
Greetings from the Grand Secretary

The Grand Lodge Messenger
May 2019
Message From M.W. James H. Kendall, Grand Master,

April is now past, and it was a month packed with activity. The culmination, of course was the trip to Alexandria, Virginia and Washington DC. The key purpose was to visit the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, as April 2019 was “our” designated month to be featured. The memorial was almost literally across the street from the hotel and was a magnificent sight.
Among the activities and events, we laid a wreath at George Washington’s Tomb at Mt. Vernon, toured the house and grounds. We opened Grand Lodge in Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, George Washington’s home lodge in which he was the first Worshipful Master.
We laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery which was undoubtably the most emotional and satisfying event of the trip by far. We had an exciting six days as a group and as individuals. I don’t honestly recall having experienced a better time with such a group of really fine people. I am glad we were able to put it together. Special thanks go to the Grand Secretary for tying all the strings around this package and making it work. Bravo Zulu, Right Worshipful Sir!
We toured the Scottish Rite House of the Temple and were greeted by Illustrious Ronald A. Seale, Sovereign Grand Commander & Sovereign Grand Inspector General at Large. The Grand Commander told us of his retirement in two months’ time and presented me with a limited edition replica of his jewel of office. It was a high honor to me and to our jurisdiction.
On Wednesday I played hooky from the tour and cadged a ride from RWB Chris Coffman and his lady, who were going to Norfolk VA to visit family for the day. They graciously went out of there way to deposit me at the NIH Medical Center in Bethesda MD so I could make a surprise visit with my wife and daughter. It was a great success. Jennifer has made excellent progress on her recovery and is awake and aware. She was completely surprised when I stuck my head in the door and said “Hi!”
Another event that made April especially memorable was the DeMolay Convention at Great Wolf Lodge. The courtesy and outpouring of brotherly love and affection was beyond comparison. This was my third time attending and each time I come away deeply impressed with the caliber of the young men and the adults so deeply invested in DeMolay. They also fully embrace Rule #1 and were clearly having a blast. They needed no encouragement from me!
We are now just six weeks away from the Annual Communication in Bremerton. Registrations are a bit slow this year and I fervently hope you’re planning to attend. Each year there is a different flavor to the Annual Communication and this year is no different. There will be a definite “salt water” hint in the air.
As we wrap up the year and prepare for the Annual Communication, we need to keep in mind that the year has not ended until the gavel drops and the new Grand Lodge Team is installed. We still have work to do and we are making very real progress in closing out projects that have been hanging around for years. I hope to see you in Bremerton in June!
MWB Jim Kendall



Grand Lodge of Washington Social Media Guidelines

The Grand Lodge of Washington recognizes that the use of social media has grown exponentially in recent years and has a goal of supporting the appropriate, regular and extensive use of these communication media. Many Brethren regularly connect by social media platforms. Remember members of the general public as well as the Masonic Fraternity are reading your posts online. As Masons, we must be mindful that our individual postings not only reflect our own individual character but reflect on Freemasonry across the Grand Jurisdiction, our nation, and the world at large.  We must be aware that our postings are a permanent record; therefore, our conduct with a positive or negative post may influence the world opinion about not only the author, but the organizations to which he belongs.
For example, posting a comment related to the Fraternity and then later posting a separate, disparaging comment about a social or political stance can easily be misconstrued by readers that your stance is representative of Masonry and all Masons.
Ultimately, because you are a Mason, your actions online should promote the highest standards of civility, morality and integrity. A Mason is always a Mason and should always conduct himself as a Mason in all of his interactions regardless of whether those interactions are in person, or through social media.  This includes compliance with the Washington Masonic Code and all of your obligations.
Social Media Guidelines:

  1. A Mason:
  • Should conduct himself with the same courtesy on social media as he would in front of the general public;
  • Should never use disparaging comments, obscene, vulgar, etc. when posting; including, but not limited to, graphics, photographs, video and audio recordings which may be referred to in your posts;
  • Must never post “ritual” or “tiled” information;
  • Should not use social media to obtain personal advantage in promoting political, religious or business activities by targeting other Masons; and
  • Should not use social media to contact other Grand Jurisdictions unless you are also a member of that Grand Jurisdiction. Remember, all inter-jurisdictional communication is to be conducted by and between Grand Secretaries.
  1. Masonic pages are to be supportive of the organization and its members, promote upcoming events, discuss past events, video sharing and discussion of times of fellowship and promotion of Masonic bodies.
  1. A Lodge maintaining a social media page or platform should always ensure a minimum of two (2) officers have all necessary usernames and passwords and are established “administrators” of said page or platform.
  1. The Washington Masonic Code prohibits certain actions including:
  • Discussion or other sharing of information regarding an application, background or investigation of an applicant for the Degrees of Masonry or
  • Disclosure of how a Brother balloted on a candidate.
  1. Brother-to-Brother intervention should be the first course of action if something improper has been posted.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Grand Secretary, at (253) 272-3263 or at

