Hey Everyone, 

I'm really looking forward to seeing many of you at our 25th Anniversary Celebration!  A lot of you came back for our 20th anniversary event and showed how much you love and appreciate Wellsprings and the impact this unique school had on your lives
We've managed to keep going for all these years thanks to support from many caring people in the community.  At this special moment, I'd like to encourage you to join in and help keep Wellsprings going next year and beyond!

If you saw a couple previous emails you know that Monthly Donations are one of the easiest and best ways to help sustain Wellsprings.  And right now, one of our dedicated supporters is once again offering to contribute $50 for each new Monthly Donor that signs up! Will you consider being one of them?  Any new monthly pledge --$5, $10,  $25, whatever...---will trigger a fifty-dollar donation.  And so importantly, will provide the kind of on-going support we need to keep Wellsprings thriving.  

Click here to become a Sustaining Monthly Donor today!  Your gift will help another struggling teenager, many teenagers, find the hope and confidence and real-life education Wellsprings provided for you.

Thank you!  See you soon, whether on May 4th, or another time.  You know alumni are always welcome to drop by!


P.S. May the 4th be with you!

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