Carpentry Clippings, 17 April, 2019

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

On 17 April 2019, at 15:00 UTC (check your time) and 20:00 UTC (check your time), April Wright will host the Maintainers call on the topic ’Managing Feedback from Community Members’. The discussion will explore questions like how to get feedback from the active contributors and how to determine if a suggestion is serving the needs of a community of learners or the needs of one individual. Read this blog for more detail and sign up on the maintainers Etherpad to join the discussion.

On 29 April 2019, at 21:00 UTC (check your time), Aleksandra Pawlik, Community Advocate for Stencila will lead the Library Carpentry community discussion. She will talk about Stencila, a set of open source tools supporting research reproducibility and interoperability. Aleksandra will demonstrate how project components fit together and how to integrate them within an existing ecosystem of tools, such as spreadsheets, R, RStudio, Jupyter Notebook, and more. Sign up on this Etherpad. Mark your calendars with other upcoming Community Discussions.

Community News

Lesson Release: Genomics R (Alpha)
The long-awaited Data Carpentry lesson for working with Genomics data in R is now in its alpha release! This is not an official workshop yet, but you are encouraged to use it and share feedback via this GitHub repository. Big thanks to all the community members who contributed to this curriculum. Check out the material to get tips for analyzing and visualizing genomics data in R.

The Carpentries Curriculum Development Handbook
The Carpentries team members Erin Becker and François Michonneau have published the Curriculum Development Handbook. Many members of the community have wanted to transfer The Carpentries pedagogical model to their teaching in other contexts. This handbook will facilitate this knowledge transfer and serve as a guide for creating Carpentries-style lessons in different fields. They plan to convert this Handbook into a full curriculum for teaching lesson design in the future.

Committee and Task Force News

CarpentryCon 2020 TaskForce
The TaskForce is inviting venue bids and theme suggestions from The Carpentries community members. The deadline to add your bids is 29 April 2019. Take this opportunity to bring CarpentryCon 2020 to your city and become part of the organizing committee as a local host.

Instructor Training Team
On 4 April 2019, Trainers discussed various ways The Carpentries Instructor Training events are organized. At the next meeting on 18 April 2019 they will discuss updates on Code of Conduct (CoC) and proposed roles of duty officers - members who will temporarily act as the point of contact in different The Carpentries events.

Code of Conduct Committee
The Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee has been working on the CoC membership agreement and will be soon onboarding the new members in the committee. These members will be made aware of the CoC documentation, committee's responsibilities, and procedures for handling CoC related queries and reports. If you are interested in serving on the committee in the future, reach out via email (

Library Carpentry
On 8 April 2019, Birgit Schmidt, Chris Erdmann, David Kane, and Juliane Schneider led a webinar on Library Carpentry on the topic ‘teaching Data Science Skills & Upcoming Instructor Training hosted by LIBER, The Association of European Research Libraries’. They invited registrations for the upcoming Instructor Training for Librarians at UCD Library in Dublin, Ireland, on 24-25 June 2019. The session recording is available on YouTube. Also, check out the official page of the Library Carpentry Advisory Group. They meet on a bi-monthly basis to discuss, plan, and pursue strategies for involving new and current members in Library Carpentry.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Two blogs were posted by the African community members summarizing their experiences running a recent instructor training in Durban and a 15-month long project on Capacity Development in Africa. Another post describing the roles and responsibilities of the Instructor Development Committee was published to invite nominations for the co-chairs of the committee.

Check out our Topicbox discuss channel to participate in conversations on women Python developers for an interview, Open Science Grid User School 2019 in June at the University of Wisconsin, the best way to cite a GitHub repository, highlighting cultural sensitivities to visiting instructors, and Jupyter-Binder hackathon at UC Davis in May.

Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings

Postdoctoral Researcher, Doctoral Researcher, and Science Communications Officer positions, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Website developer and content manager, The Reproducibility for Everyone Group, two months part time job funded by Mozilla Mini Grant, Remote/Global
Software Engineer Positions, Amazon AWS's HPC Engineering Organization, Italy, Europe and Seattle, USA
Lead developer and Data Engineer, Fairway Tech, San Diego/Irvine/Austin, USA and Remote

Papers and manuscripts for and from the community

11 ways to avert a data-storage disaster, Jeffrey M. Perkel (2019), Nature News
Perspective on Coarse-Graining, Cognitive Load, and Materials Simulation, Eric Jankowski et. al. (2019), Preprint.
Does Every Biased Action Have An Effective Reaction?, Malvika Sharan, in collaboration with Career Support Group ( Women In Science and ClubSciWri (2019), Preprint.


Attend the CarpentryConnect event in Manchester from 25 - 27 June 2019 to exchange ideas and gain skills around computation with The Carpentries community in Europe. The Software Sustainability Institute is organizing this conference that is hosted by the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Check out the amazing set of sessions and speakers in the conference program. Don’t miss this opportunity. Register soon!

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)

In April 2018, The Carpentries ran their collaborative Bug-BBQ event and hosted their first themed community discussion on the topic running workshops on limited budgets. An interesting blog was published to showcase alternative ways to apply coding skills that included repositories from our community members to generate art and automate wedding planning.

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