4th Quarter Blazing Bolts Run Club Begins for 1st-5th Grade
3rd Grade In School Field Trip: Reptiles
Tuesday, April 16:
Kindergarten More Health Presentations - In School
Wednesday, April 17:
Volunteer Breakfast - Still Time to RSVP
Thursday, April 18:
6th Grade Field Trip
Lightning Leader Ceremony
LP Field Day (Weather Back Up Date 4/26)
Friday, April 20:
No School: Non-Student Day
Habit of the Month April: Find Your Voice
When you align your passions and strengths, and find a specific need you’re driven to fill, you’ve found your voice.
Parent Tip of the Week: Don’t let the noise of others drown out your own voice.
Volunteer Corner
Track Meet Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help facilitate three upcoming Track Meets at Rushe Middle School on April 23rd.
Volunteer Awards Breakfast and Luau Party ALOHA!!! It is time to celebrate our Amazing Volunteers with the Annual Awards Breakfast & Luau Party at Lutz Prep on Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
There will be lots of food and fun as always! Wear your favorite Hawaiin shirt or dress if you have one!
Find out who the top winners are with the most volunteer hours and the #1 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR! You won't want to miss this one!
PDQ Gift Cards for Sale - Only 200 Left!
Lutz Prep has partnered with PDQ to enhance the education of our LP students. Don't miss your chance: $10 gift cards that are available for purchase for only $7. These cards are good at all PDQ locations and do not expire! You may purchase as many as you like; first come first serve.
All proceeds raised from the sale of these gift cards will go directly back to our school for programs that benefit our students.
4/30: Deadline to Order 8th Grade Graduation Signs
5/3: Community Outreach Opportunity: Finn's Fight Benefit
5/6: End of Year Intent to Return Emailed to All Families
5/13: Middle School Drama Club Present: High School Musical
5/15: PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Breakfast (schedule update)
5/16: End of Year Intent to Return Deadline for Submission
5/17: Safety Patrol End of Year Celebration
5/23: EC3 Graduation Ceremony
5/23: VPK Graduation Ceremony
5/24: Duke TIP New Inductees Ceremony
5/24: Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony
5/24: 8th Grade Dance
5/27: Memorial Day Holiday: Non-Student Day
5/29: 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony: Steinbrenner High School
5/29: 7th Grade Field Trip
5/30: Last Day of School
5/30: Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon
5/30: Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day
5/30: Elementary Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks
5/30: End of 4th Quarter/2nd Semester
5/30: Board of Director Meeting
Field Day 2018-19
We are looking forward to our annual field day on Thursday, April 18, 2019. This year we are changing it up a bit and have had our our middle school student leaders plan, organize, and lead the field day activities and events. These leaders will be at each station helping the younger grades by explaining and running each game. Due to our student leaders, no parent volunteers are needed this year. The K-5th grade students will participate in several stations that include: Basketball Shootout, Baton Relay, Tug of War, Potato Sack Relay, Egg Race Carry, Dunk Tank (various staff members will be guests in the dunk tank), & Beach Ball Carry. With a water and rest area also.
If the weather impacts our ability to hold field day next week we will reschedule on Friday, April 26th. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day!
Important Reminders Regarding the Day:
Dress Code: (see your individual teacher with questions)
LP Spirit Shirts, Grade Level Shirts, LP Team Sport Shirts, etc. (just like a normal Friday Spirit Day)
Students MAY Wear Appropriate Length Sport Shorts (no spandex allowed)
Bring Water Bottle
Wear Sunblock
Kona Ice
The Kona Ice truck will be onsite at Field Day for students to purchase for $2 each. Please send CASH ONLY in a sealed envelope with student's name to your HR teacher by the morning of field day.
Special Thank You to Lutz Prep Dad, Michael Homer
Lutz Preparatory Faculty, Staff, and Board of Directors would like to thank Michael Homer, LP Dad, for his support of our school over the years. Mr. Homer has organized the Annual Golf Tournament since the school opened its doors in the 2011-12 school year. He was recognized at the tournament luncheon for organizing this annual event that has raised $100,000 over the years. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Homer and his family as part of our Lutz Preparatory Community!
This year the organizational reigns of the tournament were handed off to Robert (Bobby) Fox, LP Dad. Thank you to Mr. Fox and all the volunteers who made this event another successful and fun filled day for our Lutz Preparatory Community.
Leader In Me Surveys for Parents and Students As a Leader in Me school, Lutz Preparatory seeks to improvement in three areas – leadership, culture, and academics. Part of the program gives us access to the Leader in Me Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) to help us measure performance in these areas.
The MRA is a rigorously developed tool used to annually collect, analyze, and report student, staff, and school-level outcomes related to the focus on improving leadership, culture, and academics. The results of the surveys will be used to help Lutz Preparatory identify our strengths and weaknesses, develop improvement plans, and monitor progress of our Leader in Me program. The MRA measures are aligned with the highly effective practices outlined in the Leader in Me Framework. This alignment empowers Lutz Preparatory to move from data insights to action plans.
Student Measurable Results Assessment Survey for 4th - 8th Grade Students Students in 4-8th grade will be taking the Leader in Me Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) survey during school next week.
Leader in Me Parent Survey Coming Next Week In next Friday's NEWSFLASH there will be a link for parents to take the Leader in Me Parent Survey.
PTA Corner
PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2019-20 School Year
The PTA Nominating Committee has selected the PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2019-2020 school year. This slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting.
