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Let's get organised

What ever you are doing this weekend I bet you wish you had more time!

Let's talk about procrastination

Procrastination can be a real problem... you may REALLY want to get your work done, start that diet, get to an exercise class but there are SO MANY other little niggly things to do as well that are running through your mind.
I want to help you manage your workload without letting your mind wander away and prioritise the stuff that's really important.
Here are my Top tips to STOP
procrastination and get the important stuff done.

  1. LISTS- Write a list in ORDER of what needs doing most urgently. Start from the top and don't let yourself skip to the next point down the list until you have finished the first.(attending classes must go on the list!)
  2. WATER and FATS- Drink plenty of water and increase your good fats- this is proven to keep the brain more alert.
  3. GOOD FOOD- Make sure you have brain food throughout the day... avocados, seeds and plenty of good fats.
  4. MOVE MORE- Make sure every hour or so you get up and have a wander, even get outside for some fresh air. This will wake you up and get the blood flowing. CLEAN UP- Clear your desk before you start work, only keep out what you need.. a cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind

Only put a maximum of 5 things on your daily list. These tasks must be completed by the end of the day,these are tasks that take your closer to your big goals. Stop putting 25 tasks down that you will never complete. Be realistic with the time you have, so you feel successful by the end of the day not overwhelmed by the stuff you haven't done.

Weight losses still going strong, as a club this week we managed to lose 84lbs which works out to be 6 stone,well done keep it going!
Just to remind you no class at St Dunstans next week (23rd) due to the hall being used for the European elections,do please come along to another class to see me.
We talked about lunches in class this week.
Lunches are such an important meal of the day as they have to satisfy your hunger until your evening meal, if you are finding you are hungry again by 4pm then maybe it's time to change what you eat for lunch.
Try to include low G.I foods as these keep you feeling fuller for longer, as do foods containing protein.

Some like to save their power snacks from the morning and the afternoon to make 400 calories for lunch then also save calories from their milk allowance to give them a low fat yoghurt for their lunch time dessert.
How far can you stretch out your calories??? Now There's a challenge for you!
Start to plan your lunches like you plan your evening meals.
Here are a few suggestions if you need a few new ideas
Jacket potato and baked beans
Couscous with vegetables
Seeded bagels
Toasted pitta bread filled with salad
Homemade soups with a granary roll
Wraps filled with salad and wafer thin ham
Tinned tomatoes on toast
Poached egg on toast
Ready cooked rice packet(serves 2) with protein and veg
Tuna Pasta
Sardines on toast
Tinned soup with 2 ryvitas topped with low fat cream cheese & sliced tomato
2oz pasta,mushrooms,spinach,parmasan and black pepper
Scrambled eggs on toast
Heinz creation spanish beans with seed and cereal original pitta(food doctor)
Beans on toast
Pitta bread pizza(Spread with tomato puree,top with mushroom,mozarella and bake for 10 minutes)
Low fat hummus with salad in pitta bread
Open sandwich -wholemeal bread, tomato,cucumber,cottage cheese and pepper
Warbuton thins and pockets , stuffed with salad and wafer thin ham
Left over vegetables from the day before made into a ratatouille
Rice with a handful of frozen vegetables thrown in
Salads with a little pasta thrown in.
Stir fries - a chicken breast dry fried with 12ozs veg thrown in ( beansprouts, mushrooms, peppers, onions) then add a dash of soya sauce, very quick and very filling.
Check out the recipe below, 2 of these with some salad would make a great lunch!

Here is the link below or the healthy lunch box ideas I have been talking about in class.
Well worth a look!
Kale,ham and ricotta frittatas
These gluten-free kale, ham and ricotta frittatas are perfect for picnics or an on-the-go snack. Also great with salad for lunch. Plus they're super easy to make too!
Serves Makes 12 Prep 20 min Cook 25 min 93 Calories each
  • 2tsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 175g carrots, grated
  • 100g kale, chopped
  • 8 eggs
  • 125g ricotta
  • 2tbsp chopped fresh basil
  • 130g lean cooked ham, diced
Buy ingredients online
  1. Heat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. Line a 12 x hole muffin tin with non-stick baking paper squares or silicone cases.
  2. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan set over a medium heat. Gently fry the onion for 2–3 min until softened. Add the garlic and grated carrot and cook, stirring, for 2 min or until the carrot starts to soften. Add the kale and cook, stirring, until just wilted. Season with freshly ground black pepper and set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs and ricotta. Add the basil, kale mixture and ham and stir well. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin tin.
  4. Bake for 20–25 min until golden, puffed and set. Set aside to cool for 5 min, then remove from the tin and put on a wire rack to cool. Serve warm or cold.
If we don't get the breakfast, lunch and dinner right and by right, we mean, eating protein, fibre, carbs, wholegrain foods and fruit & vegetables (balanced, healthy meals), then your body wants more food between meals.
And generally the snack or craving is for a high-fat, calorie dense one so before you know it you've undone all of your good work.
However good our intentions, when a food craving strikes it can be a real test of our willpower.  Moments of weakness are normal and can be caused by our emotions, stress, boredom, habit or insecurity.
Use these tips to help combat cravings and keep the snacking down:
  • Don't go hungry! Hunger makes the cravings worse, keep your energy levels topped up with your balanced meals and healthier high-fibre snacks.
  • Drink Water.  A lot of the time when we think we're hungry we're actually thirsty! Also because water is filling it can trick the body into thinking its satisfied.  Hot drinks can work too.
  • Find a distraction.  Take your mind off your craving, go for a walk, have a bath, call a friend, brush your teeth, chew gum, paint your nails, read the paper/a mag.  Go on pintrest.The list is endless, find an activity that suits you to take your mind off your craving.
  • Reduce temptation.  You will be less likely to crave unhealthy foods if they're not right in front of you (or calling you from the back of the cupboard where you hid them)! So STOP BUYING THEM!!
  • Set a time limit.  Cravings are short lived and fleeting.  Try holding off for at least 30 minutes.  Chances are your urge will pass once the time is up.
  • Have a SMALL portion.  If the desire just won't go away, give in, but be smart about it: have a small portion and reduce your calorie intake later to to stay on track.
We know this isn't what you want to hear but we can assure you that when you change to low GI, wholegrain foods which satisfy your nutritional needs in balanced meals, the snacking will become  lot less of a problem.
Have a great weekend
See you in class
Love Lisa
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