, especially relative to linked media, we accept no liability for content. Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit Corporation

Mission Statement of Helping Parents Heal: Our mission is to help bereaved parents, giving them support and resources to aid in the healing process. We will go a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and evidence for the Afterlife in a non-dogmatic way. In other words, we will welcome everyone regardless of their religious (or non-religious) background and allow for a very open type of dialog. We receive all and do not judge people or their children on the basis of life choices. -Mark Ireland, Cofounder, Helping Parents Heal

Visit us on FACEBOOK-
Helping Parents Heal
Visit us on the WEB-Helping Parents Heal

Helpful, Healing Information

Stories of Validation-

Kim Courtney's Validation from Derrick through Susanne Wilson
Derrick, Susanne Wilson

Hi HPH Parents,

I started my "walk" 2 years ago when my son Derrick died. I was and am very spiritually connected with God and the universe. But my beliefs in what is possible ALL CHANGED when I met Susanne Wilson. What I have learned has forever changed my outlook on life here in the physical. 

Her book, Soul Smart was a game changer for me!  She explains in detail how to have a connection with your loved one in spirit. Her experience with the afterlife has made her an expert in this field. Along with her books, online information and the readings I've experienced has given me the courage to gain knowledge and wisdom to have a relationship with my son in spirit.

I know that many people can't fully understand something they can't see. Therefore, they don't believe they can have a relationship with their loved one. There are those that believe in God and rely on faith that it's real. Same thing. You gotta have faith that you WILL.

This is how great this all works! I have become close to many parents from HPH. Well, my son has become close to THEIR KIDS in spirit. They are the band of brothers always connected. I recently had the great fortune to win a reading with Susanne through the Helping Parents Heal Second Conference Scholarship Fundraiser that she organized. Not only did Derrick come to visit, but many of the HPH kids did as well. All giving me guidance, messages for their parents and love, lots of love! Susanne has provided the tools to connect on our own. I'm learning to do that every day.

Susanne Wilson opened my eyes and heart to my son. He's still here and will always be here right by my side.

-Blessings, Kim Courtney

Mabel Chan's Validation from Leo through Isabella Johnson
Beautiful Leo and Isabella

I was absolutely delighted by Isabella Johnson and the 2 readings she has given me.  Each time, I felt the energy and the high vibrational level of Leo.  It was like time and space had dissolved. The quality and quantity of the validations were superb.  The stunningly accurate validations came one after another with hardly a pause. My only child who transitioned suddenly and unexpectedly at age 19 was right there with me in the room. I was laughing all the way with so much Love and Joy!  I was having a reunion with my precious child. 
I have shared a lot of information with the public about my Leo and our family. Isabella talked of things that had never appeared in my son’s website or on my blogs posted regularly.  She would never have known that there’s a newspaper article about my son’s sudden passing in another language. My son was right there talking through her and demonstrating his sense of humour when he said “My Dad is a very important person.  He helps my Mom with a lot of things”.  I do have a loving husband and nothing is too big or too small for him!  Leo’s amazing personality came through clear as day!
It is so comforting for me to know that my son is only a thought away. He is fully aware of my writing about the signs and synchronicities and he acknowledged they were and are always from him. In the second reading, Isabella heard that Leo was going to give me a monarch butterfly. Not only did I get one but ELEVEN in the depth of winter!  I have written an article about the whole story. You can read about the details in this
The blog and all the validations from Isabella are all indisputable evidence of the ongoing life of our children.  Life does not end with physical death. Our infinite love with our children is a bridge that connects us with them wherever they are.
“I am grateful, dear Isabella, for the amazing readings and the loving way you have delivered the messages from my precious son. Thank you and we love you!” ❤️

Thank you, Elizabeth and HPH, for the opportunity to share with all Shining Light Parents!

-Written by Leo's proud mom, Mabel Chan

Annalee Palmer's Validation from her daughter, Kileigh, through Suzanne Giesemann
Kileigh and Suzanne Giesemann

Our daughter Kileigh transitioned on December 20, 2018, at the age of nine. It was a sudden, undiagnosed illness. Out of left field. When we saw her little body at her memorial service I knew that it was not my girl. There was no way that a spirit as bright as hers could just cease to exist. Being the primary caregiver of a child with disabilities for 9 years, suddenly I felt as though I had no purpose here. I vividly remember the gut-wrenching feeling of just wanting to be with her. I never thought of ending my own life, I simply had no desire to live anymore.

