
  To make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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The First United Methodist Church, Smithville,Texas   

June 2019


Letter from Pastor Cindy

From My Heart to Yours,
    The month of May has come and gone and what a month it was. It began with the Celebration of Life Service for our own Nancy Wilson. What a blessing it was to gather together and remember Nancy and her faithfulness to God, to her family and friends, and to her church.
    Next I had the blessing of going to the Valley of Texas for four days to get a feel for all the work being done by the UMC and others to help with the immigration situation in the Valley right now. We met many wonderful people who are giving their time and energy to bring some kind of relief to so many people involved with this very difficult issue. No matter where you stand on immigration, once the people are on our soil it becomes a humanitarian issue and right now a humanitarian crisis. Needless to say, those four days were eye opening and emotionally difficult for all who participated.
    While I was gone, a young UMC missionary came and shared about the work he has been doing in Bethlehem. About twenty-five people were blessed by Michael Arteen's testimony to what the Lord has been doing in his life.
    Later in the month, TK Orsak and I were privileged to serve on a Kairos Outside Team for a long weekend. It was amazing to see women come to the retreat with all their guard up because they did not know who we (the team) were and whether or not they could trust us. Then to see them by the end of the retreat smiling and laughing and interacting with everyone and seeing how the love of Jesus had broken down all the barriers was nothing shy of amazing. The Holy Spirit was so present with all of us during the whole weekend.
    And finally, a group of 13 got together on the last Friday of the month and we watched the movie "McFarland USA". By the end of this powerful movie we were cheering and crying and enjoying the movie and the fellowship with the people of God. I would encourage you to come on out to our next movie night which will be on June 28th, at 6:30pm. There is popcorn and lemonade and ice cream for all who attend. Come and invite a friend.
    Now we enter the summer months. VBS will be July 15-17, from 9:00 - 11:30am. The theme is "Jonah! Go to Nineveh!" The children will have the opportunity to learn about Jonah and what it means to listen to God. They will have story time, music time, snack time, and arts and crafts time. I am looking forward to having many children here, the volunteer youth from Dallas, and all of our own volunteers enjoying VBS together. So please mark it on your calendars and spread the news about it to anyone with children between the ages of 4 and 12.
     Finally, I want to encourage everyone who is planning on going on a vacation this summer to remember your giving to the church. The summer months can be very expensive because of increased electric and water bills. Before you leave on your amazing summer adventure, drop by the church and leave your offering or drop it in the mail on your way out of town. We also have a PayPal account where you can send you tithes electronically. Thank you for remembering your church during the summer.
    I have been so aware of the goodness of God lately. No matter what is going on in my life and in the lives of those around me, I know that Jesus loves me and the Holy Spirit will guide me and fill me with peace. I pray that all of us know these truths without a doubt. So, let us go out into Smithville and beyond and love Jesus, serve others, and offer God's grace to all.
In Christ,
Pastor Cindy

Director of Programs / Music Director

Movie Night

June 28th we will get together in the Family Activity Center for our second Summer Movie Night.  Our May movie night was a great success and we are looking forward to even more people in the audience and more fun as we watch “Pay It Forward”.  “Pay It Forward” is a wonderful story of youth, courage, love and understanding with lots of laughs and lots to think about.  Please plan to join us June 28th at 6:30 PM for “Pay It Forward”, popcorn, ice cream and fellowship.


July 15-17 is Vacation Bible School at First UMC.  This year we will experience the story of Jonah and his efforts to run from the Lord.  We will travel to Joppa, board a ship, throw Jonah overboard in the middle of a terrible storm and watch him be swallowed up by a whale.  Then we will watch as that same whale spits him out onto dryland where he will end up doing what God asked him to do in the first place… Going to Nineveh!  This years VBS promises to be fun, informative and experiential.  There will be fun snacks, great crafts and lots and lots of love.