PTA General Assembly Meeting Will Be Rescheduled
The end of year PTA General Assembly meeting originally scheduled for May 16th will be rescheduled to a NEW DATE due to testing. Please be on the lookout in future NEWSFLASH publications for new date coming soon.
All Pro Dad's and Kid's Breakfast - Save the NEW May Date
May date has been moved from May 8th to Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Contact Ryan Martin with any questions.
Box Top Campaign New Contest Runs Through April 30th We are recruiting you, your family & friends to participate in our first ever Box Tops Across America Contest.
Please ask friends and family to mail Box Tops to Lutz Prep! If you are heading out of town for Spring Break, take your stash with you and mail them from your destination. Don’t forget your family overseas and on military bases.
This contest will run until April 30, 2019. All envelopes must be postmarked by that date to be counted as an entry.
Click HERE for full details and sample envelope requirements for contest.
DID YOU KNOW? Box Tops expire 4 times a year: March, June, November and December, the 2 big expiration dates are March and November!The school gets 10 cents for every little unexpired rectangle that is turned in!
5th Grade End of Year Celebration at Disney
3rd Quarter Report Cards
Elementary Report Cards:
Sent home in backpacks on Tuesday, April 9th
Middle School Report Cards:
Available ONLINE ONLY beginning Wednesday, April 10th
Parents, click HERE to visit the Hillsborough County Schools Online Report Card and Assessment Score web page.
If you do not know your student PIN you can click on the "Request a PIN" link on that page and your student's PIN will be sent to either the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian as provided on the Student Emergency Information Card.
Information for our 8th Grade Graduating Class of 2019
8th Grade Dance - Save the Date Friday, May 24th from 7:00-10:00 PM Plantation Palms Golf Club
Land O' Lakes
8th Grade Graduation Ceremony
Save the Date: 8th grade graduation is May 29th at Steinbrenner High School
More information coming soon
8th Grade Graduation Signs for Sale - Deadline April 30th Paper order forms will be sent home with our 8th grade students on Monday, click HERE if you would like to print your own form.
FSA & EOC Parent Notification Letters
Click HERE to view the FSA Informational Letter that were sent home with student on Monday, March 11, 2019.
Florida Standards Assessment Portal
The FSA portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments.
Florida’s K-12 assessment system measures students’ achievement of Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life. Assessment supports instruction and student learning, and test results help Florida’s educational leadership and stakeholders determine whether the goals of the education system are being met. Please click HEREto visit the Florida Department of Education FSA Portal.
Below you will find tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments. Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors. State and district changes, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep all can play a factor in altering testing dates and times. While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available on campus.
**TENTATIVE** Testing Plan Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year, with testing potentially ending the last week of school **Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
1st & 2nd grade:
i-Ready Reading Diagnostic (Computer Based Test)- weeks of April 29 – May 10
3rd grade:
i-Ready Reading Diagnostic (Computer Based Test)- week of April 22 - 26
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
4th grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
5th grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 9 & 10
6th grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
7th grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 1 - 10…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Civics EOC (Computer Based Test -NGSSS)- May 16 (updated date)…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
8th grade: (Students will take ONE math assessment, based on course enrollment)
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 1 - 10…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA 8th gr Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Algebra 1 EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Geometry EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17…testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 9
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time** Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year, with testing potentially ending the last week of school
Have You Signed Up For Summer Camps Yet - Slots Are Filling Up Fast!
Click HERE to view our Summer Camp Information and Registration New Vendor Camp Announced!
Community Outreach Opportunity, Friday, May 3rd
From time to time there will be options for LP families to participate in voluntary community outreach opportunities. Please see the flyer below for a current opportunity to assist a family in need. See the Community Outreach Opportunities section of our website for updates throughout the school year.
Please click HERE to learn more about this family.
4th Quarter Blazing Bolts Run Club for 1st-5th Grade
The Blazing Bolts Running Club will be a fun way to have your student(s) learn about running as well as give them time to socialize with their friends in a safe, friendly environment. During our events your children will learn the value of exercise, collect prizes for their accomplishments, and, most importantly, be able to have fun with their friends. Each student that signs up will receive a Blazing Bolts dri-fit t-shirt and be able to participate in the end of quarter "party" where other prizes for exemplary performances will be handed out.
Requirements needed before attending first day of club:
1st -5th grade registration and payment click HERE.
Current FHSAA Sports Physical Form on file with the main office, they are valid for 365 days from date of Dr. signature. This is not the same as a regular yearly physical. The sports physicals can be completed in a very fast, inexpensive manner at many local walk in clinics such as CVS or Medi-Express. Email an electronic copy to administration@lutzprep.org or turn in a copy to the office (please keep a copy for your personal records).
After school until 4:30 PM
Students meet in the gym at dismissal
Only 6 sessions this quarter: 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20
Fee is $60
Thank you and GO BOLTS! If you have any questions please email, Chad Mollick
New After School Sessions Starting April 22nd
Help Put Kids Into the Games Gently Used Athletic Equipment Drive Pay It Forward - Play It Forward!
Lutz Prep is collecting gently used sporting equipment to give to the children in various programs around Tampa Bay. Collection boxes are in the front lobby and in the Media Center.
For example, we will be taking baseball bats, helmets, gloves, tennis rackets, skates, frisbees, shin guards, balls, etc. All items must be in good condition. This Play It Forward drive will run through the end of April.
Time to clean out those outgrown items and put a smile on the faces of children who would love to have the equipment. We need your help!!