
Utah Beer News | May 2019

365 Days.

Tim Haran - Utah Beer NewsWe did it! Utah Beer News recently celebrated a full year of delivering stories from brewers, breweries, and everyday imbibers.

THANK YOU for your incredible support over the past 12 months. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know members of the Utah Craft Beer Community.

I'm excited about the future. But I'm also proud of what we accomplished in Year One:

Again, none of this would be possible were it not for you. Thank you for following along and for your unending support and encouragement. 

Utah Beer News continues to be a labor of love. I'm passionate about storytelling and craft beer. When those worlds intersect, it's a lot of fun (and a fair amount of work).

There are many more stories to be told about beer in the Beehive, and I'm looking forward to telling them. I appreciate you joining me on the journey.

Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm sipping a Buffalo Soldier Rye IPA from UTOG Brewing Co. in Ogden. What are you drinking?


Thanks for Subscribing...

If this is your first time receiving our monthly dispatch, welcome! If you're a recent or longtime subscriber, thank you for sticking with Utah Beer News. As always, feel free to drop a line to let me know what you think. If you represent a brewery and have news to share, please feel free to get in touch.



Lagerpalooza: 5th Annual Event Honors Winning Lagers

5th Annual Lagerpalooza

Photo Credit: Mike Millen

The 5th Annual Lagerpalooza featured nearly 200 entries in 20 categories. Organizers say it could be one of the nation’s largest lager-only homebrew competitions. Read a recap of the festivities and view a rundown of medalists in each category.

BONUS: Listen to our full interview with Lagerpalooza competition coordinators Ross Metzger and Cody McKendrick, as part of the Utah Beer News Podcast. The two also share details about their homebrew shop – Salt City Brew Supply — and Bewilder Brewing, their soon-to-open brewery.
See Who Won

Sharing Space: Big News Regarding Shades, Park City

Photo © Park City Brewing

Photo Credit: Park City Brewery

Park City Brewery shut the doors on its four-year-old taproom for the last time in mid-April. But officials say it’s only a temporary closure. They’re already scouting a new location. In the meantime, Park City is planning to "share resources" and brew on equipment at Shades Brewing Co. in South Salt Lake.

In addition, wheels are in motion to create a separate company that would be known as The Brewery Collective.

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Beer News for Your Ears

The Utah Beer News Podcast provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!

Year One: Our 5 Most-Read Articles

Ales & Allies
In honor of our one-year anniversary, here's a look at the five most-popular Utah Beer News articles based on views.
  1. Get Your (Drinking) Game On with Ales & Allies
  2. All Aboard! Level Crossing Brewing Rolls Into South Salt Lake
  3. A View of the Brew at UTOG Brewing Co.
  4. The Kveik Stuff: Shades Brewing Finds Success with Ancient Yeast
  5. Craft by Proper: Utah's Only Utah-Only Beer Bar

Rainbow Connection: Breweries Show Their Pride 

The 44th Utah Pride Festival will be held June 1-2 in Salt Lake City. To help celebrate, brewers are showing their pride (as they did last year) by brewing special beers, creating colorful merchandise, and organizing events to support the Utah Pride Center.

Keep an eye on social media for this year's Pride activities.

A few Pride-related posts we've seen: Fisher Brewing, Kiitos Brewing, Mountain West Hard Cider, and SaltFire Brewing.

Beer News & Notes

Here are a few beer-y stories I've come across in the last few weeks:
  • American Craft Beer Week came and went. Did you celebrate?
  • Our friend Jenni from Crafty Beer Girls shares a fascinating story about Edge of the World Brewery, which is located just outside Utah in the famed polygamist town of Colorado City, Ariz.
  • Utah breweries are pairing up to brew collaboration beers for the inaugural Utah Brewers Guild Festival (June 29).
  • Fox 13 and The Salt Lake Tribune have teamed up for a Utah Booze News podcast (not affiliated with Utah Beer News).
  • If you're a fan of Uinta Brewing's label artwork, check this out.
And finally...
  • Here's some analysis regarding the news that shook the craft beer world.
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