News and Insights
April 2019

New Article: Driving Nonprofit Impact with Dollars, Choices

According to the Stanford Survey on Leadership and Management in the Nonprofit Sector—a study that Meehan and Jonker conducted while developing their book Engine of Impact—more than 80% of nonprofits struggle with at least one core leadership and management issue. Donors large and small across the globe have the opportunity to wield their power to transform the way nonprofits operate. People respond to incentives—in the nonprofit sector, no less than in the for-profit sector. By channeling resources toward high-performing organizations, and by structuring support in ways that enable each organization to fully leverage those resources, donors can reshape the sector and equip a growing number of nonprofits to achieve significant impact at scale.
In their latest Forbes article, Meehan and Jonker share valuable insights on ways that donors can leverage concepts from EOI to achieve their impact goals.

Resource: Foundation Payout Tool 

Clearly, donors and philanthropists can wield enormous influence in the nonprofit sector, and should make their funding decisions carefully, with a bias towards impact. But in recent years, there has been increased discussion about two approaches to managing foundations with living donors: Should they operate in perpetuity? Or should they spend down their endowment and ultimately terminate their foundation? Philanthropists and foundations should base their strategic decisions about payout on a solid understanding of the relationship between annual payout, market performance and volatility, and the desired longevity of their endowment—as well as programmatic strategy and goals. To help philanthropists and foundation executives conduct that kind of analysis, Joanna Pratt, with support from Bill Meehan and Kim Jonker, developed the Foundation Payout Tool. With this tool, users can make more-informed and more-intentional decisions about the payout level and the potential longevity of their organizations.

Video: "What We Learned from the Nonprofit Sector"

Bill Meehan and Kim Jonker discovered through their research that more than 80% of nonprofits struggle with at least one core leadership and management issue. Given this, and the fact there are so many distracting fads in the sector, it can often be challenging for donors to know where to put their dollars. Meehan and Jonker encourage donors to use their power wisely and put their weight behind nonprofits that excel at the fundamentals. Engine of Impact was written to be an actionable guidebook not just for nonprofit leaders, but also for donors. In this new video, the authors discuss the challenges of funding and working in the nonprofit sector, and what they’ve learned from their shared experiences advising, teaching, and leading in the sector for the past combined 60 years. Watch the video to hear directly from the authors, and visit for more.
"By voting with their checkbooks, donors can exert the power to encourage, even demand, that nonprofits address and overcome core leadership and management challenges." 
— Meehan and Jonker, in "Driving Nonprofit Impact With Donors, Choices"
Copyright © 2018 William F. Meehan III and Kim Starkey Jonker

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