Newsletter - Announcements and updates from eyLog Ltd.
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Spring Newsletter
We couldn't send the newsletter last month due to an issue with our newsletter software. Apologies if you missed the below updates on the system that were released during this time. Please also note the up-to-date contact information for your support team at the bottom of this email.
eyMan (v1.8.7.1)  
Debtors' Letters
The default reply email address is automatically set to be the same as the invoice settings, however you can now set this to be the nursery email address or customise the address.

Invoices and Funding
  • The facility to exclude a session type from funding has been added to the session type screen. This feature is designed to work with actual invoices, not equally spread invoices, and could be useful where you have session types that are always chargeable, such as a breakfast club or lunch club session.
  • On Equally Spread Invoices the facility to exclude any products/services from discount has been added. This means that any discount on the child’s profile will apply to sessions only. If this is not selected, discount will be applied to any products/services, whether they are included in the session rate, or billed as the actual number of products/services received in the month.
  • On the invoices screen, you are now able to filter the list of invoices by the first or last name of the child.
  • The print facility on encrypted invoice PDF files has been enabled so that parents can print their invoices if required.
  • The option to allocate products/services once per month to all invoices (with the exception of manual and zero balance invoices) has been enhanced to allow you to apply this only to selected children. This could be useful where you need to apply a single monthly charge for services such as language lessons to selected children only.
Child Profile
  • On the child’s profile page, you can now select whether the child has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) and/or receives 1:1 funding.
  • Parents/carers can now update their national insurance numbers on the child profile form.
  • The facility to enter a tax credit code and/or voucher code has been added to the registration form. To enable this facility, you will need to set up document types for children. We recommend that this is done from Global Settings, especially where you have more than one branch. Examples of document types might be birth certificates or parent declaration forms for funding.
  • The Nursery Milk Report has been added to provide guidance on the number of children eligible for the nursery milk scheme each week. Children are eligible if they are under 5 years old (up to and including the Friday of the week before their 5th birthday) and they attend 2 hours or more on that day.
  • The Child Progress Report gives you information on the cohort groups within each room and an overview of the ECAT and EYFS progress from eyLog. You can filter the report by gender and choose to view SEND children only.
Staff Training/Qualifications Report - Edit Mode
You can now use Edit Mode on the staff qualifications/training report to update training courses for each member of staff.
Bulk Options on Payments Screen
We've moved things around a bit on the main payments screen, so we could squeeze in our fabulous new functionality! You will now find the option to delete, lock, unlock or send receipts in bulk in the top right corner of the screen and the payments CSV upload is an icon next to add payments/credit notes.To use the bulk options,first select the payments by ticking the box to the left of the payment detail or select all by clicking the box in the header row. The bulk option can be selected from the drop-down then select Confirm to perform the required action.
1. We've added the facility to set the training entitlement on System Settings->HR Settings. Training entitlement for a staff member is calculated as (Contract Hours per week / 5) * Training Entitlement Days.
2. We've added the facility to mark whether a staff member has reached their full potential on the qualifications/training section of their profile. This cannot be selected if a staff member is working towards a qualification. Once selected, no further qualifications can be added to the staff member's profile unless the "Reached full potential" box is unchecked. If the staff member has an eyMan login, this checkbox is not visible.
eyLog - What's New?

"Love" Feature
To help with increasing parent involvement we have implemented a “Love” icon on the parent app and website login for parents next to each observation.
When a parent selects this icon, a notification is sent to the child’s key worker on the practitioner app, so they can see which observation has been “loved”. You can also identify these observations by scrolling through the child's learning journey, as these will have a red heart next to the comments.
Observation Tracker View by Foundation Phase and CfE Frameworks (Scotland and Wales)
For our Scottish and Welsh customers we have implemented a new feature on the observation tracker which enables you to see which areas of the respective frameworks are being observed across a selected timeframe. This may help practitioners gauge which areas may need more attention. This new option is available on both the website (dashboard view) and the practitioner app.
Manager Dashboard Improvements 
The manager dashboard has been enhanced to make each of the buttons more self-explanatory, along with improvements to make navigating through the website faster and easier. Now the navigation buttons are displayed on the Children, Practitioner and Draft Observation screens so you don’t need to return to the home screen to open any trackers, reports, accident sheets and so on.

Releases and System Updates:
Please access the complete list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes on our support portal at by searching for eyLog/eyMan Release Notes.
Superstars - Awards and Recognition

Wellies Day Nursery celebrates 30-year milestone!
It's an exciting time for Wellies Day Nursery, one of our earliest eyLog customers, based in North Crawley. Nursery owner Helen Hobbs launched Wellies in 1989 following a career as a nanny for some well-known stars, including Sir David Frost OBE and actress Lady Marsha Fitzalan. 30 years later, they've expanded three times to reach their current capacity of 93 children, and are welcoming the babies of their very first intake.
Congratulations Wellies! What an achievement!

Buttons Pre-School Ofsted Recognition
Buttons Pre-School at Westend, Wolverton, Milton Keynes achieved Outstanding in every category in their recent Ofsted inspection. It's the third pre-school in the group to achieve this result in the past year. An amazing testament to the directors Emma Bulford and Trisha Harris and their dedicated staff. Keep up the great work!
Support Contact details

Please note your support team's up to date contact information as below. Our alternate (old) number 020xx4xx063 is no longer functional.

Phone number: +44 (0) 3300 882008 (Option 2 for support)
Help/Guide documents:
Copyright © 2019 eyLog Ltd., All rights reserved.

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