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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 8th April 2019

Commencing Crafting

For the following two weeks we will still be meeting up at the hall at the same time to make toys for our community playgroup.  Please come and join us for a fun morning.  Don’t forget to bring your needle and scissors and enthusiasm.

Sharing Play

Playgroup continues to be a venue creating friendships for both parents and children.  Witnessing the children’s gentle sharing play always makes one feel that whatever we are doing is working deep into their little beings.  Thank you mum’s for trusting in the process, it all takes time.  We now just start humming ‘Off we go to the bathroom’ and away they eagerly run, so wonderful to see.

Easter Festival

Dear Friends we are so excited to be celebrating our first Easter Festival together.  The Midjim Berry Playgroup, co-ordinated by Katie Alini has invited us to join together at the Community Garden in Southport. The mood of Easter is very special time therefore we endeavour to bring you some memorable moments for both the children and yourselves it is the beginning of our community of like-minded souls.


TIME: 4.30pm to 6.30pm

PLACE: Joan Park Community Garden, 32 Joan Street SOUTHPORT.

PARKING: Please park on the street it will be a little walk to the venue so I suggest that limit your needs if possible.  I am sure there will be helping hands nearby if you require them.

A gold coin donation towards the Community Garden project would be appreciated.


What To Bring: 

Top of the list……….one or two painted or vegetable-dyed HARD BOILED EGGS for each of your children. Please ensure the eggs are hard-boiled as children can be very disappointed when they finally get to crack the shell and they are all runny.

A plate of wholesome food, as much as your own family would consume in one sitting is a good indicator.  If you could mark the food ‘meat’, ‘vegetarian’ etc that would be useful as all food is placed on the sharing table.

Bring your own plates, utensils and drinks.

A picnic rug or chairs and insect repellent.  

A small torch for each child to use in the egg hunt.

Something warm for the children to wear if required.

As parents and carers you are each responsible for your own children during the festival.
I am looking forward to meeting up with you all.

Warm regards…………..nansi

Please RSVP  Zuzana by 12th April

A friendly reminder that this gathering is smoke, alcohol and drug free.
Easter is the festival of our fulfilment as children of Mankind, of the rescue of our earthly existence from aimlessness, and the renewal of its purpose and meaning.

At Christmas the gifts of the holy event to humanity are brought to us openly and we receive them with wonder and delight.  So it is for the children that the gifts are there under the tree.  At Easter the gifts are hidden – shrouded in a mystery which we must penetrate with our thinking and permeate with our hearts.

Rudolf Steiner.

Extract from a lecture on:
The Education Of The Child - Rudolf Steiner

We now want to look at what it means when people say they have forgotten something - that is, when they can no longer recall something well enough to repeat it. Has it vanished? It is there in a way similar to something I already mentioned, something we normally forget - that is, the wonderful, rich first experiences of childhood. We can remember back only to a certain point in childhood. However, before that moment we had an endless number of impressions. Who would not acknowledge this when considering the first years of a child's development? Nevertheless, those things are forgotten in the sense that we normally speak of forgetting. But have they completely dis-appeared? Do they cease to play any role in the human soul? No,they play a significant role in the human soul. A great deal depends on our first childhood impressions-whether our experiences are joyful or sad,filled with love or indifference. Much of the total attitude of adult souls depends, more than people usually suppose, on those early experiences. What formed and developed our soul during those first years,but that we have forgotten, is more important than people will usually admit.


We now have a board of eight to continue towards a Prep for 2020.
Details to follow soon.
The application for Incorporated Association status is completed and only needs witnessing. The process to be accepted may take four weeks.
Then we will lodge the Application for Accreditation as a school.
I visited the Caloundra group who are a few weeks ahead of us in this process. The Caloundra group has three people working through this application and we need some help with the process.
There are models to work from, however I do not feel confident in getting the best result quickly on my own. Any helpers at any level can contact me on
Many thanks – Alf Finch.
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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