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Real Estate Market News

Contact Mindy Hibbard
Minute with Mindy:
Bidding wars! They're BACK!

Last week my clients were able to secure a home that is the perfect fit, while competing against 15 other offers. Strategy is key. Offer structure, terms and agent to agent communication count. Highest net offer doesn't always win! 
Thinking of entering the market? Call me to help you navigate the current market climate while interest rates are still low.
It's a fabulous time to buy!
Tom's Tip:
Don't Wait!
There are many people who want to buy a home but have convinced themselves they need to wait and save more for their down payment. Although a 20% down payment has it's advantages, waiting to purchase while you save could cost you in the long run.
Example:  20% down on a home purchase of $500,000 is $100,000. However, there are many great loan programs that only require 5% on conventional, 3% on FHA and 0% on VA or USDA loans. Meanwhile, as home prices rise it becomes difficult to save more than a house will appreciate. It only takes a modest 4% annual appreciation over two years for that same house to be valued at $540,800. Now 20% down is $108,160. Not only will you have to come up with nearly $8200 extra in down payment, you missed out on $40,800 in equity. Give me a call to evaluate your current situation.
Be Buyer Ready Day 1: "Inventory in Snohomish County is virtually sold out up to $500,000, which is where 63% of sales activity occurs. This price range is at an extreme frenzy level of sales activity intensity, and unsold inventory is at an extreme shortage. For homes priced $500,000 to $750,000, there is a severe shortage of unsold inventory."

- J. Lennox Scott, Chairman & CEO

Maintenance Tips

In Western Washington, May means the beginning of mosquito season. Take these steps to make your yard less inviting to mosquitoes:
  • Remove objects that collect water
  • Clean clogged gutters
  • Fill in low-lying areas
  • Fill in hollow logs
  • Repair damaged screens
Learn More

Buying & Selling Tips

If you have ever asked yourself, “Do I need a buyer’s agent to buy a house?” the answer is most certainly yes. Technically and legally speaking, you aren’t “required” to have a buyer’s agent to buy a home, but you should - especially in this market. With multiple offers being made, you need a strong negotiator representing you.
Read the Article
We're available anytime to assist with your real estate needs. Whether you are selling your current home or buying a new one, give us a call: 425-350-8893
Helping you reach your real estate goals is our passion, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. We would be grateful if you could take a moment to review Mindy Hibbard Real Estate on any or all of the websites below.
Thank you! 
Copyright © 2018 Mindy Hibbard Real Estate, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
John L. Scott | 12221 Village Center Pl #103, Mukilteo, WA 98275

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Mindy Hibbard Real Estate Team · 15117 Main St · B106 · Mill Creek, WA 98012 · USA

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