Our Wesley Nurse
Sharlene Scheler RN BSN
June 2019
Food Allergies Can Strike at Any Age
HealthDay News) -- You might be surprised to learn that
food allergies can start in adulthood and involve a food you've eaten without a problem for your entire life.
For adults as well as kids, the top -- but not the only -- food culprits are eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish, wheat and
soy, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Just as with childhood food
allergies, you'll need to do your best to avoid these foods and be prepared in case you inadvertently come into contact with one of them.
Signs of a Severe Allergic Reaction

Hives or pale/bluish skin tone.
Cramps and/or
Trouble swallowing or swelling of the tongue
Weak pulse.
Feeling dizzy or faint.

Shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing.
Inability to breathe, and drop in
blood pressure.
The most serious reaction is called
anaphylaxis, an extreme inability to breathe that can lead to shock. It is a life-threatening emergency. Keep in mind that allergic reactions can be unpredictable. Most happen within a few hours of contact, but some are instantaneous. It could take only a small amount of the allergen to cause swelling, hives or anaphylaxis. Also, your body could experience more than one type of reaction -- your skin, gastrointestinal tract, heart and/or breathing could be affected.
So it's important to call your doctor and ask about testing after any out-of-the-ordinary reaction to a particular food. If possible, write down what you ate, how soon afterward symptoms started and how long they lasted.
Allergy testing usually involves a combination of skin pricks and blood tests. Sometimes there may be a workaround. For instance, if a raw fruit or vegetable causes a reaction, you may be able to eat the food cooked because, for some people, heat neutralizes the allergen.
Allergy: Life-Threatening Allergy Triggers
Peanuts are one of the most common cause of food-related allergy death. They can trigger anaphylaxis -- a reaction that may be fatal if not treated right away. Symptoms usually start within minutes of exposure. But they can also start within seconds or take hours to develop. Call 911 at the first sign of swelling, hives, trouble breathing, a rapid pulse, or dizziness.
Shellfish, Fish, Anaphylaxis
Crawling, biting insects like ants and ticks can cause severe allergic reactions just like flying, stinging bugs. Fire ants can inject their venom over and over. Watch out for ant nests to avoid the painful bites of these bugs. Wearing closed-toed shoes, pants, and long sleeves outside may also help you avoid bug bites.
Prescription Medicine and Reactions
Penicillin and other antibiotics are common causes of drug-related anaphylaxis. Chemotherapy drugs, imaging dyes, and muscle relaxants used in anesthesia can also cause problems. To prevent medication-related anaphylaxis, your doctor may suggest allergy shots or prescribe different medications.
Latex and Anaphylaxis
Latex-related anaphylaxis is rare. People who've had many surgeries and health care workers tend to be most at risk. Triggers can include gloves, IV tubes, syringes, and other items made with natural rubber latex. Even non-medical items like balloons, elastic, and condoms can cause reactions. Look for non-latex, synthetic choices.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Even medications you can buy over the counter can trigger anaphylaxis in some people. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are some that may cause severe allergic reactions
Exercise Can Trigger an Attack
Some people really are allergic to exercise. In rare cases, physical activity such as walking, dancing, or swimming can cause anaphylaxis. Sometimes it happens only with exercise along with eating certain foods or taking specific drugs. Exercising in hot, cold, or humid weather can increase anaphylaxis chances. An allergist can help identify the cause.
Anaphylaxis Warning Signs
Call 911 and get medical help right away at the first sign of anaphylaxis. Watch for trouble breathing, low blood pressure, and change in consciousness. Other symptoms include:
  • Chest pain or tightness, and trouble swallowing
  • Hives, swelling, a tingling feeling, itchiness, or a skin rash
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach cramps
Handling an Allergy Emergency
Epinephrine can prevent or reverse anaphylaxis symptoms. If you've been you think you're having an anaphylactic reaction, immediately inject epinephrine even if you are unsure that the symptoms are allergy related. Then call 911, even if you feel better even if you are unsure that the symptoms are allergy related.
Health Conditions Increase Danger
Having asthma and a food allergy can put you at risk for anaphylaxis. So can a previous severe allergic reaction. To cut the chance of a deadly reaction, control asthma. In adults, controlling heart disease and COPD can help lessen the severity of complications from anaphylaxis. Concerns? Talk with your doctor.
Wear Medical Alert Identification
If you have an allergy, medical alert jewelry gives important medical information to doctors and others in case you have a severe reaction. The MedicAlert Foundation offers a 24-hour emergency response service and family notification. ID can come in the form of bracelets, dog tags, sports bands, watches, and more.
Create an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Don't just worry about a reaction. Be prepared. See an allergist for a diagnosis, emergency treatment plan, and information on avoiding triggers. Keep your epinephrine supply current and find out if any medications you take can interfere with it. Talk to your family, coworkers, and friends about warning signs and treatment. If the time comes, you'll all be ready.

