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Dear Praying Friends and Family,                                                                               May 1, 2019

March and April have been busy months with many new adventures! At the beginning of March, the new church plant hosted a singing group from the States. We had over sixty people in attendance with many visitors. It was incredible to watch the Lord work through this outreach. The next day, Elizabeth’s parents arrived in preparation for the baby. Less than thirty-six hours later, our little Anna Marie Shertzer decided to make an entrance into the world! We praise the Lord for a safe and quick birth. She weighed 7 lb. 11 oz. and as for her length, well, we don’t really know because they never measured her. Delivering on this foreign field was best described as “simple.” Anna was born in a regular patient room. There weren’t any machines or monitors, just a doctor and a nurse. Thank you for all of your faithful prayers throughout the pregnancy and birth. God’s hand was definitely in every detail. 

Anna’s Safe Arrival

We have been very blessed to work under veteran missionaries, Mark and Brenda Liedtke. They have been a continual help to us as we learn and grow here in Belize. We originally began the church plant in their home while looking for a place to meet permanently. Their house has a large, open room that can accommodate over sixty people. Over the past month, the Lord led them to move to another home so this location could be designated solely as a church. The landlord has agreed to allow us to use the house indefinitely for Faith Baptist Church.This has been a direct answer to prayer as it was difficult to find a meeting place for a good price with the same amenities. 

Team Missionaries

Faith Baptist Church
We have especially enjoyed our weekly church outreach. We originally called it “door-knocking,” but after a few weeks, we humorously switched it to “house-calling.” Most homes here are surrounded by a wall or fence, so you approach the gate calling out, “Hello! Afternoon! Hello!” We have been able to meet many people (and dogs) through these weekly outreaches. One particular young man from the church has joined us a couple times. We are thankful for his willingness to get involved. 

Weekly Outreach

On Resurrection Sunday at FBC, the ladies all brought food for a delicious Belizean breakfast. During the service, Pastor Mark preached on the Resurrection and connected it with a stunning chalk drawing. We were thrilled to have our own neighbors come visit for the service along with several other new visitors.  

Easter Sunday Breakfast

On the home front, we are very thankful for our house. It has been an ideal home for young children with a shady play area outside. Our landlord has been a very kind, generous man. He drops by from time to time with Belizean Johnny cakes for the kids. We have been able to share the Gospel with him, but he is not saved. Would you please pray with us for his salvation?      

Belizean Cakes from
 Our Landlord
Reaching Belize for Christ,
Jonathan and Elizabeth with Rachel, Josiah, and Anna Shertzer

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