Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 43, May 10, 2019

Upcoming Week at a Glance
Academic Calendar Released for 2019-20 School Year With Early Release Days
2019-20 School Supply Lists Pre-Packaged Kits Available
PDQ Gift Cards for Sale at Reduced Rate
7th Grade Duke TIP Students Get State Recognition & New Inductee Ceremony
Required for Current K-7th Grade Students - End of School Year Intent to Return
8th Grade Graduates - Where Are You Attending High School?
When Will Florida State Assessments and End of Course Test Scores Be Available?
8th Grade Graduation Ticket Information

Library News
Lost and Found CHECK OUT PICTURES:  Glasses, Jewelry, Keys, Etc.
Safety Patrol End of Year Celebration
PTA Corner
Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School - RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY!

Homework Help Club Has Ended for the School Year
Gymnasium Scoreboard Sponsorship
Show on the Road After School Enrichment Spring Production
Attention Current 6th Grade Students:  Immunizations Required for Entry Into 7th Grade 
Important Information From Administration Regarding FSA and EOC Testing, FSA Portal
  • Monday, May 13:
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
    • Geometry End of Course Exam Part 1 (computer based test)
    • Wear Your Pay It Forward Shirt
    • Final Overdue Library Books Notices Sent Home
  • Tuesday, May 14: 
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
    • Geometry End of Course Exam Part 2 (computer based test)
    • Deadline to RSVP for Safety Patrol End of Year Celebration
  • Wednesday, May 15:
    • Tentative Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing - 
      No Volunteers or Visitors
    • PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Breakfast - Last Meeting of the School Year
    • Overdue Library Book Replacement Bills Will Be Sent Home
  • Thursday, May 16:
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing - No Volunteers or Visitors
    • 7th Grade:  Civics End of Course Exam (computer based test)
    • End of Year TCAL Sports Celebration
    • FINAL DEADLINE for Required End of Year Intent to Return - Online Form
  • Friday, May 17:
    • Tentative Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing - 
      No Volunteers or Visitors
    • Safety Patrol End of Year Celebration 
Academic Calendar for 19-20 with Early Release Days
Report Absences to:
Edsby Questions?

2019-20 School Supply Kit Now Available or View Lists to Purchase on Your Own
Please click HERE To read the full details that were sent out yesterday with two options to purchase school supplies for next year.  

  1. OPTIONAL:  Purchase through PTA Coordinated 1st Day School Supply Kits - DEADLINE June 15, 2019.
  2. Purchase on your own at any time prior to the first day of school.

PDQ Gift Cards for Sale - Only a Few Dozen Left!
Lutz Prep has partnered with PDQ to enhance the education of our LP students.  Don't miss your chance:  $10 gift cards that are available for purchase for only $7.  These cards are good at all PDQ locations and do not expire!   You may purchase as many as you like; first come first serve. 
All proceeds raised from the sale of these gift cards will go directly back to our school for programs that benefit our students. 

Click HERE for a printable order form.

Important Dates

5/22:  Box Top Contest Extended

5/23:  EC3 Graduation Ceremony

5/23:  VPK Graduation Ceremony

5/24:  Duke TIP New Inductees Ceremony

5/24:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

5/24:  Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

5/24:  8th Grade Dance

5/27:  Memorial Day Holiday:  Non-Student Day

5/28:  First Grade In-School Field Trip

5/28:  Rising 3rd Graders Parent Meeting 

5/29:  8th Grade Graduation Ceremony:  Steinbrenner High School

5/29:  7th Grade Field Trip

5/29:  Second Grade In-School Field Trip

5/30:  Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day

5/30:  Elementary Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks

5/30:  Last Day of School

5/30:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

5/30:  End of 4th Quarter/2nd Semester

5/30:  Board of Director Meeting

6/15:  Deadline to Order 1st Day School Supplies Kit

Duke TIP 7th Graders Get State Recognition
We are extremely proud to announce that three of our 7th graders were awarded medals at a State Recognition Ceremony hosted at USF this week.  These top 7th Grade Tipsters were invited to the Duke TIP State Recognition Ceremony for earning a score AT OR ABOVE THE NATIONAL AVERAGE OF RECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES on at least one part of the ACT or the SAT! 

Congratulations Tyler T., Remley V., and Gabrielle A.  

Duke TIP New Inductee Ceremony
Students who joined the Duke TIP 4th-6th and 7th Grade programs in the 2018-19 school year will be recognized at the Duke TIP New Inductee Ceremony.  Paper invitations were sent home with all New Inductees this week.  If any NEW Duke TIP members did not receive a paper invitation sent home with them, please email  

Please note, current members of the 4th-6th grade program are invited to attend the ceremony and sit in the audience to welcome the new inductees to the program.  

REQUIRED:  End of School Year - Intent to Return or Transfer

Dear Lutz Preparatory Current Kindergarten through Seventh Grade Parents,

Current 8th graders and VPK students DO NOT need to complete this form.

Thank you again for completing the FIRST Intent to Return for 19-20 form in January of 2019.  Now that the school year is coming to a close, we require a SECOND confirmation that your student will be returning OR transferring for the 2019-20 school year.  