The Methodist Ladies gathered at the "Royal Tomato" on Main Street for their May 16th meeting.  They sampled "Smoothies" provided by owner, Linda.

The meeting was called to order by chairperson, Judy McAbee and the opening prayer was offered by Pastor Cindy Layton.

Following the business meeting there was a discussion of plans for the June 13th meeting.  Each person was given a card with the name of a woman in the Bible.  They are to prepare and present information on that person.

After refreshments the group walked to Judy Paul's studio, the "Lumberyard", to view her artwork.  She gave an overview of her art and the process used to produce her work.

The next meeting on June 13, 2019 will be held in our new room in the Education Building.  Those who did not receive a Bible character name, but would like to participate, may contact Judy McAbee,

Attendees:  MaryAnn Walborg, Susan McLeod, Marilyn Hill, Judy McAbee, Dianna Ewen, Janis Wild, Cindy Layton, Brenda Knode, Heloise Long Castles, Kathleen Caso, Nita Scoggins, and Sugar Miller.

 Methodist Men News

The Methodist Men gave out long stem roses on Mother's Day to our Ladies at Church.

Our next meeting will be July 16, 2019

Youth update from the Upper Room:
Another month has come and gone, and the youth group is still moving along.  Summer is upon us, and we will be having our first big Youth Group Summer Bash on 06/21/19, from 5:00-9:00 p.m.  We put a youth group wish list in the bulletin, and have already received some of the items on the list.  In order to build a youth group, we have to find ways to get young people on our campus, and do fun stuff!!!
Youth involvement in the church:
In the month of May, our youth were involved in church by helping prepare and serve meals, attending our movie event, and we also helped some of our own load up their truck and trailer so they could move.
Youth on the move:     
Our young people had a very good year in school, as could be seen in the awards banquets at their school.  We had our youth represent our church, their family, and their school in football, track, robotics, student council, National Honor Society, PALS, FCA, band, and much more.  We need to congratulate them as we see them, and let them know we’re cheering for them.  We even have one of our own graduating this month, and is about to start their college career by studying Biology Education, Sports Administration, and playing football for Kansas Wesleyan University in the Fall.
A word from the Director of Youth Ministries:
I wanted to give you something to think about.  Working with youth is a passion of mine, which I hope can be seen by my actions.  We say we want to have and grow a strong youth group at our church, which needs to be applauded and celebrated.  If we want to have a strong youth group though, we have to put our money where our mouth is.  Starting and maintaining a ministry in a church has a cost of time, it takes an investment in more ways than one, and it needs leadership.  If we say we want to have a youth group, we have to show we want it by our actions.  Having a youth group takes action, but the rewards are GREAT and have an eternal impact on those it serves.  We have to fully invest in our youth group, it’s efforts, and support it.  If we only partially invest, we’re showing we’re not fully invested in the venture. 
That being said, we need donations to be able to purchase items that will bring young people to our campus.  We need a group of willing Safe Gatherings trained adults that will sign up on a calendar to show which Wednesday nights they’ll work, and it needs to be more than one.  We need people willing to help pass out flyers to houses all over Smithville.  We need people to sign up to come and help work events, such as our Youth Group Summer Bash coming up.  We need prayer warriors that will dedicate time daily to pray specifically for our young people.  We need to have people that will invest time going to approach businesses to sponsor our youth group.  I’m only one person, and working part-time, and I could really use your help. 
I’ll leave you with this.  Last night a friend of mine posted of another teenager ending their life by suicide.  This wasn’t someone in her area or her town, rather she personally knew the family.  When she came home, the girl’s sister was sitting on her porch balling like a baby, due to what had just happened.  My question is, what if that girl had a good youth group, was involved in it, and had someone she trusted and felt she could talk to?  These young people go through some of the hardest times of their life, with little to no experience, and a lot of them don’t make it.  This is real, and it has happened more than once, even in our little town of Smithville.  If not us, then who?  If not now, then when?

