
Crossminton and the introduction of AirBadminton

Dear players, friends,


as most of you have noticed, the BWF has started promoting a new sport called AirBadminton. It is an outdoor version of badminton that has some strong similarities (»dead zone«, »AirShuttle«, to be played »anywhere«) with our sport, but is still fairly close to traditional badminton with its high net and multiple lines. It seems like the outdoor potential of more racket sports has clearly been recognized in the world of sports, albeit it took some 15 years after the first speeders hit the air.


For ICO, the birth of a new racket sport is exciting to watch, but inspite of the similarities we are talking about two, actually three different sports, as proven by a simple key fact – while outdoor badminton is now a new sport called AirBadminton and badminton is still badminton, outdoor crossminton remains crossminton, a sport that can be played indoors and outdoors, as fun or competitive sport, in the simplest of conditions and even without a net. This is what guarantees our precious and unique sport a bright future.


It will be interesting to observe the development of AirBadminton, but the only thing that really matters to us will always remain the development of our wonderful sport of crossminton.


Best regards,


ICO Board

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