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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 20th May 2019


Playgroup, 9.30am Tuesday 21st May
Nerang Uniting Church, 5 Nerang River Rd, Nerang

Understanding your child, Understanding yourself

Parenting can be joyful and overwhelming all in one day. If you are interested in learning how to make your way through the many unanswered questions you can join Nansi at her home in Labrador, 9am to 11am Saturday 25th May for some insights to assist you on your journey.

RSVP 22nd May - Alf on 5533 1136 or

Winter Festival

*Diary date for possible Winter Festival*
Sunday evening - June 23rd

As food will be provided at our Winter Festival the event is dependent on the assistance from our community members. Please consider helping us in any way you can, in the following areas…
  • Food gathering and preparation (soups, bread/buns, cake)
  • Musicians and singers (for performance)
  • Creation of the spiral (gathering of materials and construction)
RSVP to help, by May 30th to Katie Alini,

School Open Days

Samford Valley – 5 Narrawa Rd Wights Mountain Samford
9.15am Wednesday 15th May
9.30am Saturday 25th May (not a school day)

Shearwater Tour – 349 Left Bank Rd Mullumbimby Mullumbimby
Primary School
9.30am Wednesday 29th May

Cape Byron – Byron Bay 216 Balraith Lane Ewingsdale
Phone (02) 6639 9300

Pengari – Noosa 86 Nyall Rd Doonan
10am Wednesday 22nd May RSVP

Birali – 670 Beachmere Rd Beachmere
10am Thursday 6th June

Part 3 – an extract from a lecture by – Rudolf Steiner:
The Education of the Child

The human instinct for education has created a wonderful common means of enabling young children to work on changing, modifying, and mobilizing what lives in their spirit-soul, thus providing free space for the formation of human nature.
That means is play.

That is also the way we can best occupy a child. We should not give children concepts with fixed boundaries, but rather ideas that allow the freedom to think about them, so that children can err here and there. That is the only way we can find the predestined path of thinking arising from each child’s innate interest. Tell a fairy tale to excite the child’s mental activity. Do not tell is so that fixed concepts develop, but so that the concepts remain flexible. A child will then work the way someone works who tries this and that and by trying tries to discover what is proper. A child works to discover how the spirit must move to best shape his or her particular constitution according to inner predetermination. That is how play works. Play differs from activities with more fixed forms because children can still, to a certain extent, do what they want when playing. From the start. Play has no clearly defined contours in the children’s thoughts, nor any clearly defined movement in their organs. Through play children have a free but definable manner of acting upon the human soul constitution.

Play and the accompanying soul activity of the young child arise from a deep consciousness of what truly constitutes the nature and essence of the human being. Those who would be a real teacher must be fully aware that they must study, recognize, and identify every capacity in each of their students.
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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