
Dear fellow ærthling,

We are reaching out to you in an effort to get to know you better.*

The AE team is keen to learn what areas are æternity community members interested in and what professional backgrounds they share. We would also like to create pools of interest-specific experts. In the future, we may ask the experts in these pools to provide feedback on upcoming features, campaigns or content.

With these two goals in mind, we have prepared a very short (10 questions) survey that shouldn't take you more than 2 minutes to fill-in. You may also remain anonymous if you prefer so.

Please spend a few moments of your valuable time to help us get to know you better.

Don't forget to enter an AE token account at the end of the survey! (follow this link on your mobile device, if you don't have one).

Thank you for your help, we value it highly!

Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!

If you would like to interact with the team or community, please feel free to join one or more of the channels below.
Social Media Channels
Medium Blog
We are thrilled to have you with us!
The æternity team
* We sent this survey to a few randomly selected contacts a few weeks ago. If you have already filled it in, please ignore this mail and thank you!
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