I was sent a copy of
Suzanne Giesemann's book Still Right Here about a week after the memorial service. I read it in about three days. I knew that I needed a reading if I was going to continue on. I reached out to Suzanne and with the help of spirit, I wad scheduled a reading on March 4th. It was life-changing. Right away Suzanne had my daughter's personality perfectly. She said "Bright, lively, smart, curious, talkative" and she is all of those things. She gave me precise evidence about what took Kileigh's body.

Suzanne said that Kileigh was giving her her full name and she felt like she did this often. She said Kileigh Ann Marie. Kileigh gave everyone her full name, even to the little old lady in the checkout at the grocery.  Kileigh Ann Mae. How amazing?

She said that Kileigh was showing her white small orbs out the window in the back yard. It had snowed big, beautiful snowflakes the day before our reading. Suzanne had no idea where we lived! She said "She's showing me that she would just run out the door barefoot even in the snow" Kileigh hated to wear shoes. So much so that on the school bus she would take them off and put them in her bookbag.

Kileigh had been sick with a fever the week before she passed. I felt great guilt thinking that it may have led to her passing. Suzanne knew that she was sick and told me they were unrelated. She told me that she has two older siblings, a brother and a sister. She does!

Suzanne then said, "Kileigh's classmates are signing a song for her and she sees it." I texted Kileigh's teacher later only to find her class had a program just four days before our reading. They sang Kileigh's favorite song "Eye of the Tiger" and dedicated to her. I didn't even know that!! But Kileigh showed us she did and she was there!

Nearing the end of our reading, Suzanne told me that her guides told her that I would be a Caring Listener in the future. They also told her that I was going to start an affiliate group for the parents of younger children. This was my new purpose. A reason. And Kileigh is going to help me through it all. My reading with Suzanne gave me the will to live again. I still miss my daughter's physical presence every single second of every single day. But I know now that her spirit, that beautiful soul that she is, is with me every step of the way. That I now must go on and do the best I can to honor Kileigh. After all, she will be helping me every step of the way. She is, after all, Still Right Here!! 

-Written by Kileigh's Mom, Annalee Palmer

Peter Knox's Validation from Daniel and JP through Susanne Wilson
JP and Daniel

“Profound” was the word I wrote down in my desktop calendar immediately following my reading with spiritual medium
Susanne Wilson. It has now been several weeks since my reading in January 2019, and I have listened to the recording of that reading several times as well. Now I’ll attempt to add a few more words to my initial reaction and convey just what I meant and felt with the one word “profound”.

The screensaver on my cell phone is an older photo of two young guys, young men if you will. One’s around 15 and the fellow next to him 17. Both boys are elated to be together and show it fully in the photo. The younger boy is my son and the older one, my life partner’s son. They were close. Geeky, yet close. My son died in 2007. Her son, Wendy’s son, died in 2016.

That image on my phone’s screensaver, that old photo, is the only photo any of us parents have of our two sons together. One can sense that it is strong imagery.

When Susanne Wilson announced the presence of two young males coming through to her in spirit my heart knew with quivers what was happening right before me. I quietly listened as Susanne shared the images, feelings, intuitions, and evidence in the beginning minutes of her reading. I listened with awe. I listened in amazement. I listened with tears. I listened with very deep breaths as can be heard on the recording.

By the time that Susanne paused and asked me if any of the things she had just been saying made any sense to me, she had clearly introduced my son together with Wendy’s son, while those two were accompanied by my father who passed in 1996 and my uncle who followed him in 2011. By the end of the reading, not only had my German mother-in-law made herself and her many kinfolk in spirit known, but the personalities and evidential traits of all the initial male energies that had arrived were fleshed out more and more.

This reading was my first. It was not, however, the first reading I had ever heard. It was my second. The first reading that I had ever heard was one Suzanne Giesemann provided for my life partner, Wendy, a few months after the passing of her only child, Daniel. This reading alone deserves a whole book dedicated to elaborating on the evidence brought through in it. For now, suffice it to say that the evidence which Suzanne Giesemann presented forced me to alter my theretofore skeptical mind and acknowledge a reality beyond these physical lives.

This openness to and acceptance of spirit and its implications perhaps set the stage for Susanne Wilson’s channeling of the multiple enthusiastic loved ones on the other side whose presence was clear to me. Susanne’s reading started out with references that were unmistakably Wendy’s son, Daniel, who had already done such a reading before and somehow had great skill at communicating with us physical beings. The “cat person” references that came through Susanne were so exaggerated and precise that I simply wept with joy while acknowledging that: yep, I get it, Daniel. His name, by the way, would come up later.