Gordon Cyr, Director of Youth Ministries
(832) 859-2331 cell or office (512) 237-3325

June 16, 2019

Diabetic Bingo on Tuesday's from 2pm to 4pm, at the First United Methodist Church’s Family Activity Center.

The cost is FREE.

The winnings will be food, household needs like dish soap, laundry detergent. It is a come and go bingo. Come and join the fun. You do not need to be diabetic to play and win.

For questions call Sharlene Scheler RN Wesley Nurse at 210-259-3733 or email Look forward to seeing you and having fun.

Walk to Emmaus News

The next Cathedral Oaks Emmaus Community Reunion will be held on June 17th at 6:30 pm at the Hallettsville UMC.  The address is 206 S. Dowling Street, Hallettsville.

  • Please bring a dish to share at the potluck

  Food Pantry:
  Needs volunteers on Wednesday mornings.  

Church Office:

Needs 1 volunteer each Wednesday from 10-12 to cover the phone during the weekly staff meeting.
Drivers Needed:
For rides to church and doctor appointments.  If you would be willing to serve Christ in this way, please call the church office at 512-237-3325.
Smithville Community Clinic:

We are always looking for volunteers to help out to do basic office/receptionist duties. Please contact Brianna Temby at (512) 237-0647.

New Hope Respite:
  Needs volunteers on Thursdays in the FAC.





WEDNESDAYS @ 9:30 am


Prayer is a sacred practice that works in ways we can’t even begin to comprehend. As Christians, we have faith in God’s plan, but can you explain the peace or comfort you experience in the midst of grief or trials? Do you ever need a moment in the middle of your busy-ness week to pause and recharge? Come to the chapel and quiet your heart. Prayer is personal. Prayer is powerful. You will find your life enriched as you pray. Suzanne and Neta meet each Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Come as you are, come when you can.

26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27 And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.  Romans 8:26-27 NRSV

New Hope Respite 

10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Thursdays

FUMC Family Activity Center
New Hope is looking for Volunteers  and snacks!  If you can help, please contact Brenda

Learn New Resources at this FREE Class Series!

Thursdays, June 6-July 18 (No class July 4), 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
First United Methodist Church Smithville
400 Olive St., Building 4
Smithville TX 78957
To Register:  Bastrop YMCA 512-321-9622 or


Taking care of a person with a dementia is a role unlike any other, and it requires training.  Savvy Caregiver provides in-depth practical training for family caregivers of persons with dementia.  Think of this course as professional-level training for the non-professional, family caregiver.

During the six, two-hour classes, caregivers will learn about dementia, the progressive impact of the illness on the person, and the skills needed to manage day-to-day caregiver responsibilities with your loved one.

Like all of CaregiverU’s courses, Savvy Caregiver is led by certified class leaders. For more information, please contact Faith Unger, Project Director: (512) 451-4611 x 244 or by email at


Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • Lil Rew, June 8th
  • John Lube, June 8th
  • Pauline Donnell, June 10th   **103rd**
  • Janis Wild, June 21st
  • Karlie Klaerner, June 22nd
  • Drew Schneider, June 23rd
  • Jean Lastovica, June 26th
  • Glenn Ginder, June 28th