From the Desk of Clinton M. Brown, Jr., Grand Secretary

This will likely be the last article that I write until after Annual Communication.  The Grand Lodge office is busy getting ready for the 162nd Annual Communication in Bremerton, Washington.  Please be patient with the staff over the next month and a half.  They are all hard at work on the Annual Communication and it may take us a little longer to respond to your requests.  I also want to thank you for the confidence you have shown in me as the Grand Secretary for the Grand Lodge of Washington.  I am truly humbled and honored to serve the Brethren of the Craft. 

V⸫W⸫ Clayton LaVigne joined us in July 2018.  I have thrown a lot of tasks at Clayton and he has accepted every task assigned and done a great job with each.  V⸫W⸫ Clayton, R⸫W⸫ Don Campbell and I have met and together we have decided that VW Clayton is ready to take on the mantle of Assistant Grand Secretary.  R⸫W⸫ Don has served our Grand Jurisdiction as Assistant Grand Secretary for many years.   Don is a wealth of knowledge and has been a tremendous asset to the Fraternity.  However, he is not interested in travelling all over the state when the Grand Secretary can’t attend a Grand Lodge function and he is not interested in becoming Grand Secretary. Together we have agreed that V⸫W⸫ Clayton will be in the office two days a week and R⸫W⸫ Don will continue to work as Assistant to the Grand Secretary one day a week.

I want to remind you of several things about the Annual Communication.  First, there are rooms still available at the Fairfield Inn in Bremerton.  We continue to receive phone calls that there are no rooms left.   Please call the local number for the Fairfield Inn and not the national reservation line.

Second, the Washington Masonic Code states that the first order of business after the Grand Master’s message and the Grand Secretary’s report will be the carry-over resolutions from the prior year.  This year, we have three carry over resolutions.  They are: 1) the resolution to provide the optional use of additional language in the Apron lecture; 2) the resolution to make the Legislative Task Force, a Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge; and 3) the resolution to allow Washington Masonic Charities to conduct annual appeals.   These three resolutions will be considered on Friday morning.
The election for the next Junior Grand Warden and the other elected offices for the ensuing year will occur immediately following lunch on Saturday afternoon.  Whoever is elected as junior Grand Warden will be the Grand Master in four years.  This is your opportunity to shape the future of the craft.  So, stick around on Saturday and offer congratulations to our newly elected Junior Grand Warden.

The following Brethren are eligible to vote at the Annual Communication per the Washington Masonic Code: 1) Past Masters of Chartered Lodges of this Grand Jurisdiction, while members therein; 2) Masters and Wardens, or their duly appointed proxies, of the Chartered and duly constituted Lodges of this Jurisdiction; and 3) Members of Lodges of this Jurisdiction who are Past Masters of any other Jurisdiction which is in fraternal communication with the Grand Lodge of Washington.  If you are a Past Master, you must attend in person to vote.  There are no proxies for Past Masters. Only Master and Wardens can give someone their proxy.  Masters and Wardens can give their proxy to any member of their Lodge who is a Master Mason in good standing of that Lodge.  However, the proxy must be filled out and signed by the Master or Warden who executes the proxy and must be presented when you check in at the Annual Communication.  Any Master Mason is welcome to attend Grand Lodge, but unless he meets one of the above criteria or is in possession of a proxy, he will not be able to vote. 

Finally, in order to register (and vote) at Grand Lodge, you must bring your current dues card and any proxies which you may be holding.   Paper aprons will be provided at the annual communication, but you are also welcome to bring your own.  You will receive a voting fob when you check in, but remember to turn them in on Saturday when the voting is done or else you will be charged a $100 replacement fee. I look forward to seeing all of you there. 

Clinton M. Brown, Jr.
Grand Secretary

From the Desk of Donald Campbell, Assistant Grand Secretary

 As many of you know the Grand Lodge Budget took a hit during the recent downturn and as a result the Grand Lodge Office is attempting to assist in resolving the problem this caused. As a result, I will only be in the office on Wednesdays as of May 1st..

I will still be handling the requests for information from those who are asking about becoming a Mason. In the last year and a half, we’ve had almost 1250 requests logged in with many of those becoming Masons. As an example, last week we had two petitions in the Seattle area and two in South King County. We were also able to refer several requests to other Grand Lodges around the world. It’s amazing the interest in Masonry in many of the countries in Africa.