Daniel had a second male energy with him and was leading this other loved one to the forefront of the reading by then. It was my son.

I continued to listen intently as Susanne described my son. He, on his part, was accompanied by two additional yet much older male figures. A simple number reference was enough and in an instant, there was this knowing that it was my dad. He had shown up together with his brother who had well outlived my dad. Both men had died of cancer. This evidence came out clearly later on.

Fun, quirky family facts came through that highlighted unmistakable times of shared love and joy; well, mostly love and joy. My uncle’s name, as well as jaw-dropping facts about his life, came up. The energy that I experienced during all this was beautifully tearful.

My German mother-in-law not only gave a good portrayal of her character but also clearly stated the family name for whom she stood as representative. All of my son’s German ancestors and relatives were represented and doting on him as well. My loss was their gain.

Susanne then spent quite some time elaborating on the images and intuitions and visions associated with my deceased son. She painted a portrait of my son’s character that became ever more real. Even though “complicated”, my son’s name was eventually revealed. His brilliance came through. He was indeed pensive. Yes, there was a certain German angst in him as well. And then Susanne rushed to emphasize that my son was quite happy now, just so no one got the wrong idea. He even spared her the details of his passing, which was quite fitting.
I knew those details.

She had no need to carry that burden. It was just the details after all.
The reading in its totality can be characterized as fun and flowing and full of excited, eager beings of love rejoicing in the opportunity to connect with me and any others close enough to get something out of such a reading. This energy was also validated to me by distinct personal facts and feelings.  I certainly acknowledge the blessings that I have received not only from Susanne Wilson’s reading but also the many other signs and wonders in my life that confirm spirit to me and comfort me in knowing that love never dies. That’s pretty profound.

-Written by Daniel's Dad, Peter Knox 

Would you like to share a story of validation or healing with other Parents? We are all able to heal when we share personal stories about our children with others.  Moreover, everyone benefits from validations that we receive from our children.  We love to hear about them!  If you have a story that you would like to share about your child, please let us know and we will include it in a future newsletter.  Please send it to Elizabeth Boisson at (Due to space limitations, please be sure it is no longer than 500-600 words.) 

View our Events Page on Facebook
Our Second Helping Parents Heal Conference in Charleston, SC 
Please join us in Charleston from April 16-19, 2020 at the Charleston Marriott for our Second Conference!  329 parents have already registered; click here to join us!  We hope that you will all be a part of this healing, joyful event! 

Upcoming Meetings of Helping Parents Heal
Helping Parents Heal - Phoenix/Scottsdale hosted by Elizabeth Boisson with special guest Michelle Clare, April 28th!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
New Group!  The first meeting of Helping Parents Heal - Twin Cities, hosted by Lynn Argetsinger and Pamela Demars, on April 27th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.
New Group!  Helping Parents Heal - Parents of Children who have Passed from an Addiction, April 28th from 2-4 pm AZ time, 5-7 EST.  Please click here to learn more and RSVP! 
NEW GROUP! Helping Parents Heal - Scottsdale Book Club, hosted by Lynn Hoff Hollahan with special guest speaker Messenger of Hope Suzanne Giesemann on May 5th at 1 pm.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
NEW GROUP! Helping Parents Heal - Online Meditation Group hosted by David and Allison Alison, May 15th at 9 pm EST.  Please RSVP and learn more here.  

NEW GROUP! Helping Parents Heal - San Luis Obispo with Michele and Bill Tillery, on April 20th!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.
NEW GROUP! Helping Fathers Heal, hosted by Mike Edwards, every Monday evening.  Please contact Mike to learn more at:
Helping Parents Heal - Parents of Children with Special Needs on April 17th.   Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  Also, click here for the Facebook group.

