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17-Jun-2019 | Lantz Family: Compelled To Love
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Collaborating with global leaders to serve orphaned and vulnerable children

Opportunities to Share

Over 2000 leaders gathered from around the world for the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Summit, and Back2Back was well represented. Over 40 Staff attended, including many from international sites, and many led workshops and seminars to share what we've leared with others.

I was privileged myself to train in one workshop, focusing on selecting the right staff and providing quality staff care. This is the kind of work that can bring out both the best and the worst in people. In order to lead children through their hard places to a place of health, we must first do so with the staff who care for them.

It is an honor and a challenge for me to be able to pour myself into building a staff team that can be effective in bringing the transforming love of Jesus to the children who need it most. Thank you for partnering with me in this incredible and meaningful mission!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids
Staff gathered for CAFO
Celebrating passing exams

Time to Celebrate!

Back2Back India has been operating for ten years, and this year we had our first group of girls going through a two week exam process to try to get into junior college. We just received their results, and all of them passed with flying colors! We are thrilled to dream with them about how this opportunity will help them break the cycles of pain and poverty as they move forward into their destiny.

B2B Learn Update Released!

I am celebrating the recent release of a MAJOR udpate to the Back2Back Learning Management System! It was a huge project for me, but we are now using a high end product to deliver quality training to our staff, and we are working toward being able to reach a large external audience by the end of the year! Thank you for praying for this project.

Sophia's Health

In the past month Sophia has been struggling with neurological issues related to her right optical nerve. After four days in the hopsital no diagnosis was found but the sypmtoms in her eye and the pain were under control enough for her to come home. We are working through follow up appointments with specialists and appreciate your prayers.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:
  • Ability to meet our staff needs well through quality care.
  • The right person to apply to work with me as the Back2Back Learn Coordinator.
  • Sophia to be healthy and free from long term neurological issues.
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
To invest in our ministry, visit
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz |
513-498-5223 |
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