In preparation for Grand Lodge we are preparing to stuff the bags, pack the trailer and head to Bremerton. The truck loading and offloading are scheduled at 1000 AM on Tuesday, June 11th and return at noon on Sunday, June 16th. Please let me know if you are available either of those times so there is enough assistance available. It shouldn’t take more than an hour or so either day.

Hope to see many of you at Grand Lodge and at the Secretary’s dinner on Saturday evening.

Donald Campbell
Assistant Grand Secretary

From The Desk of Clayton LaVigne, Assistant to the  Grand Secretary


Wow! We're getting pretty close to the Annual Communication! As I type this, it's only 50 days away, less than two months. If you're the Lodge secretary, or one of the Principal Officers, remember that there is paperwork that you need to fill out, including your proxy if you can't attend. And, if you're a Past Master, you also need to register. You'll find the deadlines elsewhere in this publication.

Over the past several years, I've sent out numerous E-mails, agendas, and articles, informing the Brethren of upcoming business and events, providing some education, and other things. One of the key things that has helped me improve in my writing skills is feedback. It's great to know that the Brethren are not only reading your documents, but also giving additional input for your next message, correcting any errors in your content, or just simply a thank you for keeping your Brethren informed. The same thing applies when you make a speech or a presentation before a Lodge or another group of people. The more feedback you get, the more you learn, and the more you develop your skills.
Over the last several months, I've received feedback not only up here at the office, but in the Lodges that I visit. It's been really helpful, and I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to let me know what's on your mind. I have been able to convey a lot of this input to other members of our Grand Lodge Team, and it has helped them with their duties as well.
I encourage you to contact the Brethren who have written articles in the Tribune, this publication, and your District and Lodge Trestleboards and Newsletters. It can be discouraging when a Lodge Secretary or a District representative sends out articles on a regular basis but gets no response. If you let them know you appreciate the correspondence, I guarantee it will be encouraging to the writer. I remember when a Past Master in Southwest Washington sent out Monthly announcement newsletters via E-mail, and many of the Lodge's secretaries actually printed them out and read them at their stated meetings. It sadly came to an end when this Brother passed away, but I also know first-hand that it doesn't have to be permanent. A couple of years ago, I began sending out announcement E-mails, just on a whim, and within a few weeks, I received several thank-yous from the Brethren, and shortly after that, I heard one of my E-mails being read in a Lodge meeting under Correspondence. It was truly encouraging to see that an idea works. It's unlikely I would have continued if I hadn't received any response from the Brothers in my area.
The same thing applies to those who come to give speeches and presentations in your Lodges. You'd be surprised how much even a simple Thank You note means to someone who comes to your Lodge to educate its members!
Feedback is important. When you read the articles in the Tribune, Lodge Trestleboards and other publications, or someone gives a presentation in your Lodge or District function, please consider sending an E-mail to the authors or presenters and let them know you appreciate their efforts. The small amount of time it takes will be well worth it!
VWB Clayton M. M. La Vigne
Assistant to the Grand Secretary

Grand Lodge Events
The Grand Lodge Office will be closed on
May 27th , 2019 in observance of Memorial Day

Upcoming District Meetings:
District No. 3 Meeting – May 24, 2019
District No. 12 Meeting  - May 25,  2019

Victory Masonic Temple Re-dedication Ceremony 
Date: May 25, 2019
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: Victory Masonic Temple, 878 5th Street  Bremerton, WA

New Tacoma Cemetery Memorial Day Service
Date: May 27, 2019
Time: 2 PM
Location: New Tacoma Cemetery, 9212 Chambers Creek Rd W, University Place, WA 

Apron Memorial Cornerstone Ceremony
Date:June 1, 2019
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Grand Mound Cemetery, 6300 183rd Ave SW, Rochester WA

162nd Annual Communication – Kitsap Convention Center, Bremerton, WA
June 14th-15th, 2019
100 Washington Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337
Annual Communication Registration Closes May 22nd!
Registration/Check-In Hours:

Thursday: 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday: 7:30AM - 12:00PM

Registration Forms:

Lodge Secretary Corner
Grand Lodge Fees:  This is a Reminder, Per Sec. 14.11 B.L. A. of the Washington Masonic Code, all Grand Lodge Fees were due to the Grand Secretary on or before April 15th, 2019 (postmark date is accepted).  Any Lodge that failed to transmit payment by the required date will be fined five dollars ($5.00) for each day’s delinquency after April 15th.
Annual Communication: Registration will close on Wednesday, May 22nd. Pre-Registration is preferred to eliminate wasted material and help our staff and credentials committee prepare for members to arrive. The ability to add proxies and to register onsite is available.
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