Carpentry Clippings, 1 May 2019

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

On 16 May 2019, Alice Meadows, the Communications Director of ORCID and Terry Law, the Project Manager of User Program Services at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will be speaking at the next Library Carpentries Community Discussion on the topic ‘What's New at ORCID?’. Join the call to learn about new features available via ORCID's API 3.0 to connect and share more of your own and community's contributions.

Participate in this and other upcoming Community Discussions to meet our new and experienced community members from all across the globe.

Community News

We are happy to announce the Leadership Team for the Instructor Development Committee (IDC)! The IDC will be joined by Sarah Stephens and Arindam Basu as the Co-Chairs, Kemi Mogbowan as the Secretary, Tobin Magle as the Communications Chair, Martin Dreyer as the Discussion Session Coordinator, and Marco Chiapello as the Mentoring Chair. These individuals will start their one year term on 1 May 2019. If you missed the call for leaders and are still interested in getting involved, be sure to join the instructor-development list on TopicBox.

Committee and Task Force News

CarpentryCon 2020 TaskForce
The bids for venue and theme for the CarpentryCon 2020 are now closed. The TaskForce will soon start reviewing the submissions from our community members. Stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, revisit talks from CarpentryCon 2018 and subscribe to The Carpentries YouTube channel.

Code of Conduct Committee
The CoC Committee is delighted to welcome two new apprentice members, Ivo Arrey and Benjamin Schwessinger. They will undergo a training process with the committee members before joining the committee officially. Applications from more volunteers are still being accepted and can be sent by email to

Library Carpentry
Following a series of fruitful discussions in January 2019, the Library Carpentry Maintainers planned their next steps in the program to work together as Maintainers. Each Maintainer Team has started to develop and improve the Library Carpentry lessons. Read this blog for detail. On 29 April 2019, Aleksandra Pawlik, the Community Advocate of Stencila, discussed the work of Stencila and its compatibility with the
different Open Source tools for supporting research reproducibility and interoperability. Notes from the call are available on the Library Carpentry Etherpad . Slides from Aleksandra Pawlik’s talk can be found here.   Chris Erdmann will also facilitate a discussion at ZB Med on May 8 2019 dubbed “Everything you need to know about Library Carpentry”. More information about his session can be found here.

Image: Members of The Library Carpentry Maintainers Team

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
A blog “Standing with our Code of Conduct” was posted by Tracy Teal in response to the DataCamp blog post. Check out the guide for creating Carpentries-style lessons released recently as The Carpentries Curriculum Development Handbook.  We also announced our general style guide in our Handbook - comments are welcome in the Handbook's GitHub repo.

Tweet of the Week

The CarpentryConnect event in Manchester is taking place from 25 to 27 June 2019. Besides hosting a series of tutorial, discussion, and workshop sessions, the organizers are also taking care of the environmental sustainability aspects. Read this blog by the community member Aleksandra Nenadic, who is the lead organizer of this conference. Registrations are still open!

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)

In April 2018, the official website of The Carpentries was launched, which provided a central location for Software, Data, and Library Carpentry. It was followed by the publication of The Carpentries Handbook, and the official Twitter page. All these resources have grown significantly in the last year with the numerous contributions made by the community and diligently coordinated by The Carpentries Team Members.

Other places to connect
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