To continue your student's enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year in the next grade level you are REQUIRED to complete this END OF  SCHOOL YEAR Intent to Return OR Transfer online form.  Confirming each student's intent will allow us to accurately account for our 2019-20 enrollment before summer begins.  
  • Parents are REQUIRED to complete ONE End of School Year Intent to Return OR Transfer form for EACH STUDENT currently enrolled at Lutz Preparatory School in grades K-7. 
  • If you do not know your student's HCPS ID number please email  
  • Deadline for submission is Thursday, May 16, 2019 at midnight.  
Any K-7 family who does not complete this form will be contacted individually to confirm their intent for the next school year.  Please save us time and complete the online form by the deadline.

Please contact our staff with any questions regarding enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year at

LP Graduating Class of 2019
What High School Will Our 8th Grade Graduates Attend for 9th Grade? 

Dear Lutz Preparatory 8th Grade Parents,

Based on the variety of options for high schools in our area (public, magnet, IB, charter, and private schools), we know that many of our graduating 8th graders will not be attending their traditional zoned school based on your residential address.  To assist our registrar in transferring your student's records to the correct high school over the summer please complete this quick online form.  

If you are still undecided at this time, please mark that option accordingly so we may follow up with you over the summer.

Please complete by Thursday, May 16, 2019 at midnight

If you have any questions please contact

When Will Florida State Assessment Test Scores Be Available?
Florida test scores are provided by the Florida Department of Education.

  • Grade 3 ELA (English Language Arts) test scores are expected in May.
  • Other test scores are expected in June or July.  These scores may be available later depending on when they are received from the state.
  • Student State Assessment Results come in two methods:
    • Online:  via the Hillsborough County Report Card and Test Scores Portal
      • ONLY the achievement levels and overall scale scores are displayed online.
      • When Florida test scores are available online, notification will be sent by a phone call, email, and/or text message using the contact information listed on the Student Emergency Information Card.
      • To access the HCPS Report Card and Test Score Portal for scores you will need your student's HCPS ID, birth date, and your online PIN.
        • If you do not know your PIN  you can request it to be sent to you.  See screenshot below.
    • Paper Report:  Individual student official home report 
      • The official home report from the Florida Department of Education remains the primary source of communication to families for Florida test scores, it is a detailed report that breaks out each section of the test.
      • This report is normally not received at Lutz Preparatory until the July or August time frame from the Florida Department of Education. 
      • As soon as Lutz Preparatory receives the individual student reports onsite we will send an email and phone call to our parents with pick up instructions.

Information for our 8th Grade Graduating Class of 2019
8th Grade Dance - Save the Date

Friday, May 24th from 7:00-10:00 PM
Plantation Palms Golf Club
Land O' Lakes

8th Grade Graduation Ceremony Ticket Pick Up
The graduation ceremony for our 8th Grade Class of 2019 will be held at Steinbrenner High School’s auditorium at 6:00 PM on May 29th, 2019.

  • Each student will receive 5 guest tickets for the ceremony due to the capacity of the auditorium.  (Graduating students do not require a ticket for ceremony).
  • Tickets will be available for pick up on Thursday, May 23rd and Friday, May 24th in the front courtyard by the flagpole from 7:30-8:00 AM.  Your student is able to sign for them if you prefer.
  • Ticket Swap:  If a family does not need all 5 tickets please turn in your unneeded tickets at the ticket booth.  If your family would like more than 5 tickets, you may come to the ticket pick up to see if extra tickets have been given back by other families.  This will be done on a first come, first serve basis. Feel free to ask your friends and trade among yourselves also. Thank you for your understanding and participation.

Library News
These are the important end of the school year dates for the Lutz Prep Library:

  • Friday, May 10th ALL STUDENT LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK INTO THE LIBRARY!!! If a student needs a book for a project, they should talk to Mrs. O’Sullivan directly.
  • Monday, May 13th:  Shelves will be checked for all books not returned and final overdue notices will be sent home.
  • Wednesday, May 15th:  Bills will be sent home with students who still have books checked out.  At that point they are considered “Lost”.  Students must return books or pay for them by the end of this school year.
    Please see the 2018-19 Parents/Students Handbook, page 42, section 1300.02 Student Debt for details on unpaid library fines.

If you feel a book has been returned and you are still getting a notice on it, please contact Mrs. O’Sullivan or send back the overdue notice with a note of explanation.  We will check the shelves one more time.  The business office will send out official bills shortly after Wednesday, May 15th.  

Please help us get all books returned or replacement cost paid as quickly as possible.  Thank you so much.
Judy O’Sullivan
Library Coordinator

Lost and Found 
Glasses, Keys, Zip Drives, Jewelry, Etc.
Please stop by the front desk to claim these items as soon as possible.  All items pictured will be donated over the summer. 

Safety Patrol End of Year Celebration
Click HERE to RSVP by May 14th at 3:00 PM


PTA Corner

All Pro Dads Breakfast
Hey Dads and Kids...summer break is sneaking up.  Last breakfast of the school year.  Don't miss this month's opportunity.  Join us for May's Lutz Prep/Lutz Pre-Prep All Pro Dad - Dad’s and Kid’s Breakfast. 

