Dear <<First Name>>,

Thank you for attending the Florida Writers Association Marketing 101 mini-conference last weekend and for participating in my "Building Your Author Website" presentation. I enjoyed talking with you and seeing your enthusiastic interest in book marketing.

If you asked a question on one of the cards I provided during my presentation, you will be hearing from me soon. If you don't get an email from me by next Friday or have a new question, please don't hesitate to contact me. I love to hear from writers.

Here are your author website resources.

As promised, I'm sharing my slides as well as a list of tried and true website resources with you. Whether you work with a website designer or do it all yourself, I firmly believe it's important to be "in the know."

I hope the information and resources I've provided about author websites will help you get the most out of your investments of time, money, and energy as you build your platform and market your books.

Download here:

Get a quick start on your author website.

As I said at the mini-conference, I am a big believer in doing it yourself. I'm a tactile learner, and I learn best  by doing. (Then I read the manual afterwards! )

The learning curve for building and maintaining a website can be steep though, and maybe the climb is not for everyone.

It occurs to me that you may need a boost (and some metaphorical hand-holding) to get started on an attractive website that will grow with you and your writing career.

That's why, for a limited time, I'm offering to build you a starter website for a special price.

This limited time offer ends May 31.

For $499, I'll set up a customized website for you that will include four key pages: home, about, book, and contact.

And I will show you how to make routine updates to your site.

You'll have a big head start. And you'll have a professional website ready to grow as your needs grow.

Interested? (Or just curious about how this would work?)  Contact me for a free 30-minute no-commitment, introductory consultation. I love to talk with writers!
Best wishes for your continued success,
Mary Ann de Stefano
Editing & Website Design

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