
A New Life Starts At Home

On Sunday we looked at this idea that the new life offered to us by Jesus starts in your home. It starts with those you do life with. Paul wrote the book of Colossians for real people who were experiencing real problems. And when he talked to them about these problems he emphasized that new life in Christ starts in their home. This is true for you as well. Through Jesus you are offered new life.  You're offered new desires for doing everything in your life. Paul mentions a few places the new life starts. His list isn't exhaustive or all encompassing, but the emphasis he's making is that if you don't live this new life at the core of who you are, you'll end up pretending or faking this new life. Paul says that new life starts at the core of who you are. He then challenges husbands, wives, parents, workers and bosses to live this new life.

Meditate on Colossians 3:12-17. 

From these verses, make a list of the things that are already true of you if you are in Christ. 
And then make a list of all the things that he calls you to "put on." Take note of the list and write down how that list makes you feel. Overwhelmed? Encouraged? Happy? Sad? 
Finally, look at Col 3:3. Where do you get new life from? 

This new life comes from Christ. It's his life in your body, which is how we are able to live out the new life as husbands, wives, parents, workers and bosses. 


- Pastor Erik

Attention LFA Parents: We have two online communities - "Parenting Young Children" and "Parenting Teenagers & Preteens." Ask a question, share an idea and connect today

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Get to know God in Scripture. There are a number of course options available where can encounter God through His Word and specific areas of life. Courses happen at different times during the week. They are structured to help you know God and are led by some of our gifted teachers. The courses are all designed to help you learn about God and His ways. The Truth For Living course list is available on the Info Hub. Get signed up today! 

This Bible study will take you through Rahab’s story as she trusted God’s final word about her worth above society’s. You will learn how to shed unhelpful labels and fears, and instead revel in God’s unconditional love and acceptance of you just as you are. 

Hey Moms! We see how hard you work. You are investing in the lives of your children, serving your families, and trying to treasure all of life’s little moments in your hearts at the end of very long days. We at LFA want to say thank you for all that you do. So, next Sunday we will have a photo booth set up in the church lobby where you will have a RARE opportunity to get a picture with your whole family before the “church clothes” get changed out for “play clothes”.  We hope this serves as a small memento of our appreciation for all that you do, and that you feel especially loved this Mother’s Day.


Please join us for a Women's Breakfast on July 6 at 10am at Living Faith. All women are invited!  This will be a time for you to make some new, meaningful connections with others and hear what God is doing in the hearts of women at LFA. To ask a question or RSVP you can contact Lindsay by clicking on the link below. 

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Special Needs children are special to God!
LFA is launching a ministry to families with special needs children as part of our Early Children's Ministry, and we need your help! If you know someone who may benefit from this, please attend our informative meeting at 11:00 am on Sunday 5/19 at LFA to get information to pass along to them. Matthew 19:14

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Calling all leaders: Please join the pastors team for breakfast, a time to be encouraged by other leaders and some time with the Father around the big themes that we are confronting as a church family. May 18, 8am-10am at Living Faith.

Taste of Mission Weekend is just around the corner.  Save the date: JUNE 23-24


You are invited to a tabletop discussion and presentation on the state of church security hosted by Calvary Chapel, Vineland, NJ.  Presentations will be offered on recent church and synagogue shootings by Lt. Mark Rowe, New Jersey State Police (Retired) and Lt. Steve Brown, New Jersey State Police. Open discussion to follow presentations regarding our local church security measures. Light refreshments will be provided.

DATE: Saturday, June 15, 2019
TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Calvary Chapel Vineland, 4630 Mays Landing Rd. Vineland, NJ 

Each May Omie's Home for Children and Beyond holds a free concert and taste of Indian food to raise funds for the educational costs for our children at Omie's Home and for some children associated with our ministry in india.

On May 18th at 6pm our evening begins with a meet and greet time to purchase baked goods at our bake sale and to participate in our silent auction.  Our concert begins at 7pm. There will be a brief panal discussion of current projects and updates from our home by Destination India 2018 team members and so much more....with great music and a little taste of delicious food. Come join the fun and learn how you can touch the life of a child in India.


Just Read Your Bible!

It’s funny how some things get seared into your mind, and yet other things are so hard to recall. I remember being at a camp with my youth group one summer. I can’t even recall what we were doing at the time, but I remember watching a boy who had recently begun to follow Jesus reading his Bible. Kids were playing all around him, there was loud conversation happening, and here he was completely immersed in reading his Bible. If I didn’t know what book he was holding in his hands, I would have thought for sure it was some new young adult bestseller by the way he was glued to the pages. I remember NOTHING else about that week of summer camp except thinking, “Man, I want to read my Bible the way Mark is reading his.”

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