
Everyone’s had an older gentleman in their life, at some point or another, sporting a remarkable crop of whiskers in each nostril. These elders seem ignorant, or possibly just accepting, of their nasal manes, which is kinda dumbfounding: Why would someone ignore the unsightly, easy-to-remove bushes growing from the literal center of their face?


Ian Lecklitner, staff writer at MEL Magazine, takes a deeper look into the men in our lives who may or may groom themselves the way we wish they would. Is it neglect, or is it self- worth?

Or is it something else?  <click to continue reading>


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are we going to do what we feel like doing or are we going to choose to do what we need to do to get better

Nick Saban
Kathryn has a Masters in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University in Southern California. Kathryn is certified by the American Council on Exercise. Since 2010, Kathryn has been honored to provide talk and movement therapy services to adult individuals, couples and families in Central Texas.
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