This month's topic is "Honesty".  Big Idea:  Honesty is a core value that we should teach our children. This quality will breed trustworthiness that will lead to later success as they grow. If your children wants to be hired by future employers or build healthy relationships, they have to be trustworthy.
Team up with other Lutz Prep Dads and Kids for a quick before-school breakfast on Wednesday, May 15th, doors open at 7:00 AM.  The program starts at 7:15 and ends at 7:45. It’s fun and it’s free.  You and your kids will be glad you came!  Great way to start the morning.  Contact Ryan Martin with any questions.
PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2019-20 School Year
The PTA Nominating Committee has selected the PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2019-2020 school year.  This slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting.

PTA General Assembly Meeting - NEW RESCHEDULED DATE
The end of year PTA General Assembly meeting is now schedule for Friday, May 24th at 8:30 AM in the Pre-Prep Cafeteria.  

Box Top Campaign Contest Extended Through May 22nd 
Box Tops Across America contest has been extended!  All mail must be post marked by May 22nd and the class winner will be announced on May 28th.

We are recruiting you, your family & friends to participate in our first ever Box Tops Across America Contest.  

Please ask friends and family to mail Box Tops to Lutz Prep!  If you are heading out of town for Spring Break, take your stash with you and mail them from your destination.  Don’t forget your family overseas and on military bases.

Click HERE for full details and sample envelope requirements for contest.


March and April Winners - Congratulations!
Mrs. Adriani and Ms. Ground's classes collected the most for both months so they will receive the Traveling Trophies for the month of May.

Digital Box Tops
Box Tops has announced that they are transitioning to become all digital!   Clipping will continue thru at least 2023 for some products, but others have already started the transition (for example Blueberry Cheerios).   In the meantime, if you or supporters see this Box Tops label on packages,  you can use the current Box Tops Bonus App to earn Box Tops for that product; simply download the app, select the bonus offer for the product you've purchased and scan your receipt to earn.  When the new and improved version of the Box Tops app launches in June, be sure to update your app and start scanning your receipts to earn!   More details still to come…
Have You Signed Up For Summer Camps Yet - Slots Are Filling Up Fast!

Click HERE to view our Summer Camp Information and Registration
Camps are filling up fast, check out our website for latest updates on which ones are still available.

Middle School Homework Help Club

Middle School Homework Help Club has ended for the school year.  Please contact your teacher with any questions.

Replacing Scoreboard In Gymnasium
Lutz Preparatory School needs to replace the scoreboard in the gym and the Browne family has generously agreed to sponsor the full amount of $13,428.48 for replacement.  The Board of Directors will approve the sponsorship at the Thursday, May 30th, 2019, Board of Director meeting and the scoreboard will be replaced over the summer months.

Show on the Road After School Enrichment Spring Productions

  • Dance and Voice Recital:
    • Saturday, May 11th 3:00 PM
      5401 Land O' Lakes Blvd. 
      Land O' Lakes, FL 34639
  • High School Musical (Middle School students):
    • Monday, May 13th 6:30
      Crosspointe Family Church
      919 Debuel Rd, Lutz, FL 33549
  • Seussical (Elementary and Pre-prep students):
    • Performance: Saturday, May 18th at 3:00 PM
      Crosspointe Family Church
      919 Debuel Rd, Lutz, FL 33549
    • Performance: Saturday, May 18th at 6:30 PM
      Crosspointe Family Church
      919 Debuel Rd, Lutz, FL 33549

Click HERE to visit Show on the Road's Website to Purchase Tickets.   (Tickets Still Available - May Sell Out on the Day of Performances)

7th Grade Entry Immunization Requirements
Parents can submit a copy of the official Florida Department of Health Certification of Immunization Form (DH 680) that you receive from your healthcare provider to the registrar in the main building office or your may email electronically to

When your your student is up to date for 7th grade you will see the section:  Part A DOE Code 8 marked completed by your physician.

Please contact with any questions.

Florida Standards Assessment Portal
The FSA portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments.

Florida’s K-12 assessment system measures students’ achievement of Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life.  Assessment supports instruction and student learning, and test results help Florida’s educational leadership and stakeholders determine whether the goals of the education system are being met.  Please click HERE to visit the Florida Department of Education FSA Portal. 

Below you will find tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments.  Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors.  State and district changes, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep all can play a factor in altering testing dates and times.  While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available on campus.
 **TENTATIVE** Testing Plan
Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year,
 with testing potentially ending the last week of school
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
**Make-up testing will take place daily as needed**

7th grade:
FSA Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Civics EOC (Computer Based Test -NGSSS)- May 16 (updated date)testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
8th grade: (Students will take ONE math assessment, based on course enrollment)
FSA 8th gr Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 6 - 17testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Algebra 1 EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Geometry EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 6 - 17testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
Please note: Per changes from the state, testing windows are later this year,
 with testing potentially ending the last week of school
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