
Massive Sri Lanka Easter bombings traced to little-known group

BANGKOK - The Sri Lankan government blamed little-known Islamic group National Thowheeth Jama'ath for the Easter suicide bombings that targeted three churches and three luxury hotels across the country.

Continuing Easter celebrations, pope again prays for Sri Lanka

VATICAN CITY - On Easter Monday, Pope Francis led thousands of people in St. Peter's Square in praying for the hundreds of people who died or were injured in bomb blasts the previous day in Sri Lanka.

Escape from ISIS

EDMONTON - The photos tell the story of the Al- Khatyar family.

Contest winner keeps it in family

For Emily Jang, art is in her blood. Inspired by her older sister, she began taking private art classes about four years ago so she could join her sister, Amy, at the Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts in Toronto.

Speaking Out: Coming of age in Church today

Young people rediscovering sacred music, learning the beauty of the pipe organ and young women veiling for Mass.

See our latest issue


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Editorial: Easter shows the way

Bob Brehl: The redemption of Tiger amidst #MeToo

Lessons from Lent to bring to Easter season

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