Deagon Ward E-News - Your Local Community News.
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Deagon Ward E-News

April 2019

April has come quick and looking back, 2019 has been a great year for our local community so far with a number of successful events and achievements. We have seen the school year off to a flying start, new sports clubs open, community celebrations like the Sandgate Film Gala and Clean Up Australia Day.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family and friends a happy and safe Easter Weekend, wherever you are spending it. 

Tomorrow (Good Friday) our local area will draw crowds from far and wide at the annual Bluewater Festival! This event will host great stalls and fantastic live entertainment among many other things. See the section below for more details and a full event program!

ANZAC Day will follow soon after the Easter long weekend on Thursday April 25. There are a number of local services you can attend from Dawn at Geebung to sunset at Brighton. Please see below for full details of local services. 

Keep an eye out on my Facebook page to keep up to date with local news and events.

If you are part of a local community group and want me to feature an upcoming event in my e-news please contact my office to arrange this. 


Jared Cassidy

Out and About in the Community 

Official Race Briefing - Brisbane to Gladestone Yacht Race 2019

I had the pleasure of hosting the official race briefing for the 71st annual Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race on April 17 in the historic Sandgate Town Hall.

Well done to the team from the Queensland Cruising Yacht Club - a mammoth task each year. The weather is looking good for racing - so it should be a quick race once again this year!

You can see off the boats from the Bluewater Festival on Friday.


"Earth" Exhibtion by Photographer Paul Neil

Out 'n' About with Photographer Paul Neil has officially launched his latest Sandgate Town Hall exhibition, Earth. There is a focus on our great outdoors and nature based play this year, along with the many events Paul has covered throughout the year in the Arch of Sandgate.

Do yourself a favour and check it out this week!

Bluewater Classic at Brighton Bowls Club

Congratulations to the Brighton Bowls Club for taking out the annual Bluewater Classic for a second year in a row! Brighton played Sandgate and Eventide Bowls Clubs as they do each year on the weekend prior to Easter.

Proud to support this great local event and some fantastic clubs each year!

Zillmere PCYC 3 on 3 Basketball Comp - Brisbane Youth Week

To celebrate youth week at Zillmere, PCYC Zillmere hosted a 3 on 3 basketball comp with Northside Wizards Basketball on April 6. What a great way to celebrate the hard work of some of our engaged young residents.

Thanks to the team of volunteers who made this possible - proud to support them doing great things in our community!



What's Coming Up...

Bluewater Festival (Good Friday - April 19)

The famous Bluewater Festival at Shorncliffe Pier showcases the beauty and attractions of the northern Bayside.

This year’s festival will be one full day jam packed with entertainment, fun and celebrations for the whole family on Good Friday.The Bluewater Festival attracts thousands of visitors to the Shorncliffe Pier and Lower Moora Park. On Good Friday of each year the Bluewater Festival provides an opportunity for people both inside and outside of the local area to take advantage of the best waterfront views for the start of Australia’s second biggest Yacht Race ‘The Brisbane to Gladstone’. The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been held annually at Easter since 1949.

Come along on the day to enjoy markets, great food, live music, rides, games, kids’ activities, fireworks and so much more! See below for the event's program.

Sandgate Easter Art Show (April 18-20)

The annual Easter Art show will display quality art from locals and beyond! This a fantastic and family friendly event. The Easter Art Show will take place in the Callan Centre at St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe and runs over the following days:

Thursday 18 April 6:30pm-8:30pm;
Friday 19 April 9:00am- 9:00pm;
Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm.


ANZAC Day (April 25)

Our community will commemorate ANZAC Day across a number of services once again this year from Geebung to Brighton. 

4.30am: Geebung RSL Dawn Service. 
5.50am: Sandgate RSL Dawn Service, Memorial Park Sandgate
8.00am: Zillmere Service, PCYC Zillmere (March commencing near the intersection of Handford Road).
9.00am: Sandgate morning service, Memorial Park Sandgate (march commencing in Keogh Street).
4.00pm: Brighton sunset service. This service will be followed by refreshments at 5.00pm. 

Copyright © 2019 Cr Jared Cassidy, All rights reserved.

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