Weekly bulletin of Saint Kathryn Parish, Hudson, NH.
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Please click the cover image to view our bulletin for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.
The speeches from our Golden Jubilee Gala are now available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure! This video includes the opening words from Pastoral Council President, Dr. Bill Hassey and a welcome and prayer by Rev. Joseph Cooper. The Crystal Rose Awards and other special recognition as well as closing words are included. Some crowd shots are still included, but unfortunately muted (see below).

NOTE: Warner Music Group blocked our original video, forcing us to remove brief clips of incidental background music the DJ was playing, even though such captures are fully covered by Fair Use Law in the United States. So, just imagine or remember the jubilant music and dancing!
Follow us on Instagram! @stkathrynparish
We will soon begin using Facebook Live to stream the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass to our Facebook audience. Simply “like” us on Facebook at “Saint Kathryn’s Church” and visit our page for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass whenever illness, distance, or another serious obstacle makes it impossible for you to join us. (Or, celebrate with us again even if you did already attend a weekend Mass!) Living in Florida for the winter but miss your home parish? Taking care of children with a stomach bug? Homebound or living in a nursing home? Visit us live on Facebook for 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass!

Pentecost Brunch
It’s true that we held our final Jubilee Champagne Brunch last weekend. But many of you let us know you were sad to see the brunches go. So, by popular demand, we will hold one last brunch! Join us on Pentecost Sunday for the Best Brunch Ever (according to brunch kitchen coordinator, Kelly Fraser!), hosted by the Jubilee Social Task Group with cooking by “Deacon John’s Kitchen.” Remember to wear fiery red, orange, or yellow!
New: Ethnic Buffet Table! Many Nations, One Church
“[On Pentecost, the disciples] were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, ‘Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? ...we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.’” Acts 2:4-11

What language did your ancestors speak? We are Italian, French, Irish, Lebanese, Kenyan, Mexican, Vietnamese, Korean, Cambodian—you name it!—and we are all Saint Kathryn Parish! If you bring a dish native to your ancestral country of origin to share on our “Many Nations, One Church” buffet table, your admission is free! Bring a dessert, a beverage, a breakfast or lunch dish to the brunch and share in all the different ethnic flavors of our diverse parish family. (Yes, there will be extension cords and power strips available for crock pots.)

To be placed on the brunch guest list, please enclose this registration tag with payment in an envelope marked “brunch” and drop it in the offertory during Mass or bring it to the parish office no later than Wednesday, June 5th.

June 9, 2019: $5/person, $20/family (up to two adults with their minor children)
Name: ________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________
Total payment enclosed: $__________cash/check
OR I will bring this ethnic dish for free admission: _______________________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
Attending after (circle one): 8:30 Mass/10:30 Mass
Our Easter Vigil has begun to air on Hudson Community Television. Catch it on HCTV-20 during the Easter season or click here to view! Thanks once again to the crew of Hudson Public Access for the outstanding broadcast.
Copyright © 2019 Saint Kathryn Parish, All rights reserved.

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