International Dance Day has been celebrated every year since 1982 on April 29th, the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), creator of modern ballet.
The goals of the International Dance Day are to promote dance and to make people and opinion leaders aware of the value of dance in all its forms across the world, to enjoy dance in all its forms for its own sake, and to share the joy of dance with others.
Every year a message of an outstanding choreographer or dancer is circulated throughout the world. The intention of the International Dance Day Message is to celebrate dance, to revel the universality of this art form across all political, cultural and ethnic barries, and to bring people together with a common language – dance.
This year the International Dance Day message has been written by Dancer, Choreographer and Educator Karima Mansour from Egypt.
The WDSF Communications Team has been receiving questions about livestreaming and the timetable of having the final edits on FloDance. We thank you for these questions and we are happy to inform you of the process of how the videos are transformed from livestream to the final, edited content.
The event is broadcasted live – we call that livestreaming. You can enjoy the event at home at the same time with the people at the venue. Whatever happens on the dancefloor, you will experience it just like you were there, sitting or standing by the parquet. All the action, all the pauses, possible delays, everything.
During the first few days after the livestream, you can watch it all over again – we call that re-live. It’s the exactly same program that came through as livestream on the date and time of the competition.
Meanwhile, the Communications Team gets the original recording and some extras from the site. The team edits the video, includes the winners’ interviews and some other extras and re-uploads the content to FloDance with 1080HD quality. This happens approximately one week after the event. And, from this moment, the original re-live file will be substituted by the new file without any pauses or delays, and with extra materials.
The Communications Team posts a trailer of the competition video on WDSF Social Media Channels on the moment the final edit has been uploaded to and published on FloDance.
The first two qualifying events for the 2021 World Games in Birmingham, Alabama (USA) are near!
The 2019 European Championship Standard in Salaspils (LAT) on May 11th and the 2019 European Championship Latin in Paris on May 25th will be the first two events of which the results will be taken into consideration for determining the eligibility for participating the 2021 World Games.
Both Standard and Latin will have four qualifying events both in 2019 and in 2020. For Rock’n’Roll the qualifying will be made according to the World Ranking List. For Breaking the qualifying events are still to be confirmed. We’ll keep you posted!