Linda & Bob Estus
June 8th

Bruce & Sallie Blalock
June 11th

Grover & Sue Shade
June 12th

Jeff & Jessica Meuth
June 13th

Ian & Cindy Layton
June 14th

Ken & Ann Harris
June 23rd

Bill & Beverly Reed
June 23rd

Eddie & Wendy Coker
June 24th 

Tom & Marcia McClure
June 26th 



Sunday, June 2, 2019
  • Acts 16: 16-34
  • Psalm 97 (UMH 816)
  • Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
  • John 17:20-26
   Ascension of the Lord
  • Acts 1:1-11
  • Psalm 47 (UMH 781)
  • Ephesians 1:15-23
  • Luke 22:44-53
Sunday, June 9, 2019
  • Acts 2:1-21
  • Psalm 104:24-34, 35b (UMH 826)
  • Romans 8:14-17
  • John 14:8-17 (25-27)
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Father's Day
  • Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31
  • Psalm 8 (UMH 743)
  • Romans 5:1-5
  • John 16:12-15
Sunday, June 23, 2019
  • 1 Kings 19:1-15a
  • Psalm 42 (UMH 777)
  • Galations 3:23-29
  • Luke 8:26-39
Sunday, June 30, 2019
  • 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
  • Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 (UMH798)
  • Galatians 5:1, 13-25
  • Luke 9:51-62
T- Shirt Order Forms Advailable
Contact Patti or the Front Office..
Also look for the order forms during Worship Service


FUMC Smithville

PayPal On-Line Donations
You can now make a donation to show your support for Smithville FUMC on-line.  

Just visit our website:

and you will find the donate button.  Which gives you easy access to use PayPal - in a few minutes.
April 23, 2019
Council Members Present:
Becky Brooks
Ronnie Lanier
Judy McAbee
Trisha Menasco
David Mohr
T. K. Orsak
Julie Smith
Non-Council Members Present:
Courtney August

  1. Julie Smith called the meeting to order and offered the opening prayer. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Courtney August presented the Treasurer’s Report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes.  She presented available funds in General Funds and Gifts & Memorials.  There being no questions, Becky Brooks made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Judy McAbee.  Motion passed.  In the future, this report should be approved online once Courtney sends it out by clicking ‘REPLY ALL’ with ‘Approved’ or ‘Disapprove’ for discussion at the meeting.
  1. Approval of Expenditures in Excess of $500 – David Mohr made a motion to table this item until someone from the Trustees or Foundation Board could bring us more information.  Becky Brooks seconded.  Motion passed.  Julie Smith will ask the Trustees to prepare an itemized list of items already completed at Chel’s Place and those items needing to be done for our next meeting.
  1. New Business – None.
  1. Trustee’s Report – No report.
  1. SPRC Report - Judy McAbee let the board know there was nothing to report at this time.
  1. Pastor’s Report – No report.
  1. Old Business – None.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:50PM. Becky Brooks offered the closing prayer. 
Minutes taken and recorded by Becky Brooks.
FUMC's Calendar
Upcoming  Calendar events:

Thursday, June 13, 2019
Methodist Ladies - EB

Sunday, June 16, 2019
Father's Day

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Blood Drive 1:30 - 6:00 - Rec. Center

Friday, June 21, 2019
Youth Summer Bash 5:00

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Administration Council Meeting 6:30

Friday, June 28, 2019
Movie Night, Playing: Pay it Forward 6:30
  • Charles Keathley
  • Carol Ortega Family - Sister of Judy & Tom Bettes     
  •  Buddy Turner- Friend of Kathleen Caso - Clock
  • Patricia - Sister of Suzanne Hinnant
  • Nikki Gilmore’s Family
  • Cynthia Evans
  • Ann Isaac - Friend of Penny Ackerman
  • Chad Carroll - Friend of Heath & Cynthia Evans
  • Preston & Ellie Kyle - Robin Barton’s friends      
  • Ted Krueger
  • Ken Harris
  • Leticia Walborg - MaryAnn Walborg’s daughter-in-law
Newsletter Submissions
Newsletter Guidelines: Submissions must come from churches or organizations directly related to the First United Methodist Church and include ready-to-publish copy and accompanying graphic. Deadline for submission is 10:00 am the Friday before the week of publication. Publication is based on relevance and space available. Newsletter submissions/questions may be sent to
Your Church Staff

Rev. Cynthia Layton
Patti Herndon, Director of Programs
Sandra Mohr, Secretary
Courtney August, Treasurer
Gordon Cyr, Director of Youth Ministries

Phone: (512) 237-3325
Forward to a Friend
Come worship with us!

Sunday Chapel: 8:30am
Sunday School: 9:30am
Sunday Sanctuary: 10:45am

Copyright © 2017 *FUMC Smithville*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 698, Smithville, TX 78957

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