"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." [Ecclesiastes 3:1]
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Prayer Requests

Praise God for His grace in this transition! He has continued to meet me in sweet ways, freeing me from the pressures I have put on myself to “handle” everything and do everything “right.” He has provided people to take my furniture and household items, a place to stay after I move out but before I leave, and time & space to process these many changes

Please pray for the team here in Montpellier and my new team in Newcastle – both will be changing this next year – that both teams would grow together and experience the unity of the Spirit in the midst of changes

Please pray for Jack and for me as we navigate this season full of transition: that the Lord would enable us to keep our souls fertile and that He would be preparing us for marriage and ministry together
I am also thankful for the many opportunities I have had to collaborate with some truly amazing teammates - like my dear friend Caroline, on staff in Toulouse, France, with whom I got to MC our French national staff conference this year
I am thankful for the many incredible students I have met and gotten to invest in these past years - like Marion, pictured here on her campus in Toulouse during the Agape Europe Student Summit this spring. She, and other student leaders from Toulouse, welcomed students from all over Europe and led the outreach day doing initiative evangelism on their campuses
Me with U.K. students and staff attending the Student Summit in Toulouse
Last but not least, I am also thankful for this wonderful fiancé of mine who came to visit me over Easter and who has been such a huge support and help during this transition season
I am so thankful for this team! It has been a privilege to serve and grow with them this past year. Jochen (behind Jeanette) will be returning to Germany in the fall, while Jeanette and Christian will continue serving in Montpellier. And Davis (right) will stay for a second year of internship!

"All my life I have been changing..." -Donald Miller

Change is a reality of life. We all face transitions in our work, our families and our living situations. My experience has been that while every season of transition has some common threads, each one has its own unique joys, challenges and heartaches.

These past months have been full of changes for me. In the next few weeks I will be leaving Montpellier, my home for the past 7 years. I will leave my first adult apartment, with the furnishings I chose so carefully. I will leave my team, friends, church, students, ministry, favorite cafes and the familiar streets of this city I love. It has been a strange, surreal time of grieving, celebrating, and organizing the logistics necessary for this transition to go as smoothly as possible.

It has also been a time of excitement, anticipation, and preparation as I look forward to the many new adventures that are coming in the next few months: a new city, a new team, new students…and marriage! Jack and I are very much looking forward to beginning this new season of our lives, to learning and growing together, and to finally living in the same city.

As is often the case during transitions, this season has been one lived in tension: caught between my current and future realities, not fully belonging to either, caught between the pain and grief of endings and the hope and anticipation of new beginnings.  It is a strange and tiring place to live, fighting to stay present and to continue engaging with the Lord and others. It is also a messy place to live, full of the planned and unpredictable, different desires and expectations, many moving parts to manage, unexpected stressors and untidy, out-of-control emotions. But transitions can also be a sweet place to live, if we are open to what God would do in us – to both the things He is planting and the things He is uprooting. As Miller says, in the continuation of his quote, “…I want to keep my soul fertile for the changes, so things keep getting born in me, so things keep dying when it is time for things to die.”

This has been my prayer in this in-between time: that the Lord would continue to cultivate my heart & soul, and that He would give me the courage and strength to persevere in this tension. And He has been incredibly gracious.

Thank you so much for faithfully walking with me, praying for me, and generously giving to my ministry over these past 7 years here in France. I am very excited for the next chapter the Lord is writing! Even though my city, my team, and my ministry will be changing, my vision is the same: investing in university students so that every student will have the opportunity to respond to the invitation of the Gospel. I will be working alongside Jack and the rest of the team in Newcastle, England, doing evangelism and discipleship with the students there. My ministry will look different, but I need your prayers and support as much as ever. I hope you will join me in this new adventure, and I look forward to what God will do through your continued partnership!
My mailing address is:
Kristin Rooney
6860 Robey Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516

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