
Dear Chefs friends,

The first shoots of spring have emerged, and this week Wild an Wonderful is back in action selling the Philadelphia area's finest wild edibles to you. I'm delivering all the harvests on the list below on Thursday afternoon.

I will not be sending out mass mailings this year but if you want to receive weekly availability messages from me.... respond to this message with your interest. 

2019 will be bringing all the regular favorites: Ramps, Fiddleheads, watercress, Stinging Nettles are here or only days away.

Another option for you is if you'd like to purchase from me or pick up at the Rittenhouse Farmer's Market. I will be selling there every Saturday 10-2pm through Mid may.

I hope everyone's business is thriving and you are all exploring the culinary creativity and inspirations that you are all so blessed to have.

Availability 4/8/19

Hey Guys,
Excited for the second week of the foraging season! This beautiful weather will hopefully bring up and size up some of our favorites. I will update you this week if fiddleheads emerge, but I will be happy to bring you the first of the season’s ramps on Thursday. Delivery Thursday afternoon.

Ramps: $16# (they are very small now so as they size up I will bring the cost down by a few dollars) Fiddleheads: 14# (They are not up as of this writing but if they come up for thursday’s delivery I will bring Stinging Nettles: $15#. Coming in with more abundance
Patience Dock: $10# the first leaves are the most beautiful. Most popular with my farmer’s market customers Garlic mustard: $20# most of you ordered by the leaves only last week. Let me know if you want roots too Watercress: $15# love it!

Wild onion tops and bulbs: $15# Flowering PennyCress: $15#

Boutiquey items:

Bronze Fennel: $4 an ounce
Yarrow Leaves: $4 an ounce
Upland Cress: $5 an ounce (these are so dainty and pretty)

David's Wild and Wonderful

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