NEW GROUP!  Helping Parents Heal - Philadelphia hosted by Keri Bernstein and Mandy Dorfman May 1st. Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
Helping Parents Heal - The Villages, FL, hosted by Tami Brooks, the first and third Mondays of every month.  The next meeting will be on April 15th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking hereHelping Parents Heal - Washington DC hosted by Julia LaJoie and Rita Kozushin on May 5th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
Helping Parents Heal - Cave Creek, AZ hosted by Carol Allen on May 2nd. Please RSVP here.
Helping Parents Heal - Sedona with Jean-Marc and Leslie Zuczek.  Their next meeting will be April 15th  Please RSVP and learn more here.
Helping Parents Heal - Rockville, MD with Christiane Robbins on April 18th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
New Group!  Helping Parents Heal - Long Island with Terri De Pinto, Patricia McHenry, Zsaz Rutkowski and Diane Wilshere on May 9th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.
Helping Parents Heal - Kingston, MA with Scott and Teresa Lally on April 19th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
Helping Parents Heal - Fort Myers/Cape Coral with Laura Baltodano on May 1st  Please RSVP here.  
New Group!  Helping Parents Heal - Central CT with Sharon Cavanaugh and Denise Del Favero on April 23rd. Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
New Leader! Helping Parents Heal - Ventura County hosted by Gloria Burciaga on May 8th.  Please RSVP and learn more here.

Gentle Yoga for Healing Grief with Elizabeth Boisson - Desert Broom Library, Phoenix, every Tuesday from 11:15-12:15 pm.  This class is free.  Please click here to learn more.  
Helping Parents Heal - Austin, hosted by Becky Yatsu and Daisy Dongieux.  Please contact Becky for next meeting time and date: beckyyatsu@gmail.comHelping Parents Heal - Southern New Hampshire hosted by Susan Lynch on April 25th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.
Helping Parents Heal - Ottowa hosted by Patti May. Please email Patti at

Helping Parents Heal - London, UK, hosted by Kathleen Baillie with special guest Sara Ruble on April 23rd at 7:30 pm UK time, please click here to RSVP and learn more.  
Helping Parents Heal - Tampa, FL hosted by Marla Grant. Amy Diehl, and Cathy Zimmerman, with special guest Loreen O'Brien, on April 24h.  Please RSVP and learn more here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Flagstaff hosted by Janean Quigley and Dana Middlebrook on May 12thh. Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Louisiana/Mississippi, hosted by Jason and Kristine Durham.  Please contact Jason at to learn more!
Helping Parents Heal - Indianapolis hosted by Brooke and Jordan Scherer on April 24th.  Please RSVP and learn more here.

New Group!  Helping Parents Heal - Pittsburg with Tracee Slagel on May 4th!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Leesburg with Colleen Smith.  Please contact Colleen for next meeting and time: Parents Heal - Seattle hosted by Beth Newkirk.  Please contact Beth for next meeting date and time at:
NEW GROUP!  Helping Parents Heal - Toronto hosted by Teresa Cernigliaro and Karen Wilson, April 25th!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Madison hosted by Mary Bertun and Tava Wilson on May 14th. Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here. 
New Group! Helping Parents Heal - Bergen County, NJ with Marla Kallin and Irene Stuart April 30th.  Please RSVP here. 
Helping Parents Heal - San Diego with Dawn Richards and Catalina Flores, on May 12th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Akron/Cleveland with Christine Moncheck and Sylvia Christian May 14th.  Please RSVP and learn more here. 
Helping Parents Heal - Hilton Head, hosted by Irene Vouvalides with special guest Sara Ruble, May 12h.  Please RSVP and learn more here. 
Helping Parents Heal - Tucson hosted by Terri Petz and Sandra Hassel on April 20th. Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.
New Group!  Please join Donna Tasker for the first meeting of Helping Parents Heal - Mississippi Gulf Coast June 2nd!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  

Helping Parents Heal - Australia/New Zealand hosted by Karyn Jarvie, meeting fortnightly.  Please contact Karyn for the next meeting at
Helping Parents Heal - Atlanta hosted by Tammy Thomas Wardemann.  Please contact Tammy for future dates and times:
Helping Parents Heal - Chicago with Alicia Moag-Stahlberg on April 24th.  Please RSVP here.  
Helping Parents Heal - Chicago, hosted by Alicia Moag-Stahlberg with special guest Suzanne GIesemann May 28th.  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here

Helping Parents Heal - Raleigh, hosted by Shannon McDonald. Please contact Shannon for future dates and times:
New Group!  Helping Parents Heal - Brentwood/Nashville hosted by Maggie Spaulding on May 1st!  Please RSVP and learn more by clicking here.  
New Group! Helping Parents Heal - Houston, hosted by Pamela Hidinger on April 20th.  Please learn more and RSVP by clicking here.  

Copyright © 2018 Helping Parents Heal All rights reserved.