“a peer-reviewed academic journal on the theory and practice of dialogue”
Journal of Dialogue Studies
Dialogue Society | Registered Charity No: 1117039

Call for Papers for a special issue of Journal of Dialogue Studies 2019, Volume 6 "Critical Dialogues: Dialogue and Conflict Resolution"

The Journal of Dialogue Studies invites papers for a special issue addressing dialogue as a means of conflict resolution under the title of “Critical Dialogues: Dialogue and Conflict Resolution” for the forthcoming issue as a special issue teasing out ‘dialogue’ as a tool in Conflict Resolution.

The Journal of Dialogue Studies, a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal published once a year seeks to bring together a body of original scholarship on the theory and practice of dialogue that can be critically appraised and discussed. It aims to contribute towards establishing 'dialogue studies' as a distinct academic field (or perhaps even emerging discipline). It is hoped that this will be directly useful not only to scholars and students but also to professionals and practitioners working in different contexts at various cultural interfaces.


Dialogue as a concept comes in various shapes and objectives. For some it is an existential means related to the essence of being human, for some others,  ‘dialogue’ is a pedagogical method of learning (Socratic method) and also a means to resolve conflicts ‘peacefully,’ which means reconciling the incompatible aims of each party harming peace, order and harmony (believed to be the ideal structure from a normative perspective) sometimes before or during but some other times even after the violent conflict comes to its end.

As a tool of conflict resolution, dialogue can take on many different shapes and can be moulded to respond to each conflict. In some cases, it becomes a tent that gives shelter to both sides creating an environment of peace and security; in some other cases, it becomes a ship that saves the parties from the results of the conflict; in some extreme cases it might be a counter-fire, to extinguish a fire that is about to burn a forest. In all these shapes and forms, dialogue constructs an aura facilitating parties to settle their incompatible differences.

Contributors are invited to consider questions such as the following: in applying the theory in question how can success and failure be evaluated? What has succeeded and what has not yet succeeded in a selected case or cases? Why was this? Can the theory or method be adapted or supplemented accordingly to deal with these difficult cases? Or may it be necessary to combine the theory with other theories and construct tailored ‘hybrid’ frames for these conflicts at various levels?

In this special issue, we aim to critically engage with the existing theories and methods utilised to peacefully end conflicts at various levels. Some of these theories were compiled in two volumes by the Dialogue Society and published as Dialogue Theories I and Dialogue Theories II. The special issue is a follow-up to those publications.

Contributors are invited to reflect upon these theories and critically analyse their applicability in the most difficult cases. Those selected papers are also going to be invited for a workshop in London to present their papers in November 2019.

Schedule for Submissions:

  • Abstracts: by 17th of May (200–300 words maximum) and CVs (maximum of 2 pages, including any personal statement and/or listing of publications or work experience)
  • Shortlisting Abstracts: By editorial boards and papers invited by 31st of May
  • Full papers: Papers by 31st of July 3,000 words minimum – 5,000 words maximum, excluding bibliography
  • Review: Papers reviewed by the Editorial Board and classed as: Accepted – No Recommendations; Accepted – See Recommendations; Conditional Acceptance – See Recommendations; Not Accepted. By 30th August
  • Final Papers: by 30th of September

Papers should be submitted by email attachment to: and must be received by 31 July 2019 in order to allow sufficient time for peer review. Manuscripts should be presented in a form that meets the requirements set out in Journal’s Article Submission Guidelines, provided here, and Style Guide, provided here.

Please send any queries to the Editorial Team via


The Journal of Dialogue Studies is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year. Its aim is to study the theory and practice of dialogue, understood provisionally as: a meaningful interaction and exchange between individuals and/or people of different groups (social, cultural, political and religious) who come together through various kinds of conversations or activities with a view to increased understanding.

The Journal is a publication of the Dialogue Society which has been promoting the concept of ‘dialogue studies’ since its inception by putting forward the notion of dialogue as a form of activity in and of itself while also supporting its development as a distinct field through specific projects like the Masters in Dialogue Studies and its publications such as Dialogue Theories I and Dialogue Theories II. For more information, visit


The Dialogue Society is a registered charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities, empowering people to engage and contributing to the development of ideas on dialogue and community building. It does this by bringing people together through discussion forums, courses, capacity building publications and outreach. For more information, visit
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