— Finder for iPad Concept Case Study

Good Monday, <<First Name>>! Here's your weekly roundup of UX design case studies.

Finder for iPad Concept →

Daniel Korpai is here with another installment of a fantastic design concept. You've probably seen it by now, but he's finally here to share his entire process from start to finish in a case study.

Redesigning the Thrasher Website →

A great example of an unsolicited website redesign done right, by Chris George. He goes into great detail and shares his entire process from defining the problem(s) to the final solution.

Muse: Designing a Studio for Ideas →

Ink & Switch are an industrial research lab working on digital tools for creativity and productivity. They're sharing their process for designing an app for the iPad and creatives. This post is a great way to validate their ideas.

What We've Learned After Using Webflow for 1-year →

Stephen Meszaros shares his learnings from using Webflow for an entire year. Webflow is fantastic, and I've been using it for years myself (Case Study Club website even runs on it). A great read if you're interested in learning more about it.

UX Writing Hub →

I discovered this fantastic resource just a few weeks ago, and I've enjoyed the newsletter ever since joining. Yuval, the guy running it, share a lot of valuable insights into the UX research, writing and content strategy world. Highly recommended!

Thanks for reading! Have a great week and go make something amazing. Feel free to follow on Twitter too.

All the best,
Jan from Case Study Club

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